Quinn's heart is full of anger, but his head is still awake. The inner breath in his body works and his manipulation of the energy of the surrounding space is not chaotic at all. However, the cultivation technique he is running now has already been used. His last trump card was the Divine Art that he was most reluctant to use.

This cultivation technique, at the expense of burning the Inner Breath, allows the user to explode the Inner Breath intensity several times the normal state in a short period of time, and obtain a multiplied strength improvement, but there is a very The big flaw is that it will put a strong load on the meridian of the whole body, and it may cause damage that is extremely difficult to completely repair over time.

Of course, such a cultivation technique wouldn't be used until the most critical moment, but now in order to be able to kill Chu Nan, he couldn't care so much.

Once the Red Lotus Divine Art is used, Quinn himself seems to be in a blazing fire, but his body is full of black energy, and he still uses the Obliteration Core Technique.

It's just that compared to just now, the black energy around his body is more intense, and the impact on space is more terrifying. Together with the domain, the wall of space in a large space is completely destroyed in an instant.

In an instant, the different space and the positive space universe fuse together in this space, and the violent space energy in the different space frantically impacts the stable space energy in the positive space universe, causing the originally stable space energy to become chaotic Be violent, and then submissively merge into the field under the influence of the Obliteration Core Technique.

The realm has become darker and more annihilated, and it seems that all life will be cut off in it.

Quinn was full of murderous intent.

In such a field, there is absolutely no possibility for this kid to escape!

However, what he absolutely did not expect was that Chu Nan suddenly waved his hand to Quinn immediately after sensing the spatial change.


After saying that, Chu Nan body moved, turned and looked towards the other side of Lantis star and flew into space at high speed.

According to the rules of the Elder Council, he cannot leave the range of Landis Star during this time, so even if he chooses to escape, he can only fly around Landis Star and cannot escape. deep in space.

Seeing Chu Nan's actions, Quinn froze for a moment, then complexion sank, coldly snorted.

"hmph, want to escape? In front of a powerful Star Level Martial Artist, do you think you have the possibility to escape?"

Quinn took a step forward, directly Cross the wall of the destroyed space and step into the different space.

The next moment he returned to the positive space universe from the different space, but he had already stopped in front of Chu Nan's flight.

But it was directly using Space Jump to arrive first, blocking Chu Nan's way.

"Boy, just die!"

Quinn's voice filled the vast space of the universe through the powerful vibration of the energy of the surrounding space, but he was about to make a move, Chu Nan had already turned around, but turned around and flew back in the direction from which he came.

Quinn froze again, then snorted and stepped into the different space again.

After he passed through the wall of space from the different space and returned to the positive space universe, he accurately blocked Chu Nan again.

However, this time Chu Nan didn't even give him time to speak, he just turned around and flew away.

Quinn frowned, a little bored.

Although he can easily catch up with Chu Nan through Space Jump, but every time he enters and exits different spaces, part of his energy will be scattered. Don't dare to push the red lotus anger flame Divine Art all the time, otherwise it is really possible to cause irreparable damage to meridian, then you will regret it.

And the previous fight has also proved that if he hadn't shot with all his strength, Chu Nan would not be able to do anything at all.

Thinking about this, Quinn suddenly felt a little tricky.

If this kid made up his mind to run away, he really wouldn't be able to take him down easily.

The discovery made Quinn even more humiliated.

As a powerful Star Level Martial Artist, it's already humiliating enough to deal with a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist trifling, but it's even more humiliating if you can't get rid of him for half a day.

However, seeing Chu Nan quickly disappearing into the far side of space, Quinn also knew that he didn't have time to think about it. He moved his body and blocked Chu Nan again through Space Jump.

But this time, Chu Nan did not escape.

His eyes fell on Quinn, who was just in front of him after emerging from the different dimension. Suddenly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he punched towards Quinn.

Quinne startled, then furious, then overjoyed.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

Chu Nan finally stopped running away, but confronted him head-on. Of course he could not ask for it.

But when he continued to activate the Red Lotus Divine Art and released the domain, Chu Nan had already withdrawn his fist, and even turned around again without the slightest hesitation to flee wildly.

Quinn's face darkened.

Looks like this guy Chu Nan has made up his mind that as long as he uses the Divine Art, Chu Nan will just run away, and if he doesn't use this cultivation technique, Chu Nan will try to fight back.

But... to use or not to?

It looks like it can easily defeat Chu Nan and even kill him, but it's not easy to catch up with this extremely slippery kid, but if you don't use it, Quinn is really not sure. Can solve Chu Nan.

Quinn never imagined that, in his opinion, it should have been the breakthrough Great Dao of Stars to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat. became such an embarrassing situation.

Looking at Chu Nan, who was only a small dot in the space ahead, Quinn gritted her teeth.

"Damn it, no matter what, I must kill this damn kid!"

Decided, Quinn decided not to worry so much, body flashed, again through Space Jump stood in front of Chu Nan, and the moment he left the different space, he had already fully motivated the Divine Art of the red lotus, and at the same time, he had fully expanded the field and attacked Chu Nan.

However, Chu Nan seems to have known Quinn's thoughts one step ahead. The moment he jumped out of the different space, he turned around and flew to the far side, and he didn't give Quinn at all. any chance of direct confrontation.

Quinn could only pass Space Jump again and continue to block in front of Chu Nan.

Chu Nan escapes again.

Quinn chases again.


After doing this several times, Quinn couldn't help but have deep doubts in his heart.

Why does Chu Nan always react immediately every time he jumps out of the different dimension, turning around and running away just before he activates the domain?

And every time Chu Nan chooses the direction is just the opposite of where he appears.

It's like... this kid knew in advance where he was going to come out.

How is this possible!

Quinn doesn't want to believe this judgment, but it has been proven time and time again that this judgment alone is the only explanation.

After repeating the same process more than ten times, Quinn could only give up and continue to intercept Chu Nan through Space Jump.

When he jumped out of the different space again and found that Chu Nan had escaped in the opposite direction, Quinn was coldly snorted in his heart, and the red light on his body was brilliant, but it directly motivated the red lotus flame Divine. Art.

This time, he decided not to enter the alien space, but to catch up with this damn boy in the positive space universe and put him to death!

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