The audience was in an uproar.

Prior to this, although Speaker Anduin produced a lot of video data showing that the cultivation technique and Obliteration Core Technique used by Chu Nan at different times were indeed very similar, there were also many imperial princesses who testified against Chu Nan. Trying to steal the Obliteration Core Technique, but that's just speculation. Those Imperial Princesses just replied that Chu Nan had the idea of stealing, but there was no clear evidence that Chu Nan did steal.

And now, Prince Montico used the most certain tone to confirm that Chu Nan was stealing!

Not only because of his tone, but also because of his identity.

Prince Montico is the most popular and high-profile prince in the younger generation of the Imperial Family. His innate talent has always attracted the attention of the Imperial Family. The relationship between him and Pamela Imperial Princess Many people are well aware of the relationship between him. His contact with Chu Nan at the garden hunting meeting was also confirmed in the previous video materials, and now he has come out to directly testify that Chu Nan stole the Obliteration Core Technique. That is simply the strongest evidence.

"I can confirm that Chu Nan stole the Obliteration Core Technique and learned it from Pamela." Prince Montico continued to open the mouth and said. "This is what happened between the 1st stage and the second stage of the hunting party. At the 1st stage, Chu Nan had had private contact with Pamela, and at that time Chu Nan expressed to Pamela that he wanted to learn Obliteration Core Technique, Pamela also agreed to this. I thought I was right next to me, so I can testify."

"You lie!" Pamela on the side testified to the previous Imperial Princesses There was no response at the time, and now hearing Prince Montico say this, he couldn't help but scolded directly. "I didn't teach the Obliteration Core Technique to Chu Nan at all, why would you lie?"

"Whether I lied or not will be determined by all the elders of the Elder Council, not you." Prince Montico remained blank With an expression, he responded to Pamela.

Pamela had to say more, but Speaker Anduin slapped the table again at this time.

"Quiet! Pamela, you are not allowed to speak until it's time for you to defend yourself."

Pamela stared at Prince Montico, although she did not Continue to speak, but the anger on his face is not concealed at all, and there is a strong inconceivable in his eyes.

Prince Montico is the one who has the best relationship with her and is the only one of the Imperial Family younger generation who has a good enough relationship with her. She even once regarded Prince Montico as a big brother in her heart. , She never thought that now Prince Montico would betray her directly in front of so many people!

Not only betrayed her, but also betrayed Chu Nan!

This damn guy, he was the one who brought Chu Nan, he told Chu Nan that he was extremely dangerous, he suggested that Chu Nan continue to treat him, and he even suggested that part of the Obliteration Core should be taken away. The Technique was taught to Chu Nan so that Chu Nan could more easily solve the cultivation technique problems she encountered.

And now, he turned his head and denied it, saying that he taught it privately!

If it was Pamela before, she might only feel sad and puzzled, but now Pamela is more angry about it.

Unlike Pamela, Chu Nan, who heard this answer, was just a little surprised, but more confused.

Although he has not been in contact with Prince Montico for a long time or a lot, but from these contacts, he believes that he has a good understanding of Prince Montico's character. He is a relatively upright prince, who also knows how to be tactful, at the same time has principles, is enthusiastic, cheerful, and thoughtful. Although he is not necessarily the best friend, he is quite reassuring as a companion.

So he never doubted that Prince Montico would betray himself and Pamela, otherwise he wouldn't go so far as to let himself contact Pamela, in order to solve Pamela. racked my brains with the problems encountered.

Not to mention, his concern for Pamela is absolutely sincere and never false.

But now, why would he make such an answer?

Don't he know that if it is confirmed that Chu Nan stole the Obliteration Core Technique, not only Chu Nan, but also Pamela will be unlucky?

Perhaps Pamela will be exempted from death because of her status as Imperial Princess, but Declan Imperial Family's punishment for similar incidents is definitely not weak, it can even be said to be quite severe, the most likely is to directly abolish Pamela Ra's Imperial Princess status and inheritance will also abolish her whole body cultivation base.

This is undoubtedly a death sentence for Pamela, because she has always wanted to restore the honor of Prince Sallymore and justify his changes to the Obliteration Core Technique.

If her cultivation base is abolished and her martial skills are lost, this ideal will no doubt be impossible to realize.

"Montico guy, why do you do this?" Chu Nan narrowed his eyes at Prince Montico, trying to get a possible answer from him, but Prince Montico kept looking blank. His expression, his expression didn't change at all, he couldn't see the slightest clue at all.

Pamela was forbidden to speak, and Chu Nan did not speak. Prince Montico continued to directly disclose his several private contacts with Chu Nan and Pamela, and fully explained the details. be clear.

What he said was basically true, the only difference was that he was absolutely sure that Chu Nan wanted to learn the Obliteration Core Technique, and then Pamela thought about it and taught it privately.

"I admit that I need to bear my due and important responsibility in this matter, and it can even be said that I am an accomplice." Prince Montico bowed his head slightly, showing a gesture of confession. "I really hope that Pamela can solve the problem of her cultivation technique, so that she can no longer bear the pain and danger of her body being backlashed by cultivation technique at any time, so I chose to trust Chu Nan and teach Pamela the Chu Nan Obliteration Core Technique in private. Turn a blind eye. If I could immediately stop it, or report it, things should not have evolved to this step."

Here, Prince Montico turned his head, looked towards Pamela, and showed her An apologetic smile.

"Sorry Pamela, I should have stopped you then. I understand your desire to keep yourself out of danger and your immediate desire for a breakthrough in the cultivation technique, but… ...Teaching Obliteration Core Technique to people outside the clan is a big sin, you better admit it honestly and hope to get the forgiveness of the elders."

Pamela looked at Prince Montico coldly, Not a word.

Prince Montico sighed, then turned his head and looked towards Chu Nan.

"Chu Nan, I thought you and Pamela wouldn't be found out, but... who made Pamela's change so obvious?"

Chu Nan tolerant Can't stop laughing.

The change of Pamela is indeed obvious, but the most obvious change of her is the change of fleshy body, which is caused by genetic mutation. Although it has a certain relationship with the cultivation technique, it is not very big. Now Montico The prince deliberately mentioned this, what did he want to say?

Prince Montico turned around again, bowed his head deeply in the direction of Elder, and bowed down.

"I'm done talking, please elders to punish me for my guilt in the incident where Pamela taught Chu Nan Obliteration Core Technique in private."

Andu Because the Speaker's gaze was set on Prince Montico, coldly snorted.

"Regarding your conviction to follow, what we need now is to determine the guilt of Chu Nan and Pamela. You go down."

Prince Montico gave a salute, Just like the previous Imperial Princesses, exit through the door that came in.

After he went out, Chancellor Anduin knocked on the table again and glanced at Chu Nan and Pamela.

"Pamela, now the evidence is conclusive, you taught the Obliteration Core Technique to an outsider like Chu Nan in private, you have violated the rules of the clan and committed the most serious crime, what else do you want to say? ?"

Pamela bit her lip hard, staring at Chancellor Anduin to shock the head.

"I didn't. I did want to teach Chu Nan Obliteration Core Technique, but he refused."

Chu Nan sighed in his heart.

Although Pamela's fleshy body mutated due to genetic mutation, her temperament has also undergone significant changes, but in general she is still the simple girl who used to be less exposed to the world. I admit it.

Sure enough, Speaker Anduin squinted and shouted: "Thinking about it is already a big sin! And whether it is various video materials or other people's testimony, it is confirmed that you have indeed taught Chu Nan privately. Obliteration Core Technique, you have no room for refutation!"

Speaking of which, Speaker Anduin coughed lightly, knocked on the table again, and said loudly: "After the trial, I now declare that Pamela It is true that she taught the Obliteration Core Technique to Chu Nan, an outsider of the clan. According to the clan rules, Pamela was sentenced to abolish the martial skill of her whole body, be imprisoned in Fiefdom for life, and cannot leave the planet where Fiefdom is located. As for Chu Nan..."

Speaker Anduin's cold gaze was cast on Chu Nan.

"Direct execution!"

Chu Nan opened his mouth and was about to speak when a familiar voice suddenly sounded at the entrance where the Imperial Princesses entered and exited.

"Wait a minute, I have an opinion."

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