Francito didn't have time to think about it so much, the powerful Inner Breath pouring out from Chu Nan's palm made him only have the energy to deal with it with all his strength.

However, when he tried his best to activate the Demon God power of Ten Thousand Ants, forming more than ten thousand extremely tiny Inner Breaths, he discovered a fact that shocked him even more.

The same tens of thousands of tiny Inner Breaths that came out of Chu Nan's palm dispersed in an instant after hitting his Inner Breath.

On the surface, it "looks" as if two Inner Breaths collided firmly, but Francido felt very clearly that after the Inner Breath in Chu Nan's palm dispersed, it was actually Every tiny Inner Breath hits exactly head-on with every Inner Breath gushing out of his palm.

No matter how tiny this Inner Breath is, it can be captured with exceptional precision by the Inner Breath released by Chu Nan, and then every little strand collides with each other.

In this scene now, it's as if the two of them have each released tens of thousands of ants, and they are fighting against each other on the same battlefield.

It is precisely because of this that the sound of "呲呲呲呲" like steam is produced between the palms of the two.

Each sound is the sound of two small Inner Breaths colliding together, causing energy fluctuations in the surrounding space and air vibrations.

More than 10,000 Inner Breaths collided, and an extremely dense squeak sounded, which also drove the space energy around the palms of the two and even the space around the body to continuously condense and disperse. The fog tumbled violently and changed a thousand times. From time to time, various slight explosion-like sounds were heard, which seemed to be very intense.

The Declan Imperial Family in midair couldn't help but frowned.

Although they could clearly sense the violent tumbling of space energy in the space where the two were fighting, their sight was blocked by the black fog, and the key to their fight now was clearly concentrated in the direct Inner Breath confrontation. On, this is something they can't sense from a long distance.

You can't see, you can't sense, you can't sense it, you can only perceive one or two through the changes and fluctuations of space energy. Such a viewing experience is naturally quite bad.

But no matter what, they don't doubt that Chu Nan has now learned the skill of devouring Demon God from the hands of Francis.

Because it can be sensed from the changes in the space energy around the two people, whether it is Chu Nan or Francis, the cultivation techniques used are basically the same, and the changes in the space energy around the two people are basically the same. .

If I have to say something different, it is that the spatial energy changes controlled by Chu Nan's body are obviously more regular and more cohesive than Francydo, and at the same time, it also has a more obvious space swallowing. characteristics, which is very obvious in the changes in the space around the two of them.

Judging from this change, they can even make a judgment that Chu Nan has a stronger understanding of the Demon God power of 10,000 ants than Francis!

This is no longer surprising to everyone.

Before Francis, Chu Nan had been tested by four people, and each time he was able to successfully learn the cultivation technique used by the opponent, and performed better than his opponent, and had a better understanding of the application of the cultivation technique. Outstanding.

If the first two spectators were surprised by this, now they are completely numb.

No way, this kid... just such a genius.

In the dark fog, Francis was more and more shocked.

When he sensed that Chu Nan was able to accurately separate tens of thousands of tiny Inner Breaths and "catch" the tiny Inner Breaths he released, he almost couldn't help shouting "you brat" "It's a pervert" came out, but it didn't take long for him to find that his evaluation of Chu Nan was still low.

After Chu Nan accurately grasped every tiny Inner Breath, and fully met it to kill it off, Francis would naturally not sit back and watch the situation continue. He turned his mind and continued. Activate the Inner Breath, and in an instant, more small Inner Breaths will be regenerated into it.

This is originally the special feature of the Demon God Technique compared to other Inner Breath cultivation techniques. Inner Breath can be added at any time. Compared with most Inner Breath cultivation techniques, the Inner Breath cultivation technique simply strengthens the Inner Breath. As far as Breath is concerned, this method is more you can't guard against it, and it is easier to break through the opponent's defense. In the current state of stalemate, it is often possible to create a chance to win by surprise and hit the enemy in one fell swoop.

However, as soon as he moved, Chu Nan immediately changed.

Chu Nan didn't have the Inner Breath gushing out from his body like he did, but the Inner Breath that had previously competed with Francis suddenly began to split, and suddenly there were many small Inner Breaths. , accurately greeted the small Inner Breath that Francis had mobilized additionally.

If the way Franchido manipulates Inner Breath is to mobilize another group of ants from the ant nest to join the battle, then Chu Nan directly splits the ants already on the battlefield, Some ants came out of thin air.

What is even more surprising is that the number of ants that Chu Nan split out is not much or not, and it is exactly the same as the number of ants that Francis has mobilized additionally!

Although it was forcibly split, each Inner Breath was weaker, but these Inner Breaths were originally extremely weak and small, and no matter how weak they were, they couldn't be weaker, so they met Francie. After a lot of extra mobilization of Inner Breath, it was only slightly underwhelming, without showing any signs of failure.

Francito suddenly felt a sense of despair in his heart.

This definitely a super pervert.

How could he do such a perverted thing!

It's enough for him to learn the Demon God skill of devouring ten thousand ants, and he can actually mobilize the exact same number of tiny Inner Breaths to attack them, one is not much, one is not much!

Let's not say that the two are currently in the most intense Inner Breath direct confrontation, even if the two are just playing the simplest game, it is impossible for a normal person to figure out such a huge number in such a short period of time. OK!

Francito has absolutely no idea how Chu Nan did such an incredible thing, but it is an indisputable fact.

While he continued the Inner Breath fight with Chu Nan, he couldn't help but looked up and looked towards Chu Nan on the opposite side.

He wanted to see clearly the true face of this guy Chu Nan, and wanted to see if this guy was human...

But just as he swept his gaze, he just happened to meet him. Chu Nan's eyes, then Chu Nan winked at him, raised his eyebrows slightly, and showed a sunny smile...


Francy Duo suddenly burst into a frantic roar. At this time, he had completely forgotten the purpose of this test, that he was burdened with who's entrustment, that he had come to the goal, and that there were a lot of comrades around him watching the battle. He even forgot where he is now...

There is only a single thought in his mind, that is...kill this pervert!

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