Dark fog filled the air, and in an instant, it had expanded and enveloped the surrounding large space, completely covering Francis.

Clearly feeling the subtle and tight changes of the space energy in the surrounding space and the implicit meaning of destruction, Francido was horrified.

This... This is without a doubt the ant-devouring Demon God skill!

Did this kid really learn it in such a short period of time?

next moment, a silhouette suddenly flashed out of the black mist, Chu Nan pressed the door of Francie's face with a palm.

Francido's mind was shaking at this time, and his reaction was also half a beat slower. In addition, the palm shadow of Chu Nan's palm changed strangely, so that he felt like he would be hit by the palm shadow in any direction he dodged. During the shooting, in a hurry, I didn't have time to think about it, so I could only print it back with a backhand.

Anyway, this kid is just imitating the Demon God skill of Ten Thousand Ants Devouring. How can he remember his own genuine Ten Thousand Ant Devouring Demon God skill?


The palms of the two collided without any fake, but after a muffled sound, there was a sudden burst of "呲呲呲呲" as if The screeching sound of the hot water being sprayed neatly after it boils.

Francio's eyes widened suddenly, and the expression on his face became full of wonder.

At the moment when the palms of the two met, he could clearly sense countless extremely small but powerful Inner Breaths swarming from Chu Nan's palms, whether it was the Inner Breath. The fluctuation is still the way of composition, and it is exactly the same as the Demon God of Ten Thousand Ants that he used!

This time, Francis was even more frightened than before.

If Chu Nan just controlled the space energy around him to change into a cloud of black mist, imitating the appearance of the Demon God devoured by ten thousand ants, although he was surprised, he would not feel incredible.

After all, Ten Thousand Ants Devouring Demon God is a cultivation technique developed by the ancestor of the Imperial Family on the basis of the Obliteration Core Technique, and Chu Nan now obviously has a good grasp of the Obliteration Core Technique , as long as he figured out the joints, relying on the basis of the Obliteration Core Technique to simulate the appearance of Ten Thousand Ants Devouring Demon God is not completely impossible.

Although this approach is also extremely difficult for other ordinary Martial Artists, there is no doubt about the martial arts innate talent of this kid Chu Nan, even if Francis is hostile to him, he must admit it , so when he saw the black mist pouring out of Chu Nan just now, he was surprised, but it was not unacceptable.

However, now, the Inner Breath that clearly sensed Chu Nan's palm rushing over is actually exactly the same as the Demon God of Ten Thousand Ants, and it was Francis who was truly completely shocked and even frightened.

How is this possible!

The cultivation techniques learned by a Martial Artist are generally divided into three categories, one is the ordinary external martial skills, and most of them focus on the cultivation techniques that can be directly displayed with a powerful fleshy body. Technically, it plays a decisive role in the low-level Martial Artist, and it cannot be ignored in the battle of the high-level Martial Artist.

The second and third categories are Inner Breath cultivation technique, but according to different functions, they are divided into Inner Breath cultivation technique and Inner Breath use cultivation technique.

Inner Breath cultivation technique is mostly used for cultivation Inner Breath and tempering fleshy body. It can be regarded as the most basic and fundamental cultivation technique of all Martial Artists.

This kind of cultivation technique cannot be learned and effective in a short period of time, because the accumulation of Inner Breath is the result of repeated cultivation over many years, and it is impossible to achieve it overnight.

As for the cultivation technique of Inner Breath, it is mostly produced in conjunction with the Inner Breath cultivation technique. The main purpose is to use the Inner Breath from cultivation flexibly, and try to exert it in the fight against the enemy to generate effective blows and kills. .

Compared with the insistence of the Inner Breath cultivation technique, step by step, the cultivation technique used by Inner Breath is naturally more diverse and varied. Find a suitable Inner Breath and use the cultivation technique to match your own Inner Breath It can immediately exert a powerful function, and naturally there is a Martial Artist with excellent innate talent who can learn to master and use it flexibly in a short period of time.

If you can find an Inner Breath cultivation technique that is very suitable for your Inner Breath, it is a very direct and effective way to improve the strength of Martial Artist.

Of course, in fact, there are many Inner Breath cultivation techniques that are originally matched with the corresponding Inner Breath cultivation technique. This may be the Martial Artist of this Inner Breath cultivation technique who has been practicing by himself in the perennial cultivation. Some of them got it together when they were taught—but in the end, it was also the result of the Martial Artist of the Inner Breath cultivation technique, who was slowly groping and researching.

Because such a cultivation technique has a solid shot that has been researched over many years, it will undoubtedly be more handy in application and have stronger formidable power.

Ten Thousand Ants Devouring Demon God is such a cultivation technique.

Although this cultivation technique is based on the Obliteration Core Technique, in fact the Imperial Family ancestor only borrowed some of the characteristics of the Obliteration Core Technique and successfully integrated it into this cultivation technique , so that this cultivation technique brings some of the characteristics of the Obliteration Core Technique, and the formidable power is different and powerful.

So if you want to cultivate success, you must not only have a certain understanding of the Obliteration Core Technique, but also have enough Inner Breath foundation created by the corresponding cultivation technique, so that you can play it better. Discover the formidable power of this cultivation technique.

Francito actually planned to start with the cultivation Obliteration Core Technique just like the children of the Imperial Family absolutely when he was a child, but his progress in the cultivation Obliteration Core Technique was not strong until he was twelve years old This key node also failed to cultivate success Second Layer Obliteration Core Technique.

Originally, his parents and himself thought that he was probably innate talent and not suitable for the cultivation Obliteration Core Technique. When he wanted to give up, he accidentally came into contact with this cultivation technique.

Originally, he only tried this cultivation technique because it looked interesting, but didn't expect his cultivation on the Obliteration Core Technique to make slow progress, while his cultivation on the Demon God Technique made progress. Very fast, it only took eight years to transfer this Cultivation Technique to Fifth Layer, and break through to become a powerful Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, and then suddenly broke out in the internal test of the Imperial Family, successfully obtained the right of inheritance, and became a The official royal highness.

So far, he has cultivated this cultivation technique for more than 20 years, which is the level he is now.

However, now, when Chu Nan makes his move, not only is the surging of space energy in the surrounding space exactly the same as that of the Demon God, but even the fluctuation of the Inner Breath in his palm is exactly the same!

How is this possible!

The space energy fluctuating in the outside world may be simulated and imitated by this kid relying on his own super-powerful control of space energy, but the Inner Breath in his palm is absolutely impossible to fake.

What this kid is using now is indeed the real Demon God skill!

And to be able to reach this level, at least it should be cultivated in this cultivation technique for many years!

What's more important is that the Inner Breath of the two intersected, and Francis could clearly sense Chu Nan's Inner Breath surging like ten thousand ants. The feeling of mastering this cultivation technique is stronger and deeper than him...

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