
A rumbling sound that was even more violent than the punch just now sounded in the midair, shaking the surrounding space as if it shattered , causing the eardrums of the surrounding audience to vibrate violently and make a buzzing sound.

You don't need to experience it yourself, you can intuitively determine that the formidable power of Grulik's fist is much stronger than the punch just now.

"Ha, that kid is dead!"

Countless people were excitedly looking forward to the sight of Chu Nan being killed by this fist, and even looking forward to Chu Nan being directly killed by this fist Booming into meat sauce, but when the shock of the space stabilized and the flames that filled the sky dissipated, everyone was surprised to see that Chu Nan this time was still floating steadily in the same place, not only did he not get hit by Grulik as before. The fist flew upside down and flew all the way, fiercely hit the city wall, and didn't even show any sign of retreating!

Everyone's eyes fell on Chu Nan, only more surprised.

This time, Chu Nan didn't even look like he was seriously injured and was about to die, and even his clothes were not damaged in the slightest!

But from the outside, Grulik's formidable power punch doesn't seem to have any effect on Chu Nan!

Grulick frowned, involuntarily looking more surprised.

Of course he knew very well that the formidable power of his fist was greatly improved compared to the punch just now.

In this fist, he has used the cultivation technique of the Divine Art Third Layer of scorching sun fusion, and it is impossible for the ordinary beginner Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist to follow.

However, in the punch just now, he had clearly tested that Chu Nan's strength was at most a beginner Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist who had just condensed the nebula, but now he is stronger. With one punch, Chu Nan took it so easily, without the slightest effort.

Could it be that this guy is still hiding his strength?

"Hey, I said Grurick, don't be so obvious if you want to show mercy. Could it be that you're in a hurry to see Prince Montico, so you're going to just deal with it and finish it off? ”

Chu Nan sounded a voice of pretended surprise, and then put on a look of sudden realization.

"Huh? I get it, you keep on saying that I'm the lackey of the Declan Empire Imperial Family, in fact, I think you want to do this, right? I said you're too stupid, this kind of thing How can it be so obvious? When you meet Prince Montico in private, you can have a good talk with him..."

Grulick almost spat out blood.

Although he is confident that people around him will never have any doubts about him because of Chu Nan's remarks, but now that the actual performance is here, it is no wonder that those around him will have some ideas. .

If the current situation is allowed to develop, even if no one doubts that he will join the Declan Empire Imperial Family, his suspicion of Chu Nan's deliberate mercifulness is absolutely inevitable.

And the only way to resolve this doubt, of course, is to defeat Chu Nan ruthless!

"hmph, you didn't let me chatter just now, why are you chattering now? Stop talking nonsense and punch me again!" Glulick shouted lightly, his fiery-red light was not bright Convergence, more uplifting than before, and punch towards Chu Nan again.

The fifth punch.

Chu Nan raised a smile at the corners of his mouth, raised his right palm to meet him, unavoidable.


A more violent rumbling sound sounded, and the two fists crossed each other. Because of the high compression and vibration of space energy, the large space distortion was broken, and the situation seemed Only more terrifying than before.

However, Chu Nan still floated steadily on the spot, without taking a step back, and even his figure did not shake much.

This time, everyone's eyes looking towards Chu Nan were even more surprised.

Why is this?

Grulick's punches are heavier than punches, why is it easier for him to deal with punches than punches?

Could it be that... Glulick is really as merciful as he said? Glulick's fist that looks mighty and mighty doesn't actually have much formidable power at all?

This time, Grulick didn't say anything, and didn't give Chu Nan any time to speak, followed by punch towards Chu Nan.




Three punches to Chu Nan , but Chu Nan responded steadily without any difficulty.

The gazes of the audience looking towards Chu Nan became more and more surprising, and the gazes that many people cast towards Grulick became more and more suspicious.

Is Chu Nan's strength really so amazing, or is Glulick really showing mercy?

Feeling the stronger anti-shock force from Chu Nan's palm than before, Glulick pulled back and opened the distance between Chu Nan and Chu Nan.

Chu Nan did not take advantage of the situation to pursue, but still floated on the spot, looking at Grulik with a smile.

"Hey, why didn't you fight? There are two more punches, hurry up and finish, you'll follow me to see Prince Montico. Don't worry, I have a good relationship with Prince Montico. If you want to work under the name of the Declan Empire Imperial Family, I can recommend you, I believe that Prince Montico will give me a face and agree."

Gloomy face, death Stare at Chu Nan.

He found that he made a very serious mistake, that is, he seriously underestimated Chu Nan's strength.

The two battles between this kid and Romandi Imperial Princess are by no means acting, but this kid really has the strength to fight head-to-head with Romandi Imperial Princess.

This guy is definitely not a beginner Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist who has just condensed the nebula, at least he has reached the Second Rank Heavenly Reign Grade!

"Chu Nan, I admit that I underestimated you, your strength is much stronger than I expected. But if you think that you are qualified to be arrogant in front of me, it is a big mistake. Wrong!" Grulick said solemnly. "The previous eight punches were just a test for you. Now that I know your true strength, I have to be serious now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Grulik suddenly surrounded his body. A little fire star jumps out.

"pa ——"

fire star flashed through the air with a faint but crisp crack.

Then another fire star exploded, and then another...

“pa pa pa pa ——”

Countless fire stars instantly Grulick's body exploded, and it was like a splendid firework was cast around him, setting off the large sky with a bright flash of fire.

Feeling a lot of space energy in the space ahead as the fire star exploded, condensing and bursting at high speed, Chu Nan put away a relaxed smile, and for the first time there was a dignified expression on his face. expression.

It seems that Glulick's so-called "getting serious" is not a joke or a bluff.

This guy is able to gather so many people together and obey his arrangements, not only because of language and hypocrisy, but also because of his strong strength.

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