Quinn soon discovered that his vision had once again come to naught.

The reason why he didn't choose to catch up with Chu Nan directly in the positive space universe was because he felt that it was more direct and faster through Space Jump, and secondly, he felt that since he finally broke through to become a Star Level Martial Artist, of course To use Space Jump, which can only be used by Star Level Martial Artists, can show your identity even more. If you are chasing me in the entire space universe with a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist like Chu Nan, wouldn't it be too cheap.

But now, when he is forced to pursue Chu Nan in the positive space universe, he finds out... Maybe this choice is the biggest mistake.

There is only one reason for this mistake, and that is...he can't catch up with Chu Nan at all!

Chu Nan was flying around the Landis star in the space ahead, and he didn't fly too far. He was always under Quinn's induction, which showed that he had no ability to pull the two apart. The distance between them, Quinn just couldn't keep up.

This surprised Quinn.

As a dignified Star Level Martial Artist, how could he fly faster in space than a Trifling Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist!

But this is the truth.

Unconsciously, the two of you are chasing after me, and they have already flown three full circles around the largest orbit of Landis, but the distance between the two remains the same as before. Any shortening, nor any elongation.


Quinn suddenly heart shivered with cold.

In the process of chasing, he has accelerated, and has also slowed down after pausing the Divine Art of Red Lotus. It stands to reason that the distance between the two should change accordingly due to his speed. That's right, but this distance has not changed since he started chasing Chu Nan.

How far apart they were in his senses when he first started chasing Chu Nan, and how far apart they are now.

What's going on here?

Quinn was able to break through the Great Dao of Stars and become a Star Level Martial Artist, of course he wasn't an idiot, he just thought about it and immediately understood why.

There is probably only one reason for this phenomenon, that is, Chu Nan, who was flying in front, deliberately kept the distance between the two sides.

And what allowed him to do that, of course, was because he was actually flying at a higher speed and much faster than Quinn.

This is impossible!

He is just a Heavenly Reign Grade kid, how could he fly faster than his mighty Star Level Martial Artist!

Quinn is very reluctant to admit this conjecture, but this conjecture is the only reasonable conjecture to explain the current situation, and he can't believe it or not.

"Let's try it."

Quinn's heart moved, and he lowered his speed a little, then he immediately noticed that Chu Nan in front had also lowered his speed, so that the distance between the two was reduced. The distance remains the same.

Then Quinn slowed down a little bit, and Chu Nan also slowed down a little bit in almost perfect synchronization, still keeping the same distance.

Quinn increased his speed again, and Chu Nan in front of him increased his speed instantly, still maintaining the same distance between them as before.

After a few tests like this, Quinn had to admit that his guess was fine, no matter how reluctant he was.

Chu Nan's speed is indeed faster than his Star Level Martial Artist, even a lot faster.

"It can't go on like this."

Quinn frowned, simply stopped.

Chu Nan in front probably didn't expect Quinn to come to a complete stop, and stopped after flying for a while, as if waiting for Quinn to catch up.

Seeing Chu Nan's performance made Quinn more sure of his guess.

He groaned in his heart, and the thoughts in his mind turned sharply, and he quickly decided on the next action. Immediately, his mind changed, the red lotus anger flame Divine Art was activated, the breath of the whole body suddenly soared, and he stepped forward. step.

It was just one step, and he seemed to have directly stepped over the long distance of more than 1,000 kilometers between him and Chu Nan, and stepped directly in front of Chu Nan. Chu Nan is a huge space at the center of the circle.

Chu Nan's expression was stunned. He obviously did not expect Quinn to have the ability to directly cross the space to activate the domain. With the blessing of the Red Lotus Divine Art, he was no longer able to escape the domain as easily as before. Immediately suppressed by the domain, there is no way to escape.


In a hurry, Chu Nan could only barely raise his fist to meet him.

But Quinn's fist is enhanced by the Red Lotus Fury Divine Art, the formidable power not only breaks through the space, but also cooperates with the field to completely block the large space, almost mobilizing the space in the entire space The energy is fully concentrated in it.

The two fists did not collide directly, but the terrifying space energy fist above condensed fiercely collided together, so the resulting terrifying energy burst completely destroyed the entire space, and the terrifying sound was accompanied by energy The fluctuations of the energy are rapidly transmitted to all directions, and the more terrifying energy bursts are also swept out to the space of all directions, but they disappear in an instant due to the effect of the Obliteration Core Technique in the field, turning into more intense black gas.

Although Chu Nan has made preparations to run the seven-turn Inner Breath in advance, his real strength is far from that of a genuine Star Level Martial Artist. Quinn tried hard, but he couldn't compete with Quinn who ran the Red Lotus Divine Art.

Under this fist, the Inner Breath that Chu Nan resisted was completely destroyed and was immediately seriously injured.

If his fleshy body is not strong enough, this fist might destroy him directly into the most basic energy particles.

However, he was still forced to squirt a mouthful of blood and flew out like a broken body.

Quinn brows slightly wrinkle.

He thought that by surprise, this fist would be able to kill Chu Nan directly to scum, but didn't expect Chu Nan not only to pick it up, he even vomited blood, even if he received it. Injured, but it is obviously a lot worse than direct death.

"It's no wonder that many people in the clan have a high opinion of this kid. He really has some ability."

Although it was an accident, Quinn didn't think there was any problem, he in The heart lightly snorted again, continued to step on the wall between Voidbreak and came directly in front of Chu Nan. He repeated the trick, blocked the space in advance, and slammed it away with another punch.

In his opinion, even if Chu Nan could take the punch he had just now, he would definitely be seriously injured in the punch just now, and he would never be able to take the second punch.

However, when he stepped on the wall between Voidbreak and appeared in front of Chu Nan again, before his fist could be punched, he found that Chu Nan suddenly burst out with an extremely strong and dazzling milk white radiance, and then Chu Nan burst out. He recovered quickly with astonishing speed.

Wait until Quinn threw a punch, Chu Nan had completely recovered to his previous state, and he still returned with a punch.


It was another huge sound that was enough to shatter the space, accompanied by terrifying energy fluctuations, Chu Nan was a mouthful of blood spurted, but Still not down.

Quinn frowned.

He had heard that Chu Nan, this kid, has a very special self-healing ability and can recover from injuries in a very short period of time, but he didn't believe that someone could do such a miracle until he saw it with his own eyes. What happened, and now I really see it, I can't help but be a little surprised.

"Forget it, if one punch doesn't kill you, then two punches. If two punches still don't kill you, then three punches!"

Quinn shook off those surprised thoughts, Condensed all the Inner Breath ruthless again, ran the red lotus fury Divine Art, and punched towards Chu Nan again.

Finally found a reliable way to make this kid unable to hide, Quinn was not willing to give up this opportunity, he must kill this damn kid directly!

At this moment, Quinn suddenly felt a faint tingling in her body, and the complexion greatly changed.

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