“How can this work!” exclaimed Nina. "If they die, wouldn't our previous research be in vain?"

"If they are found by the goddamn guys from the Declan Empire and the Chamber of Commerce, then all of our Efforts will be in vain, why do you think the above is letting us retreat temporarily this time?" Director Romon's tone was still cold. "Okay, this is an order. It's not about conducting scientific research with you, so obey. Then hurry up and do it. We don't have much time."

The room fell silent, and after a while, The door opened, and a group of people filed out.

Chu Nan glanced down at Nina, who was walking from below, and found that her face was heavy at this time, as if she was really sad for the cold-blooded decision of the director Romon just now, and couldn't help but feel a little strange.

This guy looked like he really wanted to leave here and go home when he had an affair with that man just now. Now he can retreat without any burden, but he is not happy.

Could it be that her feelings for the beasts she told her were deeper than her feelings for the man?

Watching everyone leave, Chu Nan remained on the spot, quietly waiting for the door to close again.

After a while, a voice came from the door again, but it was a long sigh from the director Romon.

"Alas...Academician, how long have we been here?"

Quel'Thalas Academician was silent for a while, then slowly replied: "I am more than you. I came earlier, and I have been here for seven standard rounds. When I came, my genetic index was still comparable to that of a 30-year-old youngster. Although during these times, with the deepening of research, I have been able to control the strength of the fleshy body. It's getting better and better, but the genetic index has inevitably fallen to the standard of being close to the age of forty."

"Is that so?" Director Romon bitterly laughed. "You can still rely on fleshy body strengthening to keep strong Transform, so that the fleshy body can stay young forever."

"If you're willing to self-destruct the nebula, suffer the pain, and suffer the most likely chance of failure, I can help you." Quill Saros Academician's words contained a hint of joking.

"Forget it, I'm an old fogey too, but I don't have the courage to start all over again like a youngster." Director Romon refused with a wry smile, and then the topic changed. "Speaking of youngsters, are the two youngsters you met really that powerful? You can't completely defeat them when you transformed into the third form, but you can only escape by yourself?"

" Hmm... I have never fought against that young girl, so I can only preliminarily judge that her strength is probably at the stage of low-level Heavenly Reign Grade, but that young boy... is indeed very strong. He is very strange, from the breath of his body I can't tell if it's that strong, and I didn't think it was that strong when I first started fighting, but the more I hit him, the more powerful it became. And he's right, my current third form still has some flaws. There may not be a second form that is easy to use in a fight."

"Oh? What's the flaw?" Director Romon was very interested.

Quel'Thalas Academician did not answer this question, but moved on to another topic.

"Romon, I think we still need to clean up the rats here before we retreat. You should know very well that the destroyed Transmission Gate will only take one galactic standard round to re-naturalize. Generate, if the rats that sneaked into this floor now one or two discovered our secrets here, and then lived until the next time the Transmission Gate opened, back to the Declan Empire or the Norantham Chamber of Commerce, then the secrets here will still be exposed, which is extremely detrimental to us."

"No, I don't think it is necessary." Director Romon still denied Quel'Thalas Academician. "Even if any mouse lives up to that time like you said, it will be after a galactic standard round as soon as possible, then we can deal with it calmly, even if the Declan Empire and the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum find out Evidence, we can also shirk the past safely, and it does not affect the overall situation. Even more how, since the two youngsters you encountered are so strong, we must invest a lot of power to catch or kill them. At this time, do you think we still have the ability to separate such power?"

Quel'Thalas Academician was silent for a while, and continued without giving up: "Actually, we can go and invite Venerable. Help here, she's not far from here, it won't take too long..."

"No way!" Director Romon interrupted Quel'Thalas Academician forcefully. "If Venerable is discovered by Declan Empire or Noventum Chamber of Commerce, the consequences will only be more serious, and even the alliance will not be able to explain it, so unless it is the most critical and necessary moment, Venerable cannot easily Get out, you should know that."

Quel'Thalas Academician let out a wry smile: "Okay, I see."

He sighed again.

"But I always feel that if we let these two mice go unchecked, there will be big problems. Don't you think, this time the Declan Empire Imperial Family put their garden hunting party on the second stage Is the abyss inherently weird? I suspect they did it on purpose, and the two young guys I met earlier didn't break in there by accident. They probably had Declan Empire or a The meaning of the Chamber of Commerce of Norantham."

Chu Nan outside the door couldn't help twitching the corner of his mouth.

Sorry, he and Angelique really just accidentally broke into the fourth 10th layer, and it was completely unintentional to hit Quel'Tharos Academician, as for chasing all the way here It was intentional.

"Don't think so much, we have to decide what to do based on the strength at hand. The reality is that we don't have the ability to manage that much." Director Romon still disagreed with Quel'Tharos Academician's idea. "Like you told them before, the first thing we have to do now is to destroy the Transmission Gate. If the Transmission Gate is destroyed, even if there is any plan on the Declan Empire side, it will be forced to stop. They can't get through. , naturally can't do anything. And the mice who came here... they can't do anything on their own."

"Well, I hope so." Quel'Tharos Academician Lightly sighed.

The two chatted a few more times, the door opened, and two silhouettes came out.

One of them was a burly one, of course, Quel'Thalas Academician, and the other, who was much shorter and had completely gray hair, should be Director Romon.

The two came out of the door, just passing under Chu Nan.

Chu Nan immediately gathered all the energy, applied the Metal Gear Solid cultivation technique to the extreme, and the Inner Breath of the whole body controlled the energy of the surrounding space and the external space completely fused together, not daring to show the slightest weak spot.

Quel'Tharos Academician and this Director Romon are both powerful, and if one is accidentally exposed, it may be in great danger.

The two below chatted and walked out of the door. Seeing that they were walking under Chu Nan, it was like turning into the next passage. Suddenly, there was a slight pine mushroom on the chest of Director Romon, and a little squirrel shaped like a little squirrel. Ordinary, even several times smaller animals suddenly emerged from his chest and climbed onto Director Romon's shoulders.

Looking at the little animal raising its head, the two small eyeballs turned to their direction, Chu Nan heart shivered with cold, shouting bad.

next moment, the little animal opened its mouth, and a small light like lightning shot out from it, flying straight towards Chu Nan.

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