Chu Nan raised his eyebrows.

No matter what kind of reaction the blue light condensed by this myriad forms cultivation technique enters into the black fog, he will not be surprised, but it disappears so silently and straight away like now, it is true. To his surprise.

Perhaps this is the feature of the Obliteration Core Technique, but this lack of response allows him to explore the truth of the Obliteration Core Technique 4th Layer used by Greymane Your Majesty now?

Chu Nan brows slightly wrinkle, raised his hands, and several blue rays of light came out, shooting towards the black mist from all directions.

However, as before, these blue light rays disappeared immediately after entering the black fog, without causing half a minute of turbulence, and even the surface of the black fog did not even have any slight fluctuations.

Chu Nan still didn't give up, he simply changed his mind, and a blue giant net rose from behind him and rushed towards the black mist.

However, the fate of this giant net is no different from the previous blue rays, and it just plunged into the black mist and disappeared without a trace.

But at the moment when the giant net disappeared, Chu Nan keenly felt a strange energy wave gushing out from the black fog, instantly disintegrating all the foundations in the blue light in the myriad forms. The energy structure makes all the high-intensity space energies condensed by his myriad forms into the most basic particles instantly and become invisible.

Chu Nan's heart moved.

This situation seems a bit familiar...

"Don't waste your energy, waste your Inner Breath." Greymane Your Majesty's voice came from the black fog. "Starting from the 4th Layer, each Obliteration Core Technique represents a completely different realm, which is completely different from the previous 3rd-layer Obliteration Core Technique that you have known before. To understand the 4th Layer cultivation technique, rely solely on this cautiously temptation. Meaningless."

Chu Nan couldn't help frowning.

He doesn't doubt what Greymane Your Majesty said, but his understanding of the so-called level of cultivation technique is completely different from that of an ordinary Martial Artist.

For him, any cultivation technique is just an application of spatial energy, even if the characteristics of the Obliteration Core Technique are very different from any cultivation technique he has come across before , but the foundation is still on the control of Inner Breath and the use of space energy.

The way of directly destroying the space energy structure like the Obliteration Core Technique can be regarded as another reverse application.

Wait, reverse?

Chu Nan vaguely grasped something in his mind.

But now there's no time for him to think slowly, Greymane Your Majesty has pushed the terrifying black mist in front of him.

Chu Nan stepped back, not intending to make direct contact, but released a blue light again, directly inserting into the black mist.

The blue light is still directly swallowed by the black fog as before, failing to cause any fluctuations, but this time Chu Nan has been maintaining this light, which is equivalent to maintaining a line of cutting space. The crack in the wall serves as the connection between himself and the black fog.

He kept guiding the violent space energy of the different space from the crack to condense into the blue light, and then injected into the black mist along the blue light, and was quickly swallowed by the black mist.

And the devoured violent space energy of the different space is like being treated as the food of the black mist. Under the constant injection, the black mist grows more rapidly.

The area shrouded by the black fog rapidly expanded, Chu Nan could only keep retreating.

It didn't take long for the black fog to spread beyond several kilometers.

"Hey, boy, don't forget, if you quit the campus, you will be sentenced to fail the test." Greymane Your Majesty's voice has changed from a thick cloud of black mist out again. "If you don't want to fail like this, I advise you to hurry up and think of a way."

"many thanks Your Majesty care."

Chu Nan responded, suddenly body moved , suddenly began to circle wildly around the black fog.

While moving at a high speed, he continued to maintain myriad forms cultivation technique, as he moved, blue rays of light shot out of him, but continued, just like a spider moving with the wind Drifting, with a blue silk thread hanging behind him all the time.

Looking at this scene, the Declan Imperial Family who fought outside the campus felt an unfathomable mystery.

What is this guy... doing?

What's even more strange is that this time Chu Nan deliberately controlled those blue threads not to touch the black fog in the center, but very subtly controlled it on the periphery of the black fog. With Chu Nan flying round and round, the blue silk thread also entangled the huge black mist round and round, densely packed, layer upon layer, really like a spider using spider silk to bundle Live like prey.

"Hey, Taglo, can you still use myriad forms like this?"

in the sky, a hair grey-white, at least age The Declan Imperial Family, who was over seventy, asked Prince Taglo, who was floating not far away.

Prince Taglo frowned and looked at the situation in the field below, watching Chu Nan fly around again quickly, and there was an extra circle of blue light around the black fog, and he couldn't help it. Grinning wryly, hook the head.

"No, I never thought that this cultivation technique could be used in this way. I must admit, this kid's innate talent is really amazing, he can not only steal this cultivation technique from me , even in such a short period of ingenious."

"Then do you know what he wants to do?" the man asked again.

"You should ask him." Prince Taglo said helplessly. "I can't guess what this kid thinks, maybe he has other plans."

While the Declan Imperial Family watching the game in the sky were still discussing spiritedly, Chu Nan was already surrounding the huge group. The black fog flew more than two hundred laps.

After the last lap, Chu Nan stopped, and all kinds of data drifted in his mind. In an instant, a simulated black fog and blue light data model was completed, and then thoughts move and Inner Breath run, All the blue rays of light wrapped around the black mist shrank inward at the same time, just like the spiders started to tighten their silk threads after finishing their binding.

The blue light covers almost the entire surface of the black fog. This shrinkage just rightly covers the gaps that had appeared before, almost turning into a huge blue cover, completely covering the black fog. cover.

Under Chu Nan's precise calculation, there is no black fog at all, and the blue light completely covers the black fog.

However, the good times didn't last long, but after one breath, all the blue light was completely swallowed by the black fog, the blue light disappeared one after another, but the black fog seemed to have eaten a full meal, and instantly grew a whole circle, Makes it feel more terrifying.

Seeing this, it's even more unfathomable mystery for all the Declan Imperial Family watching.

This kid has tried so many times just now. He should have known that this would have no effect. How can he be so reckless now?

Myriad forms Tianluo Wang cultivation technique is S-Rank cultivation technique and has good formidable power, but of course it will bring a lot of consumption. His choice is really unwise.

The thought of doubts flashed in everyone's heart, but in the next scene, they had completely forgotten their doubts, and everyone's eyes widened involuntarily.

Seeing that the blue light was swallowed up by the black mist, Chu Nan was sluggish for a while. Just when everyone thought that he was also stunned because of his stupid behavior and incompetence, they saw Chu Nan suddenly body. moved , came to the obliquely above the black fog, then turned around suddenly, plunged into the black fog.

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