Everyone looked at the entrance in amazement.

A tall silhouette strode in, and it was Prince Lekas, whom Chu Nan had not seen for a long time.

Speaker Anduin squinted his eyes, frowned, looked towards Prince Laikas, who strode to Chu Nan's side, said solemnly: "Laikas, what's your opinion? Now that all the evidence is complete, the council has decided Pamela taught Chu Nan the Obliteration Core Technique in private, it is true that she made a big mistake and cannot be forgiven, do you still want to overturn the decision of the parliament?"

Prince Lekas smiled slightly, and asked Chu first. Nan projected a reassuring look. Just when Chu Nan thought he would come up with some strong evidence to prove that Chu Nan did not steal the Obliteration Core Technique, he turned his head to the Speaker Anduin and said, "No. , I have no objection to the verdict of the parliament."

Everyone, including Chu Nan and Pamela, were startled again.

You have no objection to the interpretation result, so what do you want to do when you come out and say you have an opinion?

Speaker Anduin's face suddenly sank again: "Then what is your opinion? Do you want to openly question the Elder Council?"

"No, I have great respect for all Elders , I won't have any opinion on the trial of the Elder Council, but... I have a slightly different opinion on the handling of Chu Nan."

"oh?" Speaker Anduin stretched his voice and looked deeply. Glancing at Laikas, he pointed at Chu Nan and said, "Since this foreign boy has decided to steal the Obliteration Core Technique, according to the rules of the clan, he has only a dead end. This judgment involves the rules of my clan for thousands of years, and it involves me. The foundation of the clan, there is no impossible change, do you still want us to spare his life?"

"No, Speaker Anduin, you misunderstood, I have inherited the rules of the clan for tens of thousands of years. Of course I don't dare to have any opinions, but before that, please give me some time and allow me to tell some facts. Although Chu Nan is a foreigner, he has helped me a lot during this hunting party and after that in the endless abyss. I've done a lot of work for my family, such as..."

Prince Lekas raised his voice and helped Prince Lekas rescue the lost Declan Empire Imperial Family younger generation by helping Chu Nan in the endless abyss The paragraph was described in detail, and it was emphasized that it was with the help of Chu Nan that Prince Laikas was able to escape from the pursuit of Pope Lockmadon and the others, and with this, he and Locke Pope Marton forcibly signed an agreement to successfully bring back the younger generation of the fallen Declan Empire Imperial Family.

"It is no exaggeration to say that Chu Nan saved my life and the lives of thirteen children of our clan who were lost at that time, both for me and for our Declan Imperial Family. It can be said that he has made a great contribution that cannot be ignored, and I would like to ask all Elders and other clansman in the surrounding hearing to make a fairer judgment on him."

Prince Lekas finished speaking. , bowed slightly to Speaker Anduin and waited quietly.

The other Declan Imperial Family sitting around the hall suddenly whispered, and many people pointed to Chu Nan in the center of the hall and whispered to each other, buzzing for a while.

In fact, before they participated in this trial, they only heard some rumors about Chu Nan, a kid from the Earth Federation. Before that, they only knew that he performed well at the hunting party, and after that He also went deep into the endless abyss and fought alongside Prince Lycus.

What people know more about him is that he most likely learned the Obliteration Core Technique from an Imperial Family younger generation, but he is not convinced that the Elder Council will put him on public trial. I was very curious about not directly choosing to pursue and kill, so it was rare to gather so many Declan Imperial Family for the hearing.

However, listening to what Prince Lekas said, everyone suddenly realized that their understanding of Chu Nan was far from enough.

This young boy has the ability to help Prince Laikas so much!

Even as Prince Lycas said, he saved Prince Lycas' life at all!

Otherwise, with Pope Lochmarton leading several Star Level Martial Artists to hunt down Prince Laikas, even if Prince Laikas himself is superior, I am afraid that he will bode ill rather than well.

even more how he also directly helped the thirteen Imperial Family younger generation to return safely. You must know that all the thirteen Imperial Family younger generation were able to successfully pass the 1st stage of the garden hunting party, and For the outstanding children who have the ability to go deep into the depths of the endless abyss, the loss of any one of them is a great loss to the Declan Imperial Family. It is definitely a great credit to bring back thirteen of them safely.

Since he has made such a great contribution, doesn't it seem that the Declan Imperial Family is too heartless to execute him?

Listening to the so-called "whispering" that the people around the Imperial Family didn't do much to cover up, Speaker Anduin's expression became more and more serious.

He looked at Prince Laikas with deep eyes, but Prince Laikas still kept a smile, his eyes looked directly at Speaker Anduin, and he did not give in at all.

After a long time, Speaker Anduin slowly raised his right hand, the whispers in the hall slowly disappeared, and everyone's eyes were on Speaker Anduin again.

As the Declan Imperial Family, they all know that Speaker Anduin has served as the Speaker of the Patriarch Old Council for more than 30 years. His prestige in the Elder Council is unmatched, and his prestige within the clan is unmatched. It is one of the very best, as long as he decides, almost no one can make any changes.

The decision of Chu Nan's life or death, after all, depends on the judgment of Speaker Anduin.

When the hall was completely quiet, Speaker Anduin turned his head and looked towards Chu Nan.

To his surprise, he didn't see any obvious mood swings on Chu Nan's face.

This kid's expression didn't change when he just announced his execution, but now after hearing what Prince Lycas said for a long time and the crowd discussing spiritedly around him, his expression still didn't change, as if these things had nothing to do with him at all. General relationship.

Speaker Anduin was lightly sighed.

This kid from the Earth Federation is really good, how good if he is a young Martial Artist of Declan Empire, or even a child of Declan Imperial Family?

Unfortunately, he is from the Earth Federation...

"Lykas..." Speaker Anduin turned his head and looked towards Prince Lekas. "I admit what you said, Chu Nan has helped our clan a lot and made great contributions to our clan. According to the tradition of our clan, we should give him a very high gift to express our gratitude. But... "..."

Speaker Anduin's voice suddenly raised, and his eyes instantly became stern.

"He is now accused of stealing the Obliteration Core Technique! Don't tell me you don't know how important the Obliteration Core Technique is to our Declan Imperial Family. This is the core thing of our family, and it is absolutely not allowed. Anyone who is outside the clan learn secretly! Once the cultivation technique is leaked, you should know very well how disastrous it will bring to our clan! So this crime is unforgivable, even if he has made great contributions to our clan There is no way to counteract the heinous crime he committed!"

Speaking of this, Speaker Anduin slammed the table again, raised his voice again, and said sharply: "I declare! Execute Chu Nan! Execute immediately! No one must have any objection!"

Speaker Anduin's words were about to fall to the ground, and the surrounding Declan Imperial Family sighed in unison.

Everyone looked towards Chu Nan with a hint of pity in their eyes.

It is a pity that such an outstanding youngster, who has made such great contributions to the Declan Imperial Family, had to be killed because of a wrong thing.

"Wait a minute!" Prince Laikas suddenly opened the mouth and said.

Speaker Anduin's eyes narrowed, angrily looking towards Prince Lycus.

"Laikas! I already said that no one should have any objection to Chu Nan's trial result. What more do you want to say? Do you have to force me to deal with you too?"

As soon as these words came out, many Declan Imperial Family around them were shocked.

Prince Lekas is the prince who is closest to Greymane Your Majesty in the Imperial Family, and the status and strength are second only to Your Majesty, but the Elder Council has the power of Supreme within the Imperial Family, If the Elder Council punishes Prince Laikas for this matter, it will inevitably cause great turmoil within the Imperial Family and even within the Empire, and the impact will not be small.

"No, you misunderstood." Prince Lycas was still smiling. "As I said, I have no problem with the outcome of Chu Nan's trial. But...Speaker Anduin, and the Elders, you seem to have forgotten one very important thing. All of your team's Chu Nan trials are based on He is based on an outsider of the Imperial Family. Because he is an outsider, so he stealthily learned the Obliteration Core Technique, as it should be by rights should be executed, lest the cultivation technique be leaked. But... what if he is not an outsider? "

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