Chu Nan couldn't help but burst out in joy.

"Hey, I'm not a living person, am I a dead person?"

"I didn't mean that, just..." Elvie pointed to the virtual screen in front of her, a pair of I saw a ghostly expression. "Judging from these key data, although the strength of your fleshly body cells is no problem, even far beyond the boundaries of the ordinary person, but... but your genetic response is very weak, even weak to the point of being almost undetectable. . This kind of situation can only occur on inorganic objects that have completely lost any vitality..."

"So you think I'm dead?" Chu Nan laughed, and then took the initiative to reach out The arm, handed to Elvie. "Come on, let's test it again."

Elvie operated the instrument with an inexplicable face to test Chu Nan again, but the data obtained this time were all normal and there was no problem.

"What's going on?" Elvie looked at the comparison of the data before and after the two tests, her face full of confusion. "Why did this change happen? When did you learn a cultivation technique that you can pretend to be dead?"

"It's not wrong to say that." Chu Nan replied. "You are not strong enough now, so it is difficult to sense the slight changes in space energy, and you cannot detect some changes in my body. In fact, I have been putting myself in a special cultivation technique before. In this state, All the energy structures in my whole body are in a state of almost disintegration, and it may be because of this state that the instrument has detected this state."

"What kind of state is that? ?" Elvie was even more curious. "Why do you put yourself in this state?"

"This state is difficult to explain to you, and it is only when you have a certain understanding of the most basic structure of space energy that you can sense and understand it Clear. As for me... I'm actually forcing myself to be in this state for a long time to conduct a very important breakthrough experiment."

"Breakthrough?" startled. "No way, you're now Peak's Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, and you've got an important breakthrough...Is that a breakthrough to become a Star Level Martial Artist?"

"That's right." Chu Nan nods. "This state is actually my perception experiment about the field. If it is successful, I may create my own field and break through to become a Star Level Martial Artist."

"Oh, God Ah!" Elvie couldn't help covering her mouth and criticized out in surprise. "'re already in the research field! You're going to be a Star Level Martial Artist! It's incredible!"

"It's not that simple." Chu Nan smiled and waved his hand. "This is just an attempt, and it's also an experiment. I just use this experiment to try to get in touch with what's going on in the field. It's still too early to succeed. You see, I've maintained this state for more than a year, and now There is no fundamental progress, and if you want to succeed, you still don't know when you will have to wait."

"No problem!" Elvie waved her fist hard at Chu Nan. "I believe you will succeed! But..."

Seeing Elvie's expression that quickly darkened again, Chu Nan was a little strange.

"But what?"

"I thought I had been insisting on cultivation every day for more than a year, and the gap with you should have become smaller. Now it seems that, Not only did it not get smaller, but it got bigger and bigger... If it goes on like this, when will I be able to catch up with you?"

"Why do you have to catch up with me?" Chu Nan was somewhat amused. "Our two main directions of attack are different. I mainly focus on cultivation martial skill, while yours mainly focuses on genetic engineering research. If I'm still caught up with you, doesn't it prove that I've been lazy, or that I'm ridiculously stupid?"

"But I want to go on an adventure with you. Even if I'm not as strong as you, I can catch up with the elder sister Angelina. ”

Seeing the unconvinced expression on Elvie's face, Chu Nan couldn't help laughed.

After a long time, this is her real thought.

Chu Xiaoxi's study at Nebula Academy in the last year has made her martial skill grow rapidly, and now she has surpassed the basics of Elwei, who was originally far ahead of her. Elwei often spends time with Chu Xiaoxi , of course, will feel a little dissatisfied.

Chu Nan tilted his head and thought for a moment, then snapped his fingers.

"That's good, I originally thought that you should put the time and energy of the overwhelming majority on research. The cultivation martial skill is just incidental, which can improve your physical fitness, make yourself healthier, It's fine to get sick less often, so I don't care too much. But since you want to improve yourself, I'll do you a favor and let you improve faster. It's just that this will make you suffer a lot. Are you willing to accept it? "

"Really?" Elvie immediately beamed with joy. "Can you really help me improve my strength quickly?"

"It should be fine, but this process is very painful, and it is not something that ordinary people can bear. Are you sure you can?"

"Of course I can!" Elvie emphasized, nodded hard. "As long as I can improve myself, I can bear any pain."

"Very well, then..." Chu Nan pointed to Elvie. "Take off your clothes first."



Seven days later, Chu Nan arrived on the surface of the planet Baier.

Unlike the last time he came here for the first time, he immediately enjoyed the "warm hospitality" of this "thug paradise" planet, this time no one dared to provoke him, and he just walked out of the surface At the gate of the space station, Ahmed was already waiting for him with an incomparably gorgeous hovering shuttle, just like last time.

"Hey, dear Chu Nan, you haven't heard from you for more than a year, Venerable thought you and his old man were missing, didn't expect you to come back in the end, this is really annoying Happy news."

Ahammed's expression when facing Chu Nan was also completely different from last time, no longer so cold and aloof and remote, but showed a bright smile as soon as they met, Appears very amiable.

“How dare I renege on a debt for the deal I agreed to with Venerable? No, I just came back a few days ago, so I came to see Venerable right away, didn’t I?” Chu Nan replied with a smile one sentence.

He was well aware that the change in Ahmed's attitude towards himself, of course, stemmed from his stellar performance at Declan Empire.

In front of the powerful Martial Artist, everything else is empty, and only strength is the most important reason for being respected.

Ahammed laughed, invited Chu Nan to the hovering shuttle, and flew directly toward the oasis 1,300 kilometers away from the space station Southwest.

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