Grulick raised his right fist slowly, stared at Chu Nan in the distance, put away his hypocritical kind expression, and returned to his usual aloof and remote, Always looks condescending.

"Chu Nan, I'm giving you one last chance. This fist is the strongest punch I've ever used since I participated in the garden hunting party. I'm sure that there is no Second Rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist. You can take this fist. With your strength, if you dare to take it, I am sure you will die. But if you are willing to surrender now, I sincerely apologize in front of everyone, expressing a change of heart, and never become a Declan Empire again. The lackey of the Imperial Family, then I'll give you this chance and let you go. Come on, make your choice."

"oh?" Chu Nan raised his eyebrows, smiling in his heart. "Should I still kneel down and thank you for not killing you?"

"Don't joke, make your choice." Glulick coldly said.

Chu Nan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and hooked Grulick.

"Stop talking nonsense, come on."

"hmph! It's your own choice, and there's no point in regretting it!"

Grulick With a low voice, countless fire stars exploded in the space around him, densely packed into a sphere, covering him.

In just a blink of an eye, the extremely dense fire stars have formed a solid Fireball around him. From a close distance, it seems like he is looking at the stars in the sky.

The fire star continued to explode inside and outside the Fireball at the same time, and the space energy in the surrounding large space also seemed to be ignited by the fire star. It expanded and contracted explosively and violently under the induction of Chu Nan, and the agitation was extremely violent. , the space energy vibration driven by the most peak has even exceeded the high frequency vibration frequency of space energy that Chu Nan can control now.

Sensing such violent spatial energy fluctuations from the front almost made Chu Nan feel nervous about falling into a different space for the first time.

However, this feeling of tension was only a momentary thing, and Chu Nan quickly calmed down.

I have to say that Glulick's cultivation technique is very special, he can detonate the space energy around his body with the Inner Breath alone, and then he only needs a little guidance to be able to detonate the space energy in such a violent situation. vent to the enemy.

This method can stimulate a huge amount of space energy with very little Inner Breath, and fully stimulate the explosive formidable power at the core of these space energies, which is quite a taste of four or two thousand pounds.

Let's not say anything else, this cultivation technique is enough to surpass the ordinary A-Rank cultivation technique, and it may be a unique and powerful S-Rank cultivation technique!

Although it was somewhat unexpected that Grulik was so strong when he performed this cultivation technique with all his strength, Chu Nan didn't feel any panic, but secretly felt fortunate.

Although Glulick did not use this cultivation technique to such an extent in the eight punches he struck before, but through the most direct and outstanding fight, more importantly, in the third punch, Chu Nan deliberately let go of the protection and let Grulik's fist enter the fleshy body with formidable power for the most direct experience. Chu Nan already had a certain understanding of the characteristics of Grulik's cultivation technique.

Now, even if Glulick has improved the cultivation technique formidable power and brought out more unique and powerful features, the formidable power is stronger than the previous eight punches, but Chu Nan has basically touched the formidable power. Knowing the characteristics of his cultivation technique, naturally there won't be any lose one's head out of fear.

Seeing that Glulick was already rushing over in that Fireball, Chu Nan's mind was spinning, and the Inner Breath was flowing in dantian, but it didn't seem like the most commonly used lightning nebula these days, but It's all about activating the Fireball Nebula.

As soon as the Fireball Nebula, condensed by the spatial energy structure pattern comprehended in the stars, is activated, the space energy around Chu Nan is highly condensed, and it also presents an extremely violent attitude.

Then Chu Nan lightbrain's powerful brain turned frantically, but in an instant, he used his precise manipulation of space energy to detonate the affected space energy from the smallest part.


Chu Nan also burst into a dazzling fire, although it looked a bit inferior compared to the violent crimson Fireball beside Glulik , but in the most subtle places that everyone can't sense and observe, in fact, the space energy condensed by fire light around Chu Nan is more stable under Chu Nan's deliberate control, and the connection with Inner Breath is also closer.

next moment, two different firelights collided fiercely.


It was not as violent as it was before, but a much duller sound came, and the two flames scattered like two torches that collided. Whether it was the explosion-like flames around Grulik, or the bonfire-like, but much more stable flames on Chu Nan’s body, they immediately exploded all around after the fierce frontal confrontation, and instantly The space energy in the whole space is fully activated.

In an instant, the flames spread rapidly toward all directions, and the space seemed to be unable to withstand the invasion of such terrifying flames, distorting and tearing apart frantically.

Several clear space cracks appeared in the midair, but then they seemed to be ignited by firelight, and more fierce flames spewed out from the inside.

The nearest spectators couldn't dodge and were eroded by the fire, but they were not traumatized like being burned by ordinary flames, but the parts of the body that touched the flames were swallowed out of thin air, as if In an instant, it was half purified by the flames.

Several screams sounded, and the rest of the spectators hurriedly avoided it.

Everyone looked in horror at the sky that was still shrouded in two different flames, and their hearts were full of astonishment.

No one doubts Grulik's strength, because they have seen Grulik's shots several times with their own eyes, and even how powerful he is.

But under a punch like Glulick's obvious full force and amazing formidable power, Chu Nan still has the ability to compete with him?

How is this possible!

Even if everyone overestimated Chu Nan's strength, they never imagined that his real strength would actually reach the point where he could be on par with Grulik.

No! More than just a split!

Many attentive people found that through the flames that filled the air, they could vaguely see the faces of Chu Nan and Glulick.

On the faces of the two, Chu Nan still had a relaxed smile, as if such a fierce confrontation did not pose any pressure to him at all. Obviously not easy.

Could it be that... Chu Nan is actually stronger than Grulick?

People who observed this phenomenon couldn't help but have this incredible thought in their minds.

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