Farther away, Royes, who had been fighting in the sky above the city wall, fell to the city wall, returned to the place where he and Bodie had been drinking and laughing, and picked up a glass of strong glass on the table. The wine, raised towards Bodie, who was falling at the same time, was laughed.

"Ha, the last good show on the 1st Stage is really wonderful, it feels like a worthwhile trip. Come on, Bodie, let's do this for Chu Nan's performance just now. One cup, and this one for our upcoming parting!"

Body did not respond to Royes immediately, but remained silent for a long time, and then suddenly let out a long sigh, but this time he did not raise it in front of him Instead, he picked up the strong liquor in front of Royes, poured himself a glass, raised it and gestured to Royes, and drank it.

Seeing the intense flush on Bodie's face, Royes was surprised that he even forgot to drink his own wine.

"Hey, Bodie, you are..."

He spent a lot of time with Bodie before, and every time he persuaded Bodie to drink, he was ruthlessly rejected. This time Bodie actually took the initiative to drink?

Bodie slowly put out a breath, probably because of the spirits, which made his eyes look a little confused.

"Royes, I've decided, I... will not participate in the second stage hunting party."

"Huh?" Royes was even more surprised than before. "Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

Suddenly he understood.

"Could it be because I saw Chu Nan's performance just now?"

"Yes." Bodie gently nodded. "Before this, I always thought that even if my innate talent was temporarily inferior to others, I could still catch up with my efforts, but now seeing Chu Nan's performance with my own eyes, I suddenly realized that no matter how hard I work, I'm afraid that Impossible is also comparable to him. In this case, why should I force myself like this? Martial Dao Road is not something that can be obtained by force, but in many cases, it should be where water flows, a canal is formed, and let it be.”

Royes was stunned, didn't expect Chu Nan's performance just now that Bodi caused such a huge shock and impact, and suddenly reversed the Martial Dao that Bodi insisted on until now.

This... isn't this too ridiculous?

Just as Royes thought for a while, hesitating whether or not he should persuade Royes, he suddenly felt different.

The space energy in the surrounding space suddenly seemed to have found a target and began to flow in one direction.

It's not intense, but it's clear and easy, like a stream flowing freely.

And the direction they are flocking is Bodie.

Royes looked at the opposite Bodie in shock, sensing that the surrounding space was not particularly large, but the space energy continuously poured into Bodie's body, looking at his body It emits a faint light, and a group of light condenses in the dantian position of his lower abdomen, dotted with stars, hazy like a cloud, and a clear comprehension suddenly arises in his heart.

This guy made a breakthrough at this time!

The sight around him now is clearly a sign of a condensed nebula!

Body himself looked astonished, still looking up towards the direction in which Chu Nan disappeared outside the city wall, wondering what he was thinking.

Looking at him like this, Royes smiled wryly and shook his head, forcibly suppressing the shock in his heart, and instead of disturbing him, he focused his attention on the surroundings to avoid the sudden appearance of others to disturb Bodie. .

Royes is very clear that now is the critical moment for Bodie to condense the nebula breakthrough. If he disturbs him, it may affect his process, and it may make the nebula he condenses less so Perfect.

Although the timing of Bodie's breakthrough is not so good, but taking the final step from Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, breakthrough to Heavenly Reign Grade is not something that can be forced, Bodie can now walk out unintentionally This step is already extremely rare, and it is not qualified to choose casually.

It's just that while Royes was guarding Bodie, he sensed the energy changes in the space around him, and he couldn't help feeling emotional.

Bodi had a strong obsession with improving his own strength before, and even chose to participate in the second stage of the garden hunting party at the risk of losing his life, but now he has gained insight because of the stimulation by Chu Nan, On the contrary, after letting go of this obsession, I accidentally obtained a breakthrough, which is really unpredictable.

From this point of view, Bodie should thank Chu Nan well.

If it wasn't for Chu Nan's strength that far exceeded Bodi's imagination just now, Bodi would probably not have given up his obsession because of this. Maybe because he insisted on participating in the second stage of the garden hunting party, he lost his life directly.

So now that Bodie has broken through, when will he be able to break through like him?

Thinking of this, Royes couldn't help but turn his head and looked towards the direction in which Chu Nan was carrying Glulik disappeared outside the city.

is it possible that ..going to that guy for help?



Prince Montico looked strangely at Grulick who was thrown to the ground by Chu Nan, My heart is full of surprise.

"That...Chu Nan, I'm just asking you to invite him over to have a private meeting with me, you are..."

"I started well I told him to let him come and meet you, but he not only made conditions with me, but also pester and chirp after finishing, I was impatient, so I just grabbed him." Chu Nan shrugged. "Isn't it more convenient now, you can talk to him casually, I guarantee he will not have any opinion."

His original intention was to get in touch with Glulick through Chu Nan, his only credible contestant from another country, and then reach a consensus through contact and stabilize the current situation. down.

According to his original thoughts, this kind of thing definitely requires multiple contacts, and it is very likely that it will take many repetitions to achieve it. Chu Nan needs to run several legs to do this.

But absolutely did not expect that Chu Nan only went there once, and he didn't even use it for half a day.

Prince Montico had played against Glulik at the first hunting meeting. Although neither of them used their full strength at that time, he was also certain that Glulick's strength should be the lowest. Reaching the level of Peak's Second Rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, it can definitely be regarded as one of the well-known figures among all the contestants.

However, such a strength makes Prince Montico a little afraid, and this powerful means can organize so many contestants from other countries to besiege them, these Declan Empire Imperial Family younger generation. Super genius, he will be captured alive by Chu Nan!

Prince Montico tried to overestimate Chu Nan's strength because of his relationship with the Imperial Princess, but now he finds that he may still seriously underestimate Chu Nan.

This guy can tie with Romandi Imperial Princess, it's definitely not because Romandi Imperial Princess has mercy, maybe... but this guy is deliberately concealing his strength.

Prince Montico took a serious look at Chu Nan, and suddenly felt that the negotiation with Grulick was not so important, but Chu Nan was much more important in comparison.

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