
Chu Nan heart startled, and hurriedly extended the hand to look over, only to find that Quel'Thalas Academician was indeed breathless now, even more so. There was no heartbeat, not even the Inner Breath penetrated into him and found no energy fluctuations.

This situation only proves that he is obviously too dead to die.

"Damn, why did I die before I asked anything?"

Chu Nan was in a daze.

He had basically confirmed that this Quel'Thalas Academician must have a good understanding of this place, and he was closely related to the strange birds that destroyed the Transmission Gate. From his mouth, he must be able to ask a lot of interesting questions. Something of value that not only helps them go back, but also gives them a better understanding of what's going on in the place.

But now, Quel'Thalas Academician is dead!

But how did this guy die?

Chu Nan frowned and had some doubts in his heart.

From the appearance, Quel'Thalas Academician seems to have been forced into the third form just now and fought with Chu Nan for a long time, causing the fleshy body to be overloaded, unable to support it, Or suffer from a cultivation technique backlash, so that the fleshy body is almost completely disintegrated, which is exhausted and eventually died.

But if there is such a result, Quel'Thalas Academician shouldn't know about it. Although Chu Nan avoided every attack of him just now, he did not attack him. What counterattack, let alone what fatal injury to him.

Just because he used the cultivation technique too much and died, this... is too ridiculous, right?

Chu Nan thought about it for a while, his thoughts turned, the Inner Breath flowed, the energy of the whole body condensed, and the green aura that represented life force gathered, but it was he who planned to launch the hymn of Goddess The cultivation technique injects life force into Quel'Thalas Academician in an attempt to revive him.

The greatest magic of Goddess's hymn cultivation technique is that as long as the other party doesn't really die completely, under the injection of a lot of life force, there is hope forcibly to be rescued.

However, just as Chu Nan made a move, Angelique suddenly extended the hand and grabbed Chu Nan.

Feeling the strength of Angelababy's hand, Chu Nan astonished looked up and saw Angelbely slowly shaking the head at him, and then pointed out another finger. Quel'Tharos Academician lying on the ground gave Chu Nan another wink.

With the tacit understanding developed by the two of them for a long time, Chu Nan certainly did not need words to understand Angel Beili's meaning, and immediately stopped Goddess's hymn cultivation technique, a green full of life force The breath disappeared instantly.

Then he deliberately accentuated his voice with a long sigh.

"Hey, I thought I had found a good clue, but didn't expect him to die like this. It's a pity."

Angie Belle is biased. Leaning over, he turned his head to an angle with his back to Quel'Tharos Academician on the ground, winked at Chu Nan with a weird smile, and then looked to the left and right, also sighed.

"It's a pity that Quel'Thalas Academician, who is well-known among the people who study bioengineering throughout the galaxy, didn't expect to die like this. I don't think anyone would have thought of that. Will he die here inexplicably?"

"Well, it's fortunate that there are no outsiders around, otherwise people will definitely think that we killed him." Chu Nan said, and stood up. "Forget it, since the person is dead, then we can't find out anything. Let's go out quickly. Romandy and the others are still waiting outside. We haven't been out for so long, they must be in a hurry."

"Well, alright, let's go out quickly."

Angelbely complied and walked out of the passage with Chu Nan.

After walking out of the huge space, the two entered the passage. Chu Nan determined that the distance was enough, so he sent a sound to Angelababy through the microwave vibration of space energy.

"Hey, are you really sure he's not dead?"

"Although he is completely dead from the physical signs, but from the deep genetic information of his body , did not enter the recession period, it can be seen that he did not really die." Angel Belli also sound transmission. "If I'm not mistaken, he should have used a special cultivation technique to get himself into a very realistic suspended animation."

"But if that's the case, I think... we just His acting is so bad, can he believe?" Chu Nan slightly frowned wondered.

"Relax, I have checked all his body cells and tissues, and I can be sure that his physical condition is no different from that of a dead person. His various organs cannot receive information from the outside world, so he should not be able to see us. I can't hear us talking, and it's also imperceptible to the flow of air, so I can't detect our movements."

"Then why do you want me to cooperate with you in this play?" Chu Nan couldn't help it. rolled the eyes. "Don't you know how awkward I was just now? He couldn't see or hear anyway, so let's just leave."

"Ha, of course I know." Chu Nan's ears Angel Belle's light laughter sounded. "Actually, I'm pretty much the same, but in order to prevent him from being able to perceive information from the outside world through other methods, we still have to act a little bit. As for him believing or not... Now he doesn't seem to have the right to choose."

Chu Nan glanced back at the huge underground space connected in the depths of the passage, and then looked at An Qibeili. It took a while to completely restrain his breath.

If there are other Martial Artists who measure their position through perception, it should be judged that they have slowly left from the speed of this breath weakening.

When her breath was completely subdued, Angelique extended the hand to hold Chu Nan again.

Chu Nan gave her a strange look and was about to ask what to do when she felt a warm Inner Breath coming from Angel Belle's palm, and Chu Nan was unguarded. It flowed into Chu Nan's body under the circumstances, and soon it was distributed all over Chu Nan's body, covering every part of his body.

This Inner Breath is very peculiar. After they flowed in, Chu Nan felt that the cells and tissues of his entire fleshy body seemed to be held down by an invisible hand, becoming extremely uncomfortable. Active, all the organs in the body are running extremely slowly.

Of course, this aura only covers the surface of Chu Nan's body, he can still clearly feel the normal operation of his internal organs, and it does not affect the flow of dantian Inner Breath at all.

But he can be sure that under the shroud of this aura, if outsiders detect him based on perception alone, they might treat him as a dead person.

Chu Nan was even more surprised.

Angie Belle and that Quel'Thalas Academician deserve to be genetically engineered, and they both have the same means.

After all the preparations were done, Angelique took Chu Nan's hand and turned back to the huge underground space and sneaked back quietly.

The two answered quietly at the entrance of the passage, sticking their bodies on the top of the passage, with only a little sight looking towards the depths of the space, you could see that Quel'Thalas Academician's "corpse" was still there. Lie there motionless.

"Hey, Angelina, you said...he's not afraid that we will smash him into pieces on a whim?" Chu Nan sent Angelbell's sound transmission.

"Maybe he is not afraid of corpses at all, and he also has a cultivation technique similar to the rebirth of flesh." Angelique replied. "Master figured out this cultivation technique by studying genetic engineering. He is also an expert in this field, and he may also have this ability."

"Impossible...Overy Venerable is a Star Level Martial Artist, The strength of this guy is at most the low level of Heavenly Reign Grade, how can you compare?" Chu Nan disagreed.

"Cultivation technique this thing, who can say for sure?" Angelina replied casually.

The two chatted through space energy microwave vibration and waited quietly.

After waiting for nearly an hour, Quel'Thalas Academician's "corpse" has remained silent, as if it were really dead.

If he hadn't fully trusted Angel Belle's judgment, Chu Nan couldn't help but charge ahead and directly cut Quel'Thalas Academician's "corpse" into eight pieces and smashed it into thousands of pieces, watching him Can you pretend to be dead?

"Hey, Angelique, I'm afraid it's not the way to wait any longer. We can wait, but Romandy and Carolla outside won't be able to wait. We haven't been back for so long, they will think we Something happened." Chu Nan glanced at Quel'Thalas Academician's "corpse" again, and thought for a while and said to Angelique. "Why don't I keep guarding here, you go back and notify the two of them first, so they don't worry."

Angebeli looked at the "corpse" in the distance and frowned for a moment. , sound transmission came over with a soft umm.

Just as Angelina was about to leave and return quietly, she suddenly noticed something different, and both Chu Nan and Chu Nan focused their eyes on the "corpse" of Quel'Thalas Academician on the ground in the distance.

At this moment, the "corpse" suddenly moved.

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