
Vianelle Imperial Princess suddenly let out a cry out in surprise, startling the Romandy Imperial Princess beside her.

"Hey, Vianne, what are you doing?"

Vianne Imperial Princess covered her mouth with one hand and pointed at the thick black mist below.

"Chu Nan he...he..."

Romandy Imperial Princess glanced down and shook her head with a smile.

"Oh, you're worried about that kid, don't worry, he obviously has a plan, I guess he wants to go in and experience the experience directly." Romandy Imperial Princess looked indifferent, her face Can't see the slightest bit of worry.

"But he..."

Viennale Imperial Princess obviously didn't believe it, but thought that Romandy Imperial Princess had been with Chu Nan the longest, knew Chu Nan the best, and felt a little relieved some.

Other Declan Imperial Families who watched the game certainly didn't have the same confidence in Chu Nan as Romandi Imperial Princess did.

This kid...do you want courting death?

It seems to confirm everyone's thoughts. After Chu Nan plunged into the black mist, the black mist had no special reaction after it started rolling for a while. It seemed that the black mist completely swallowed it. Made Chu Nan without leaving any traces in general.

But after seeing this scene, everyone was puzzled.

It stands to reason that this black fog means the full effort of the Obliteration Core Technique 4th Layer cultivation technique, but Greymane Your Majesty clearly appreciates Chu Nan very much, and should not recall directly Chu Nan is right to kill him.

If Chu Nan ran into the black fog and encountered any danger, Greymane Your Majesty must have withdrawn the cultivation technique long ago, but now the black fog is still there, obviously Greymane Your Majesty is still maintaining Working with the cultivation technique, it proves that Chu Nan should be fine.

How could Chu Nan be alright when he burrowed into the black fog like this and didn't move?

Everyone was extremely confused, but no matter how powerful they were, they couldn't penetrate the black fog to investigate.

Greyman's Your Majesty's 4th Layer Obliteration Core Technique is flawless, there is no gap for them to probe.

So no one could see the smile on the corner of Greymane Your Majesty's mouth in the dark fog.

In the black mist, Chu Nan floated quietly in the air, his whole body was shrouded in black mist, but because of the ever-changing light on his body, he was cleverly just cut off from his body. He does any harm.

Milk white radiance, blue radiance, red radiance, bright purple radiance...

Each light of a different color lights up, which means that Chu Nan has changed to a cultivation technique. .

Fleshy has been doing this test since his body dashed into the black fog—using different cultivation techniques to test the reaction of the surrounding black fog.

The black mist generated by this Obliteration Core Technique keeps swallowing the space energy that Chu Nan mobilizes from the body using the cultivation technique, but every time it swallows, it is caused by the different cultivation techniques used by Chu Nan. The process produces some small changes.

And what Chu Nan needs are these small changes, through the way the Obliteration Core Technique destroys the spatial energy structure within different cultivation techniques, he can get more detailed information about the Obliteration Core Technique.

Combining these data with the various data he had previously detected outside the black fog, and through rigorous analysis by the lightbrain general brain, he will have a deeper understanding of the 4th Layer Obliteration Core Technique.

Of course, every transformation of the cultivation technique is swallowed up, it will consume the inner space energy of Chu Nan fleshy body, and now the outside is all shrouded in black mist, making him unable to mobilize the outer space energy at all.

After such a test lasted for only ten minutes, he could not force his way out of the black fog.

At this time, the black fog had grown stronger because it had devoured a large amount of space energy from him just now, covering almost half of the campus.

Chu Nan has no time or space to slowly adjust his breath to recover. Fortunately, his inner and outer universes are connected. With the help of the obliteration core technique, it only took a very short time to consume the inner breath. Recovered, and at the same time replenished the space energy consumed by the fleshy body in an instant.

After the state recovered, Chu Nan plunged into the black mist again.

The Declan Imperial Family who were in the field battle were all taken aback.

This guy Chu Nan... finally escaped, why did he get back?

But this time, everyone doesn't feel that Chu Nan bode ill rather than well as before. Chu Nan has fully demonstrated his ability just now. He has the ability to generate black from the 4th Layer Obliteration Core Technique. He escaped intact from the fog, and this alone is enough to make everyone look at him again.

And now that he is going back, he must have other considerations.

Everyone stared at the center of the black fog that could not be seen clearly, waiting for Chu Nan's next escape.

Now they no longer doubt that Chu Nan has the ability to escape from the black fog, but with the current expansion speed of the black fog, it will completely cover the entire campus in a short time. At that time, even if Chu Nan has the ability If he escaped, he would also be sentenced to fail the test because he took the initiative to leave the campus. Presumably Chu Nan would not be willing to accept this result.

Everyone waited attentively for a while, and the black mist changed suddenly.

A little white radiance suddenly emerged from the black fog. Although it was only a little, it formed a strong contrast with the black fog and was extremely conspicuous.

People didn't care at first, because Chu Nan had also seen light of different colors when testing various cultivation techniques in the black fog, but it was quickly swallowed by the black fog.

But this time, this white radiance was not swallowed up instantly, but gradually became stronger.

In addition to the crescendo of the light, everyone also found that this white radiance seemed to be vibrating at high speed.

As it vibrated, the surrounding black fog was also vibrated.

The vibration is getting stronger and stronger, and the black fog starts to become thinner obviously under such vibration.

It didn't take long for the white radiance to become a mass, and then it got bigger and bigger, and forcibly "dug" a piece out of the black mist.

This is not over yet, the white light group continues to grow larger, and soon the light has completely covered the shroud of the black fog, everyone can clearly see that the white light group itself does not actually vibrate, but it does. The space it covers is shaking.

Sisi Space Crack appeared outside the white radiance, and the violent space energy released from it was not directly swallowed by the black mist as before, which further strengthened the black mist, but was driven by the white light group. more violent.

Under the influence of such violent and amazing space energy, the black fog maintained by the Obliteration Core Technique is like the morning fog under the scorching sun, gradually dissipating at a faster and faster rate.

In the end, the light group almost shrouded the entire campus, but the black fog had long since disappeared.

Just then, Greymane Your Majesty's voice sounded again.

"Hey, boy, if you don't take control, you're going to destroy the Energy Shield on this campus."

Your Majesty voice in Greymane At the same time, the white light group stopped its expansion.

next moment, the light group shrank rapidly, and the violent space energy that was released was quickly stabilized, and the entire space quickly returned to stability and peace, as if everything had never happened.

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