"If you say that, I'm just nosy this time?" Chu Nan twitched the corners of his mouth, smiled and said self-deprecatingly.

"No, of course not." Prince Montico shook his head seriously. "If it was rescued by other people, it would be considered as forcible interference, and the evaluation of each of us would drop sharply, or even be directly disqualified. So if it is not really unbearable, it is not the most critical and threatening. In life, those people will not appear."

Prince Montico glanced at the other Imperial Princesses.

"You see, everyone's joy comes from the heart. At least you have taken the shot, and we don't have to stay there nervously to deal with the attacks of those alien beasts. You have to know, in case it happens What's wrong, those who secretly support us may not have time to save us. So the danger we face is not false, but there is a way back."

Chu Nan gently took a deep breath, shrugged: "You said that just to tell me that Pamela will be fine, right?"

"I'm not 100% sure that she will be fine, but you Believe it, she won't get into trouble so easily."

"Well, I trust your judgment, but I don't quite believe she will know how to stop in time. You should know better than me, she is not sure about this. Perseverance.”

Prince Montico bitterly laughed.

"This... should be regarded as her obsession. If she fails, I doubt that even if she is still alive, she may not be able to persevere."

"Forget it, since you Everyone said she's fine, so I'll treat her as if she's all right." Chu Nan took a deep breath again, his expression returned to normal, glanced at the relaxed Earth Sovereign sons of the Imperial Princess, and saw two more in the sky in the distance. The silhouette flew over, it should be Angel Belle and Carolla, and asked Prince Montico again: "Now your crisis is temporarily relieved, and there is no real danger from what you said, then you will prepare next. What should I do?"

"Why don't you tell me what you are going to do first?" Prince Montico asked instead. "Ordinary contestants like you are different from us, the Imperial Family younger generation. If you want to get good results in the park hunting party, you probably won't accept that you just stop and wait for the park hunt to end, right?"

"Of course not." Chu Nan shook his head. "Before, because I had to understand the environment here, I wasted more than ten days in mastering flying. Now I can fly with great difficulty. If I don't use the last few days to work hard, then my final results will not be appalling. I'm afraid it's hard to be qualified to be given an S-Rank martial skill. So I still have to work hard, and I should continue to explore deeper."

"Really? Since it is In this way, our purpose is the same." Prince Montico laughed. "I also delayed many days in order to stay and organize them to resist the attack together. I originally planned to stick to it until the end of the garden hunting party, and I didn't care about any results. But now that they are safe and sound, Then I don't want to end here."

Prince Montico suddenly stretched out his hand to Chu Nan.

"It is very dangerous to continue to go deep, are you willing to accept me to join your team?"

Chu Nan was stunned for a while, and then asked somewhat incredulously: "You Want to come with me?"

"Can't you?" Prince Montico asked with a smile.

Chu Nan looked at him blankly.

Is this guy kidding?

He is the most eye-catching prince of the Declan Empire Imperial Family, but now he wants to join his team on an adventure?

Is there such an operation?

But at this time Angel Belle and Carolla had already flown in. Chu Nan glanced at him and found that Angel Belle was still carrying a person in her hand. It was the Imperial Princess of Kasyapa.

Gaze swept across the face of Imperial Princess Kasyapa, Chu Nan suddenly figured it out.

Since Kasyapa's Imperial Princess has joined the team, more than one Montico prince seems to be nothing.

It's just that their current team composition is a bit strange. Including Hathor who didn't come here, out of the total of six people, only Angelique is not a member of the hunting party. Contestants...

Imperial Princess Kasyapa was also very surprised to see that Chu Nan was actually with a group of Imperial Princesses, and Prince Montico was standing beside him.

After inquiring about the situation, she quickly made a decision to continue exploring the depths of the endless abyss together.

Chu Nan knew that Hathor would not be willing to part with her, so he readily agreed.

But the other Imperial Princesses expressed their desire to follow along, but Chu Nan unceremoniously refused all of them.

What a joke, the addition of Prince Montico and Imperial Princess Kasyapa is too much. If there are more Imperial Princesses, the nature of his team will change.

After a while of chirp chirp twitter twitter negotiation, Chu Nan and Prince Montico took the group of imperial princesses who finally escaped and left the group of alien beasts that besieged them for a longer distance, After finding a quiet and remote place to hide, I said goodbye and left.

"I don't think...they guys won't necessarily continue to stay here obediently and honestly, waiting for the park hunt to end." Chu Nan glanced back at the hiding place that had disappeared from view, and said Prince Montico, who was also flying behind him, said.

"I can't control this." Prince Montico looked indifferent. "It's their own choice. If they kill themselves, it's their own problem. I don't have the responsibility to watch them all the time. But even if they do, it shouldn't be a big problem. After all, they can all fly now, right? ?"

When he said this, Prince Montico's eyes fell on the Imperial Princess Kasyapa in front of him.

Hashor almost flew alongside the Imperial Princess of Kasyapa.

Both of them were just taught by Chu Nan the cultivation technique of flying. They are not very proficient in flying now.

Looking at the two of them talking happily, and even looking at each other, anyone could tell that something special must have happened between them.

Prince Montico frowned slightly.

Declan Empire's Imperial Family younger generation does not completely prohibit marrying people from other countries, but very few people will actually make such a choice, especially fewer Imperial Princesses who marry other countries.

This Hathor had already met on the first day of the hunting party. It could be seen that he was not a guy who would be willing to join the Imperial Family, and he looked like a savage The general appearance will definitely not be welcomed by the overwhelming majority in the Imperial Family. If you want to combine with the Kasyapa Imperial Princess, you will inevitably encounter great obstacles.

But this matter has nothing to do with Prince Montico after all. Although Imperial Princess Kasyapa can be regarded as the younger sister of his same sect in name, but in fact the relationship between the two is not close at all. Completely incapable of questioning these.

Seeing the interaction between Imperial Princess Kasyapa and Hathor, Prince Montico couldn't help but turn to Pamela again, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Chu Nan who was flying in front of the right. at a glance.

Pamela rarely contacts outsiders, Chu Nan can be said to be the first outsider she really came into contact with through childhood, and it seems that she recognizes Chu Nan very much, and even shows a very close attitude .

But the last time I saw this guy Chu Nan, a girlfriend suddenly appeared. Pamela wanted to be with Chu Nan even more difficult, not only to break through the gap between the two identities , but also emotional differences.

Perhaps Pamela likes Chu Nan, but Chu Nan may not like Pamela...

Don't look at Chu Nan cares about Pamela, but Montico The prince could see that Chu Nan's relationship with Pamela had nothing to do with the relationship between men and women, and more like caring about a Little Sister.

Thinking of this, Prince Montico couldn't help but smile bitterly.

As the Imperial Family younger generation of Declan Empire, how can they fall in love like a child of an ordinary person?

Perhaps sensing Prince Montico's gaze, Chu Nan suddenly turned his head.

"Hey, Montico, how long until the next Transmission Gate?"

Prince Montico immediately put away his thoughts and turned to look after hearing the voice Kasyapa's Imperial Princess glanced at each other and pointed to the far right front.

"It should be there, this is our Imperial Family's exclusive secret teleportation point, few people know about it..."

As soon as Prince Montico's voice fell, everyone suddenly sensed When a strange space energy fluctuation came from a distance, I looked at it in amazement and saw a cloud of black air filling the sky.

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