First the fingertips moved, then the entire palm, then the arms, feet, legs, and the Academician "corpse" of Quel'Thalas moved little by little.

At first he seemed to have a very hard time moving, and he could only move the ends of his body very slightly, but his recovery speed was obviously getting faster and faster, and it didn't take long for him to fully move his limbs, and then he sat slowly stand up.

Sitting up, after a daze for a while, Quel'Tharos Academician—now no longer a corpse—opened his eyes, his dazed eyes quickly regaining their brilliance, and soon he Expressions also began to appear on his face, his facial features twitched for a while, and he slowly stood up again.

He is alive.

Quel'Thalas Academician turned his head, looked left and right, then closed his eyes again, let go of his perception, and felt the surrounding space for a while, confirming that there were no traces of other people around. Only when he opened his eyes again, a reassuring smile appeared on his face, but with his now thin face that only had bones and skin, it looked very gloomy.

Then the smile on his face turned into doubt.

“Where did these two little fellows come from? How could they be so strong? And what cultivation technique did that kid finally use? It looks like the legendary Obliteration Core. Technique. Could it be that he is a prince of the Declan Empire Imperial Family? This time is the time when the Declan Empire Imperial Family is holding a garden hunting party. It's not too strange to have a prince come here. But it's just a A prince is so powerful, and the strength of the Declan Empire cannot be underestimated."

Quel'Thalas Academician stood there and pondered for a while, shook the head, shook his thoughts away, and gently took a Deep breath, a trace of Inner Breath flowed out from the broken dantian, and began to slowly flow in his body.

The self-destruct suspended animation just now did great damage to his fleshy body. Even if he is alive now, it will take a while to recover.

But he didn't dare to stay here any longer. In case Chu Nan and Angelababy return to check the situation on a whim, I'm afraid he will only be dead end.

Originally Quel'Thalas Academician had absolute confidence in himself, and felt that he could ignore any Martial Artist below the Star Level Martial Artist, but didn't expect that he is now being rejected by a junior grader. The young boy was forcibly defeated and even educated by the other side.

Through the fight just now, he knew very well that he might be able to suppress Chu Nan in pure strength, but as Chu Nan said when he finally taught him, strength is not the only one in the real battle, He is obviously inferior to Chu Nan in other aspects, and there is no chance of winning if he continues to fight.

And he forcibly entered the immature third form for a period of time, which caused too much load on his fleshy body, and if he left the transformed form, his strength would only decrease, and his strength would only decrease. Not Chu Nan's opponent.

Fortunately, he still has such a unique skill, and he chose suspended animation on the spot.

Before making this decision, Quel'Tharos Academician was also worried about what Chu Nan and Angelique would do to the "corpse" he left behind, so that although he was not afraid, he would also It will add a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, the two little fellows were young after all and hadn't learned to be vicious and merciless like those Old Guys, but they kept a "whole corpse" for him, which saved him a lot of time.

Inner Breath kept flowing, stimulated by Quel'Thalas Academician's self-created "Gene Potential Divine Art", this cultivation technique, his fleshy body recovered quickly and grew enough cells again Organization, to make up for all his injuries completely.

In just a few minutes, his scrawny body has become rounded like a balloon... More precisely, he has become stronger.

Quel'Tharos Academician, who had a strange appearance like a mummified corpse before, has now changed his style of painting, but has become a sturdy, muscular man.

But if you look closely, you will find that the surface of his body no longer has those subtle fluctuations, but the whole person looks more like a normal person.

Quel'Thalas Academician touched the skin on his chest, and even though he started to feel the muscles that were so hard and firm that they felt extremely powerful when touched, he laughed the head bitterly.

"Looks like it will take at least a month to regain enough potential. Hey, these two goddamn boys, have a chance to grab them must and strip them from head to toe It is all carefully studied, and every cell is spared!"

gnashing teeth said this sentence to himself, Quel'Thalas Academician looked around, his eyes fell on the still place The group of alien beasts in the corner of the space, frowned, then opened their mouths and made a series of extremely strange sounds.

But after hearing these voices, those alien beasts took the initiative to approach Quel'Tharos Academician and formed a circle around him.

Quel'Thalas Academician rolled over and rode on the back of a strange bird, and then made a strange cry, and a group of strange beasts flew into the air.

Just as they were about to hit the wall above their heads, a large garden hole suddenly opened in the dome of the huge space, and a dark passage appeared.

A group of alien beasts, carrying Quel'Thalas Academician, scurried into the passage, and soon disappeared completely.

Seeing that the passage was about to close, Chu Nan and Angelique, who had been hiding, appeared and rushed into the passage just in time.

You don't need to spend too much energy to track down, the stench from the various alien beasts in the passage is the best sign. It was found that both sides of the passage had been turned into rocks from what they were just now.

After a while, a ray of light began to appear in front of them, and then it became brighter and brighter. After a while, the two of them had already seen the bright light outside.

The two came to the entrance of the cave and waited patiently before sticking their heads out carefully.

I looked around all around, and easily found the traces of the group of strange birds and other strange beasts that were going away in the sky in the distance.

Chu Nan grabs Angelique who wants to immediately charge ahead to keep up.

"I'll chase, you go back and inform Romandy and Carolla, I'll leave a mark along the way, you pay attention."

Angelberry rolled her eyes, I quickly figured out the key, no nonsense, very simply nodded to answer, but still did not forget to warn.

"I'm not by your side, you are not allowed to fight with others."

"I promise you." Chu Nan was nodded, and then laughed. "Don't worry, I won't die where you can't see it. This is my promise to you."

After saying that, Chu Nan leaned over and kissed Angelique on the lips, then turned around and immediately flew over.

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