As soon as they saw this black air, the others were nothing. Prince Montico and Imperial Princess Kasyapa both complexion greatly changed and they were full of shock.

As the most orthodox Declan Empire Imperial Family younger generation, they can see at a glance that the spatial energy fluctuations in this black air clearly represent the Obliteration Core Technique!

The Obliteration Core Technique that can emit such strong fluctuations proves that the person in front must have cultivated the Obliteration Core Technique to a higher level.

I think that this is an endless abyss, and all the use of space energy is limited by the environment, and it is difficult to exert true strength - especially in the use of space energy, then the person in front must be the empire expert senior in Imperial Family.

But at this time and place, why would an expert senior from the Imperial Family appear in such a place?

Could it be that the experts sent by the Imperial Family to covertly protect them, the Imperial Family younger generation, encountered something and were forced to expose it.

These thoughts flashed in my mind in an instant, the two looked at each other and flew in that direction with all their strength.

Actually at the moment when he saw the black gas and sensed the abnormal fluctuation of space energy, Chu Nan actually judged that this should be the Obliteration Core Technique.

It's just that in the special space energy environment of the Endless Abyss, this Obliteration Core Technique also showed some differences compared to the outside world, making his reaction a little slower.

Seeing that Prince Montico and Imperial Princess Kasyapa had rushed out, Hathor immediately followed, Chu Nan quickly motioned for Angelique and Carolla to follow.

After a while, the entire group had arrived at the place where the Declan Imperial Family expert was supposed to be fighting, and now it was clear that he was fighting with dozens of flying beasts like ordinary birds.

Although these beasts are not large, their strength is not weak. They shuttle back and forth in the air like lightning, and each time they can drive the energy of the surrounding space to fluctuate, turning them into one after another densely packed The black purple lightning criss-crossed into dozens of streaks in the sky, firmly blocking the black gas in the middle.

However, the person who emits black gas is not showing weakness. The black gas permeates the space, and he can always quickly bring the energy of the surrounding space into control, and give full play to the characteristics of the Obliteration Core Technique. The abnormal space energy is brought into the rhythm of the Obliteration Core Technique, so that no matter how agitated the birds are and how fierce the light they bring, they always disappear in a blink of an eye and cannot pose a threat.

"Let's help!"

Prince Montico and Imperial Princess Kasyapa had just arrived. past.

But just as the two of them charged ahead, a clear and pleasant voice suddenly came out of the black air.

"Montico, you two are not allowed to come up! I discovered these guys first, are you trying to grab them?"

Prince Montico and Imperial Princess Kasyapa are together Qi stopped, looked at each other in blank dismay, and Chu Nan and Angelique, who arrived later, were also surprised when they heard the voice.

"Romandy, it's actually you?"

The black air suddenly burst out, covering all the dozens of birds and beasts. The beasts were swallowed up by the black energy and turned into nothingness.

After a while, the black aura dissipated, revealing the true body inside, which turned out to be the Romandi Imperial Princess!

She looked at Chu Nan and Angel Beili next to her with a look of surprise, then looked at Carola beside Chu Nan and Hathor beside Kasyapa Imperial Princess, her face was full of surprise. The astonished expression became even stronger.

"Hey, Chu Nan, Angelique, why are you two here? Is this the companion you're looking for? Why are you so young? He looks like a contestant." Roman asked the Imperial Princess.

"We came here following the rescue signal received by Imperial Princess Kasyapa, and it was Prince Montico and another group of Imperial Family younger generation who sent the signal, so we ran into him. You Why are you here again?" Chu Nan asked rhetorically.

"I also received a call for help."

Romandy Imperial Princess pointed down, everyone looked down, and saw two people lying on the ground below. Personally, there are three sitting next to them, all of them look like they are injured, especially the two lying down who look like they are breathing more and less, and they are dying.

"Chu Nan, you and Angelique came just right, and they were seriously injured. Please help them quickly." Romandy Imperial Princess and Angelique have communicated privately many times, Of course, knowing that the two have such special abilities, he immediately asked them for help.


Chu Nan and Angelina did not refuse. rescue from danger.

In a short while, the five people recovered well, and Prince Montico and the others also finished their conversation with the Imperial Princess, and a group of people fell down together.

"It seems that everyone encountered a larger beast tide on this floor and couldn't hold it anymore." Romandy Imperial Princess glanced at the five people who had recovered, and saw that they had indeed recovered. In good condition, nodded with satisfaction, then turned his head and glanced at the direction of the Transmission Gate pointed out by Prince Montico just now, and asked Chu Nan: "Listen to Montico, are you planning to form a team to continue to explore the depths?"

"Well, what?"

"Add me." Romandy Imperial Princess said unceremoniously.

"Huh?" Chu Nan looked at her in surprise. "You want to join us too? Didn't you say before you set off that you like to be alone and would never form a team with others?"

Before setting off for the endless abyss, Chu Nan and An Qi Belle also met with Imperial Princess Romandi privately. At that time, Chu Nan jokingly asked Imperial Princess Romanty if she wanted to join his squad. Anyway, no one else could find enough, but Imperial Princess Romanti categorically refused.

But now, she actually wants to join.

"It's different now and then." Imperial Princess Romandi glanced around, with a rare worried expression on her face. "This time, the beast tide in the Endless Abyss is different from the previous beast tides. Not only is the number of alien beasts much larger, but the number of high-rank alien beasts has increased significantly, and there are many that I have never seen before. A new breed of beast. I think there must be something wrong here, so I thought of looking into the situation more deeply. You..."

"Wait." Chu Nan interrupted her with a raised hand. "From your tone, you seem to be familiar with the Endless Abyss?"

"Nonsense." Romandy Imperial Princess glared at Chu Nan. "From the age of ten, until the age of eighteen, I have come to the Endless Abyss cultivation for at least half a year every year. Otherwise, why do you think I can fly here and use the cultivation technique arbitrarily?"

Said Here, with a puzzled look on her face, she glanced at Chu Nan and the others, not even Carolla.

"I'm rather curious, how can you guys fly? It's okay for Montico and Kasyapa, they might also come here for cultivation secretly, but Chu Nan, you and An. Qibeili, didn't you say that you never came to our Declan Empire before the hunting party?"

The eyes of a group of people were focused on Chu Nan.

Chu Nan scratched his head, laughed.

"This...I say innate talent, do you believe it?"

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