Pamela stood there, staring at Chu Nan with wide eyes. Although she didn't speak, her eyes and face showed obvious concern.

Chu Nan smiled and waved at her, indicating that he was fine, and at the same time carefully looked at Pamela from head to toe.

Although it is impossible to check Pamela's body through direct contact, from the surface, it is obvious that she is not injured, and more importantly, her mental state is quite good, and she still maintains a "change". Behind him, he looked at Chu Nan unceremoniously, as if he didn't care about the people around him at all.

Seeing her appearance, Chu Nan put down the biggest worry in his heart.

It seems that the Declan Empire Imperial Family has a much better attitude towards their Imperial Family younger generation. Pamela should have been stronger than him these days. Maybe she was questioned, but at least not tormented.

As for the trial...

Chu Nan couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart as he felt Pamela's eyes fixed on him and didn't move at all.

Doesn't she show that she cares so much about herself, further confirming the guilt of the two of them?


A muffled sound suddenly sounded from the high platform in front, interrupting the eye contact between Chu Nan and Pamela.

Chu Nan turned his head and looked towards the high platform, the old man in the row of old men looked particularly old, and his appearance should at least be better than the old fogey, who put down the things like stone bricks in his hands, His eyes shot a sharp gaze that was completely unsuitable for his age, and pinned it on Chu Nan.

Just being glanced at by him, Chu Nan felt a subtle and strange change in the energy fluctuations in the space around him, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

After analyzing this discomfort quickly through a powerful brain, Chu Nan couldn't help but startled.

Under the sound of this subtle wave of Shadow Transformation, the overall environment of space energy around him showed signs of collapse, and any thoughts of manipulating space energy in his mind would inevitably become more complicated and difficult.

This special sign is clearly the result of the Obliteration Core Technique, but now, it's just because the old fogey glanced at him.

Chu Nan immediately put away the last trace of contempt in his heart, looked towards the old man with concentration, and felt a little stern in his heart.

This old fogey, which seems to be likely to be buried at any time, has an incredible accomplishment in the Obliteration Core Technique, even more amazing than the level shown by Prince Lycas before!

Declan Imperial Family really hidden dragons and crouching tigers, the Elder Council of thirteen people is even more difficult.

It was almost impossible for him to escape safely from the current environment.

On the high platform, Speaker Anduin withdrew his gaze, and there was a hint of surprise in his heart.

He just used the very special high-end techniques in the Obliteration Core Technique to test Chu Nan, and he was immediately perceived by Chu Nan, which did not surprise him, because it was clearly pointed out in the report that this The boy from the Earth Federation has excellent innate talent, and his perception of changes in the energy environment of the surrounding space is even better. It is not uncommon to feel that he has done this test.

However, Chu Nan immediately made the most correct response. He released his own breath in a flash, changed the fluctuation of the energy in the surrounding space, and made the effect of the Obliteration Core Technique on him. The lowest, which made Speaker Anduin have to be surprised.

Not only is this kid extremely quick to respond, but also his ability to manipulate the energy of the surrounding space is extremely strong, extremely precise and delicate. This level should not appear on a youngster like him, who is only 20 years old. Usually only A veteran Martial Artist who has honed his martial skill for many years can do this.

It was just a temptation at this time to make Speaker Anduin confirm that what Prince Laikas said in the report was not exaggerated at all, and even had reservations.

This kid is definitely an extremely rare super martial arts genius!

However, from that little test just now, another conclusion was drawn, that is, this kid is obviously very familiar with the Obliteration Core Technique, so that he can make the most correct response immediately and deal with it. So clever.

Thinking of this, Speaker Anduin, complexion sank, said in a low voice, "Chu Nan, do you know how serious a crime you have committed?"

Chu Nan slightly startled.

This old man, who seems to have the most decision-making power, convicted himself as soon as he opened his mouth, so what's the point of the trial?

He is slightly frowned, and looks the head.

"I don't know. Please make it clear."

"hmph!" Anduin Speaker coldly snorted, and then held up that very gavel-like thing on the table Take a heavy shot. "You are not a member of our Declan Imperial Family, but you dare to steal the most precious Obliteration Core Technique of our clan, don't you know the crime? Tell you, according to the rules of our clan, any outsider who stealthily learns the Obliteration Core Technique will become The mortal enemy of this clan, once caught, will be executed immediately!"

Chu Nan looked at the head with a serious expression: "I don't understand what you mean. Although I have always yearned for the Obliteration Core Technique, I have never had the chance. I don’t even dare to learn it by stealing it. I have been in close contact with several aristocratic children, and I know a little about the rules of the aristocracy. I know very well how serious the consequences of stealing the Obliteration Core Technique are, so how dare I try to steal it?”

"You said that you are in close contact with several children of our clan?" Speaker Anduin slammed his eyes, and the eyes that were a little cloudy because of his old age shone brightly. "Which children of our clan are you referring to?"

"This..." Chu Nan pondered for a while, knowing that it would be useless to hide it, so Lang Sheng replied, "There are some There are many, but there are not many that can be called close, there are Imperial Princess Romandi, Imperial Princess Viannelle, Prince Montico..."

Chu Nan described almost all the Declan Empires he had come into contact with. Imperial Family younger generation is listed one after another, and finally turned to look towards Pamela on the left.

"...and of course Pamela Imperial Princess."

After saying that, Chu Nan turned his head and looked towards Speaker Anduin.

"To be honest, you suspect that Pamela Imperial Princess taught me the Obliteration Core Technique in private is very unreasonable, because her Obliteration Core Technique has a problem with her, so how can she teach me if she can't practice it herself. Me? It's more reasonable for you to doubt the other imperial princesses rather than him."

Chu Nan knew very well that since Declan's patriarch old council arrested him and Pamela, he would definitely be taken away. There is some news, but they obviously don't have very definite evidence to prove that he learned the Obliteration Core Technique from Pamela, and for some reason he can't be easily killed to solve the trouble, so they are prepared for this. a trial.

He cannot change this trial with one person's power, so he can only try his best to muddy the water in the trial.

Even if he can't completely clear his own suspicions, then Pamela can't be accused of leaking the Obliteration Core Technique alone.

Although it is a bit unkind to drag the Imperial Princess and the others into the water, I believe that the idea of not blaming the public is suitable for any place.

Even if it is determined that they all have problems, it is impossible for the Declan Imperial Family to bring the charges down to their best Imperial Family younger generation of this generation Declan Imperial Family, because it is simply impossible for them. Serious loss accepted.

"You want to say that they are also suspected of teaching you the Obliteration Core Technique in private?" Speaker Anduin coldly snorted, and patted the table again. "Okay, pass them up."


Chu Nan was stunned, turned his head to look, and saw a row of people opening from the side of the hall. From the door, it was Prince Montico who was leading the way, and behind him were the Imperial Princess Romandi, the Imperial Princess Viannell, and all the Imperial Princesses he had come into contact with.

Among them, even the Imperial Princess of Kasyapa, who he had only met once in the endless abyss, and who had not had much contact at all, was included.

" really made such a big battle, what about it?"

Watching such a large group of imperial princesses walk away expressionlessly Come in and stand separately, Chu Nan grinned, very strange in his heart.

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