Chu Nan had no time to pay attention to what Prince Montico was thinking. He only knew that he had fulfilled the conditions put forward by Prince Montico, so he unceremoniously told Montico The prince extends the hand.

"Okay, now you can tell me where is the girl, the descendant of Prince Sallymore I'm looking for now?"

Prince Montico pondered for a while and asked Said: "Can I ask, what is your relationship with her? I said before that she rarely has contact with outsiders, especially if you are still a young Martial Artist from an unknown country far outside the spiral arm of Orion, I really can't imagine how you know her."

Chu Nan frowned: "Is this question important? Your Royal Highness, don't you want to renege on a debt?"

Prince Montico immediately smiled and waved his hand: "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to renege on a debt. But I'm really curious about the relationship between the two of you. If I can't figure it out, I'll It's hard to take you to see her with confidence, because her condition is not that good right now."

"Is the situation bad?" Chu Nan was suddenly startled, grabbed Prince Montico's arm, and asked sharply Said: "Tell me, did her fleshy body start to hold back again? Or is there something wrong with the cultivation technique? How is she now? Take me to see her!"

Feeling Chu The powerful fleshly body strength from Nan's palm made Prince Montico secretly surprised.

What surprised him was not that Chu Nan's fleshly body strength was so powerful, but the unabashed concern that Chu Nan revealed in both his words and expressions.

More importantly, Chu Nan actually knew that there was something wrong with her body and cultivation technique?

Prince Montico pondered for a while, but still did not rashly agree, but looked directly into Chu Nan's eyes, said resolutely: "Please give me a reason that can convince me, otherwise I can only tell you her She is still alive and temporarily in a safe place. I can't do other things, let alone take you to see her. With the relationship between our two families, I have the responsibility and obligation to protect her safety, please forgive me ."

Hearing the firmness in Prince Montico's tone, Chu Nan calmed himself down, stared at Prince Montico for a while, and gently delegated.

"Well, we met accidentally on a planet whose name I don't even know now..."

Chu Nan's process of acquainting himself with the mysterious girl I talked about it roughly, of course, the details of how he explored the core technique on the girl and later helped her recast the fleshy body were omitted, but he just said that he met her by accident and spent some time together.

Of course, in order to enhance credibility, he revealed the details of how he helped the girl adjust the cultivation technique of the cultivation technique.

Sure enough, Prince Montico showed a surprised expression after hearing this.

"It's no wonder that after meeting Pamela this time, I found that her state is much better than when I saw her last year. If it wasn't for this, I would have thought she would have survived the 1st Stage. safari."


"That's her name, if she's the one you're looking for."

"Then you believe me?" Chu Nan was immediately shocked. He had known that mysterious girl for so long, and had been looking for her for so long, but it was the first time he knew her name. "Then take me to see her."

Prince Montico pondered for a moment, and nodded agreed, but glanced at Grulick, who was still unconscious on the ground, but frowned.

"This guy looks like this, how do you want me to negotiate with him?"

"It's easy."

Chu Nan squatted down and slapped his palm. In Glulik, the Inner Breath circulated, unlocked the blockade of Glulik's whole body meridian, and then used Goddess's hymn cultivation technique to inject a small amount of life force into Glulick's body, which quickly made him recover.

Grulick opened his eyes and saw Chu Nan who was squatting beside him and Prince Montico who was leaning down and looking at him curiously. He was a little dazed at first, but he quickly reacted .

"His Royal Highness, isn't it like you're planning to negotiate with me?"

Seeing that Glulick still tried to maintain a high profile in this situation, Chu Nan It was funny in his heart, but he didn't bother to pay attention to how Glulick and Prince Montico fought, and raised his eyebrows to Prince Montico.

"You two talk slowly, Prince Montico, let's deal with my affairs first."

Prince Montico frowned, a little embarrassed.

"This... only I know where she is, and she doesn't want to see other outsiders. If she wants to see her, I can only lead you there, but now I still need to talk to her immediately. Glulik just have a good talk. Chu Nan, you should know that the situation is tense now, our compatriots of the Imperial Family are under siege everywhere on this planet, if it is delayed, I am afraid there will be more Imperial Family younger generation Killed."

"It's none of my business how many of your Imperial Family younger generation die..." Chu Nan buried this sentence in his heart, thought about it, and turned his head to look towards Grulik. "Hey, Grulik, you tricked those guys into being tricked. Since you can incite them to besiege the Imperial Family younger generation, then there should be a way to stop them, right? Let them stop, don't make trouble. "

Grulik complexion sank, I really want to say why I should listen to you, but thinking of the strong strength shown by Chu Nan just now, I know very well that I am just asking for trouble if I continue to push hard. After hesitating for a while, you can only take a deep breath and try to calm down.

"I can first inform them to stop and tell them that I have reached a settlement with the Declan Empire Imperial Family younger generation side, and there will be no conflict between the two sides for the time being, and everything will be concluded after the park hunting meeting is over. But..." Glulick looked towards Prince Montico. "This requires the Imperial Family of your empire to show corresponding sincerity, otherwise even I can't convince so many people."

Prince Montico smiled nodded: "This is beneficial to both of us. Choose, I will try to convince the Imperial Family to accept the terms we negotiated, and I think they are also happy to see that the park hunting party can end smoothly."

"Okay, since that's the case, then there's no problem. ." Seeing that Prince Montico readily agreed, Glulick also sighed in relief. "With the promise of His Royal Highness, I can explain it when I go back. But..."

Grulick turned his head and looked towards Chu Nan again.

“But what?” Chu Nan asked.

"Chu Nan, it's hard to reverse the image that you have joined the Declan Empire Imperial Family. After all, you have had friendly contacts with many Declan Empire Imperial Family younger generation in front of so many people. After doing such a thing, I can't help you."

"So that's what happened." Chu Nan shrugged, his face relaxed. "It doesn't matter, I don't care what the bastards think of me, they have no influence on me at all. If I really want to say, I am afraid that many of those people are very envious of me, right? But there are many people rushing to seek refuge. Neither can the Declan Empire Imperial Family."

Grulick's face sank again.

He knew very well that Chu Nan was telling the truth, the Declan Empire was the real largest country in the galaxy, and the Declan Empire Imperial Family was definitely the most powerful family in the galaxy, possessing countless super powerful resources. It has a strong appeal both for young Martial Artist and ordinary person.

Don't look at those guys keep on saying that Declan Empire Imperial Family is not fair to them, they have to oppose Declan Empire Imperial Family's approach, but as long as Declan Empire Imperial Family reveals the reason for their solicitation I mean, there must be many people who turn their heads and run to kneel and lick.

"If Chu Nan is really interested in maintaining a long-term friendly relationship with our Imperial Family, I believe that the entire Imperial Family will be very welcome." Prince Montico gave Chu Nan a bright smile. "I'm even sure, Chu Nan, that a lot of Imperial Family have already been eyeing you. If possible, use your own daughter to incorporate you into the family, but it's something that many people will seriously consider."

Looking at Prince Montico's strange, ambiguous and meaningful smile, Chu Nan suddenly felt the chills all over his body stand up, and he felt a chill.

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