Light footsteps sounded in the distance, then gradually became louder, heading in this direction.

Chu Nan recovered from the deepest state of meditation, the Inner Breath circulating in the body at an ultra-high speed slowly subsided and returned to a stable state.

When he opened his eyes, he just saw a group of fully armed soldiers, all of them exuding a strong breath, wearing the same clothes as the previous group of Declan Empire gendarmes walked in.

In front of this group of soldiers, two people took the lead. Compared with that group of soldiers, these two people were the ones who really caught Chu Nan's attention.

these two people's aura is not released, leaving Chu Nan's gap not too much, and even just by induction alone will only regard them as two ordinary persons, but some clues from the energy fluctuations in the space around them can be Judging that these two people are actually super Martial Artists who can also have the domain to interfere with the energy environment of the surrounding space!

In other words, these two people are both Star Level Martial Artists!

The two men brought the group of military police directly to Chu Nan, and the taller middle-aged man on the left rushed to Chu Nan coldly shouted: "Get up, follow us. Let's go."

Chu Nan glanced at them without any resistance, stood up obediently, and two military police rushed over immediately, sandwiched him from left to right, and led him to the door go.

The two powerful Star Level Martial Artists, one after the other, also sandwiched him in the middle, and the rest of the military police spread out and formed a surrounding state, and surrounded Chu Nan in the center without leaving any gaps, Together they walked towards the gate of the courtyard.

Chu Nan was not nervous, he even turned his head and glanced at the two maids hiding in the corner, waving at them laughed.

"Hey, thank you for your service in the past few days, I hope we will meet again."

The two maids looked shocked and didn't dare to say anything to Chu Nan To make any response, he didn't even dare to face him, and lowered his head desperately.

Actually in the past few days they didn't do anything at all, they just waited here, because Chu Nan had been sitting there cultivating for the past three days, not even moving. Not to mention what services are provided by them.

Seeing their reaction, Chu Nan showed a mischievous smile and left surrounded by a group of people.

He knew very well that his actions just now might cause the two innocent maids to be questioned, but thinking about what Cleveland said to him before, he couldn't help but play a prank.

Anyway, all his actions these days are under surveillance, and Declan Empire can't find any problems at all.

Somewhere in the manor, the Imperial Family old man dressed in the Declan Imperial Family tradition looked at Chu Nan on the virtual big screen in front of him, frowned, and turned to Cleveland beside him and asked, "You Didn't you give him any hints before?"

Cleveland, who was knocked out by Chu Nan three days ago, has recovered and is refreshed, better than before, after hearing the question, he immediately leaned forward, With an apologetic smile on his face, he said: "If I go back to His Royal Highness, I have hinted to this kid many times, even made it clear, but he really has no interest in those maids, and he didn't touch them at all, so I can't do anything about it... ”

The old man nodded, did not ask any more, but turned his head to look at the picture on the virtual big screen and chased Chu Nan entire group out of the manor, got on a low-altitude hovering shuttle, and then left at high speed. Just waved.

"Let's go, follow me to the trial."

The rest of the house immediately followed, and Cleveland followed along happily, but just after walking two steps, he was caught by the door stopped by two military police.

Cleveland startled, watching Professor Fenerbahce in front of him still walking with the old man, he couldn't help shouting loudly.

"What are you doing stopping me! I'm going too!"

The two military police looked at him blankly, while the old man and Professor Fenerbahce in front of him looked at him blankly. He also turned a deaf ear to his shouting and quickly walked away.

Soon, they disappeared outside the door.

The expression on Cleveland's face quickly collapsed. He resisted the anger and humiliation in his heart and did not scold, but the fat on his face was still shaking slightly involuntarily.

After a while, he turned his head to look at the virtual big screen that no longer showed any images, and his eyes shot out an incomparable hatred.

"Damn boy! You're dead this time!"


As soon as he walked out of the courtyard gate, Chu Nan's head was covered with a cover With a completely closed helmet, not only can he not see the outside, but even his hearing is completely blocked. He can't know the information of the outside world through direct senses at all, and can only roughly speculate through the details of some physical touches.

He felt that he was being escorted into some kind of flying device, then took off, finally landed after 39 minutes and 27 seconds of flight, and then was escorted out of the flying device, in a very After walking on the ground level, probably in some building, for a while, it finally stopped.

The two gendarmes who had been holding him did not let go at this time, but for a long time there was no other movement, and no one approached him.

However, Chu Nan still didn't dare to move.

Although the body's senses have been shielded a lot, the sense of energy in the external space is not completely shielded. He can clearly perceive the surrounding space, one by one incomparably powerful breaths are gradually joining in. , began to surround him.

One, two, three...

A full number of thirteen extraordinarily powerful and obvious auras were settled around him, and there were no new additions.

Perceiving these powerful auras around him, Chu Nan couldn't help but stunned inwardly.

As expected of the Declan Empire, as expected of the Declan Imperial Family with the highest proportion of Star Level Martial Artists, it was just a trial by the Council of Elders, and thirteen extremely powerful Stars came in one breath. Level Martial Artist.

You must know that there are only nineteen Star Level Martial Artists in the entire Earth Federation!

Waiting patiently for a while, Chu Nan sensed someone approaching him, then the helmet on his head was removed, and light returned to his eyes.

Although with his current fleshy body strength, he would not feel any discomfort about reappearing light from the darkness, but he still habitually narrowed his eyes and turned his head to look around.

He now stretches out into a very broad rotunda. The hall is divided into 5-Layer. The diameter of the lowermost floor is 50 meters, and the uppermost floor is more than 100 meters.

And the periphery of each layer is lined with a circle of seats. At this time, each of these seats is full of people, which seems to be densely packed in the outer circle of the hall.

In his up ahead, there is only a stepped high platform, and the three rows of seats on the high platform are lined up, and it is also full of people at this time.

In the front row of seats, nine old people who were old enough just by looking at them sat there, all of them staring at him with extremely sinister eyes, as if thinking about the light. Directly shot through him with his eyes.

Seeing the senile old man, Chu Nan didn't dare to despise him at all, and he also realized that his previous induction had also made a major mistake.

Not to mention the thirteen powerful auras that are clearly exuding around them, the nine old men in front of them are all equally terrifying.

It's just that they are all able to restrain their own breath well, even if they are so close, it is difficult for Chu Nan to sense it accurately.

But Chu Nan can still be sure that the strength of the nine of them has definitely reached the level of Star Level Martial Artist!

"When did Damn it, Star Level Martial Artist become so worthless?"

Chu Nan gently took a deep breath and calmed down his mood. Look in the other direction.

His eyes turned to the left first, immediately seeing a familiar face, and instantly felt more at ease.

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