Chu Nan is really busy after returning to Earth Federation.

Although he is no longer a student of Nebula Academy, but because of the agreement with Nebula Academy, he returned to Nebula Academy with Elway and Chu Xiaoxi, and met Lin directly. Ming Dao Academy president.

According to the agreement between the two parties, Chu Nan learned the S-Rank cultivation technique of Arhat Tyrant Body from the Nebula Academy through special approval, and will also return an S-Rank cultivation technique to the Nebula Academy.

It wasn't difficult for Chu Nan.

After confirming to cooperate with Declan Empire and Chamber of Commerce in both parties to conduct Transmission Gate research, Prince Lykas quickly distributed his reward at the hunting party - let him Pick a random S-Rank martial skill from the Declan Imperial Family's martial skill database—except the Obliteration Core Technique.

Chu Nan chose an Inner Breath cultivation technique called Ziyun Shenyun Cultivation Method, which surprised Prince Lekas who was by his side at the time.

Normally, as long as a Martial Artist chooses an Inner Breath cultivation technique, he will only use this cultivation technique for the rest of his life.

Because the Inner Breath cultivation technique is the strike of all the cultivation techniques of the Martial Artist, the cultivation technique combined with the corresponding Inner Breath and the outer martial skill form a system, which is considered a complete martial skill mastery.

Each of these points requires a lot of time and energy cultivation, so unless there is an accident, no Martial Artist will change his Inner Breath cultivation technique without any problems.

The Nine Revolutions Core Technique that Chu Nan originally mastered was originally an excellent S-Rank Inner Breath cultivation technique, even more how Chu Nan's attainments in this cultivation technique are obviously outstanding, of course. It is impossible to take the time to re-cultivation another Inner Breath cultivation technique - even if it is also an S-Rank cultivation technique.

Prince Laikas did not know that the reason why Chu Nan chose this Ziyun Shenyun cultivation method was not for his own cultivation, but to complete the transaction with Nebula Academy.

The foundation of the Martial Skills of the Earth Federation is of course far inferior to that of the Declan Empire. Compared with the Declan Empire, the Earth Federation lacks almost all martial skills, but obviously, among all the types of the Martial Skill, the Inner Breath cultivation technique is the most basic and important cultivation technique. It can bring back an S-Rank Inner Breath cultivation technique to Earth Federation, which is undoubtedly much more helpful than other cultivation techniques.

This is also the consensus of Nebula Academy and Chu Nan. Now that Chu Nan has successfully brought back this S-Rank Inner Breath cultivation technique, Nebula Academy is naturally very welcome.

For this reason, the director of Lin Ming Dao Academy also specially proposed to hold a commendation meeting for Chu Nan, not only to commend Chu Nan's outstanding performance at the garden hunting meeting, but also to let Chu Nan, the Nebula Academy, go out The outstanding students show themselves in front of other students, which can also be regarded as an incentive for other students.

Chu Nan originally wanted to refuse, but under the constant instigation and even threats of Chu Xiaoxi, he had to agree to participate.

But he never expected, this commendation meeting was even more terrifying than he imagined...


Chu Nan plunged headlong into Elvie's exclusive laboratory, gasping for breath, with a frightened look on his face.

Elvie, who rushed in after him, hurriedly closed the door of the laboratory, isolating the noise from the outside.

After confirming that the door was closed, and that it would not be affected even if many people attacked, Elvie sighed in relief, wiped the sweat on her face, turned her head and looked towards Chu Nan, but endured it. Can't stop pu chi laughing.

At this time, Chu Nan's clothes were already torn apart, and only two pieces of cloth were left on his upper body, which was barely sagging on his chest. Although the pants on the lower body were still intact, they were also torn off in half. Even the panties were pulled down, almost like being naked.

And that's nothing, what's even more amazing is that Chu Nan's bare body skin is covered with bright red lip prints, even one on his butt, which looks extremely funny.

Hearing Elvie's laughter, Chu Nan looked down, quickly pulled up his pants, and glared at Elvie in embarrassment.

"Don't laugh, do you have any clothes here? Lend me a set to wear, or I'll have to run out naked in a while."

Just now at the commendation meeting , originally everything went very smoothly, but when it was about to end, a female classmate of Nebula Academy suddenly rushed to the stage, hugged Chu Nan fiercely and kissed him fiercely.

The action of this female classmate instantly ignited the enthusiasm of everyone in the audience, and then countless female classmates rushed to the stage, and even many male classmates rushed up.

With Chu Nan's strength, he could have run away directly, but the first time he was unable to dodge due to an accident, he was out of control afterward, and finally evolved into the present embarrassing appearance.

"It's okay to run naked." Elvie shrugged, couldn't help laughing. "I've heard Angelina say, you've already gotten used to this kind of thing."

"A ghost will get used to it." Chu Nan rolled the eyes. "It used to be compelled by circumstances, but that doesn't mean I'm a pervert who likes to run naked."

"Actually, this is just right." Elvie walked to the experimental table in the middle of the laboratory and patted the table. "Don't put on your clothes, come, lie down, and I'll give you a full body check."

"en?" Chu Nan was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted.

Before he went to the Declan Empire to participate in the garden hunting party, Elvie had done many full body examinations on him, so as to conduct detailed monitoring and analysis of the cells and basic genetic changes in his body, Helped him to solve many problems of cultivation technique and fleshy body changes.

Now the two have not seen each other for more than a year, but Elvie still remembers this scene.

"Your body seems to have changed a lot." As she said this, Elvie's eyes swept across Chu Nan's exposed skin, her face flushed slightly. "I think it's better to do an inspection and compare it with the previous one. Maybe I can find some useful changes and let me better grasp your current situation. Come on."

Chu Nan thought about it. Thinking about it, he didn't twist and refuse. He took off the pants he just put on, leaving only a pair of underwear, and lay obediently on the experimental table.

The two had done similar tests many times before, and they were naturally familiar with it. Elvie controlled the instruments in the laboratory and quickly tested Chu Nan's whole body.

After seeing the test results, Elvie couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

"Oh, my God, Chu Nan, you're just...not human anymore!"

"Hey, how did you talk?" Chu Nan curls one's lip resentfully. "I'm not like a human, is it a monster?"

"Yes, it's a monster." Elvie nodded. "Whether from your physical data or the combination of genetic sequences, you are obviously many times more than normal human beings, and you are no different from monsters. No, even more terrifying than monsters!"

Chu Nan could only roll the eyes.

Actually, he could understand Elvie's exclamation.

His fleshy body has been greatly enhanced after countless tempering, far from ordinary human beings, not even ordinary Martial Artists can mention on equal terms.

Elvie would have been surprised that she had not had access to such human data before.

"No..." Elvie suddenly wrinkled her two beautiful eyebrows. "Chu Nan...big brother, you...are you still alive?"

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