Chu Nan watched the young woman named Nina walk into an open door next to the passage, hesitated, and did not follow him to climb in from above the door.

Except that the door opening is not high, and the gap left for him to climb in is not large. If he drills through like this, the probability of being discovered will increase. The most important reason is that he is very clear Two powerful breaths were sensed from the door.

One of the auras he was very familiar with was Quel'Tharos Academician who had followed him all the way.

Watching the gate close again, Chu Nan thought for a while, then quietly climbed to the top of the wall outside the gate, keeping his Metal Gear Solid culture technique concealed, while putting his ears in the middle of the gate At the gap, try to listen to the sound coming from inside.

Perhaps because the base was built underground, this gate could not be completely blocked like many places with a high level of secrecy, and voices could still be heard from the gap, although it was not clear. But in Chu Nan's ears, with his super hearing, he could still hear what he was saying.

Nina and the other two, including Quel'Tharos Academician, were clearly not the only ones inside, but the breathing of several others could be heard.

Chu Nan listened for a while and found that it was mainly the other person who exuded a strong breath. Occasionally other people answered the questions he asked, and Nina also answered two questions. .

The problem is mainly focused on some specific work affairs, which contains many professional terms. Although Chu Nan can know what he said with the help of the personal terminal, he can't understand what it means at all.

"If Angelique was here, I should be able to figure it out, right?"

Because I don't understand, Chu Nan is a little bored, but he doesn't dare to miss too much More, can only continue to concentrate one's mind to listen.

Fortunately, it didn't take too long to explain these work affairs. After a while, the powerful person communicated with some of his subordinates, including Nina, and suddenly turned to Quel'tharos. Academician.

"Academician just came back with the latest news that is not good for us. You better listen to it. Academician, you can tell everyone."

"Okay." The Quel'Thalas Academician finally spoke, and as soon as he spoke it was obvious that everyone else was startled. "What I want to tell you is that I have encountered an enemy."

There was a burst of exclamations in the room immediately, and then many people whispered, it seems that this news caused a lot of damage to those other people. A bit of a shock.

"It's all quiet." The person with strong aura raised his voice before, suppressing the voices of everyone. "Listen carefully to what Academician has to say."

The room slowly returned to silence before Quel'Tharos Academician spoke again.

"Although the enemies I encountered were only two youngsters who didn't seem to be over twenty years old, but they were both very powerful Martial Artists, and I didn't even transform into the third form. To defeat him, I can only choose to retreat immediately."

If the news that Quel'Thalas Academician said just now has already started others, then as soon as this sentence is said, let others People were completely shocked.

There was an exclamation sound that was much louder and brighter than before, and many people even shouted "This is impossible", "This is incredible"...etc. Time simply cannot accept what Quel'Thalas Academician said.

This time Quel'Thalas Academician didn't wait for the man before to quiet the crowd, but raised his voice and shouted: "Don't doubt, it's a fact. If I'm not mistaken, the two youngsters It should be the young genius Martial Artist who participated in the Declan Empire garden hunting party this time. The two of them are very strong, perhaps one of the strongest among all the young geniuses who participated in the garden hunting party. They can beat me. Not too weird. And the question we need to think about now is not that I'm defeated, but how many strong guys like them are going to break into the 4th 10th layer."

"Academician That's right." The other person with strong aura answered. "In order to ensure the smooth operation of this retreat and keep the secrets here from being discovered, we must find out how many rats are breaking in at this stage, and try to catch or kill them all as much as possible. At least, we Nor can they discover the secrets we have here. So..."

"Director Romon, I must remind you." Quel'Tharos Academician interrupted. "The two young guys found me in our previous abandoned base. They are most likely to follow the abandoned base that the laser birds entered together. It is very likely that they have discovered some of our secrets, so I first propose that Find them first, it's best to capture them alive."

The breath of the director Romon suddenly rose, and he overshadowed Quel'Thalas Academician in an instant.

After he was silent for a while, he continued in a deep voice: "Academician, I agree with your judgment, but have reservations about your suggestion. In this situation, our first goal is to Protect this place, instead of arresting people for you. If we really can't make sure the secrets here are not leaked, the first thing we will do is to destroy this place. Arresting those two people or killing them would be extremely difficult. It's possible to expose our existence even more, which in turn may allow them to discover our secrets. If the situation here is known to the Declan Empire and the Chamber of Commerce, you should know how serious the consequences will be."

This time, Quel'Tharos Academician fell silent.

After a while, he lightly sighed: "Well, I admit to being carried away by personal desires. Yes, now our first priority is to keep this place. Then I It is recommended to send alien beasts to attack immediately and bomb all the Transmission Gates leading to the upper floors as soon as possible. Now that the two youngsters have broken into this place, there must be more people breaking in one after another, and there are even quite a few. Someone broke in. If we don't move fast enough, the secrets here are very likely to be discovered and exposed."

"Academician is right." Director Romon took over. "So to gather you now is to ask you to mobilize all the alien beasts in the shortest possible time, inject basic chips into their bodies, and let them assist in destroying the Transmission Gate. I will give you a maximum of one day to prepare, because according to estimates, we have the most You can only have three to five days to evacuate. After five days at the most, the base will be completely blocked and everyone must evacuate. Nina, what is your opinion?"

"Director, one day Not enough, you know, there are many alien beasts that are still in the transition period of the first form, and can't even withstand the genetic conflict brought about by biochips. If they are forcibly injected, they are very likely to die."

"Then let them die." Director Romon said coldly.

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