Su Bai's actions and words.

Yang Ruqing saw it in her eyes.

I only felt a burst of warmth in my heart.

She likes Su Bai like this.

This sense of proportion is very good.

Although it is possible to use a little rude means.

However, this did not prevent Yang Ruqing from liking Su Bai.

Come to think of it.

Yang Ruqing added three points to Su Bai in her heart~ good impression.

At the same time, she thought again.

The first kiss just now was given to Su Bai.

Looks like it's for the right person.

Not given in vain.

Su Bai is a reliable man.

Yang Ruqing couldn't help but feel a little happy in her heart.

The unexpected scene at the hut just now.

It should have made her capture Su Bai's heart, right?

I want to talk to Su Baiduo.

Yang Ruqing looked at the mushrooms on the ground.

Asked Su Bai:

"That's right, Su Bai. "

"How did you know this mushroom was poisonous?"

Heard Yang Ruqing's words.

Su Bai thought for a moment.


"I was in college before. "

"There's a roommate. "

"He brought this mushroom to one of our dorm rooms. "

"I said I brought it from my hometown. "

"Let's try it together. "

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Fan Elan asked a little puzzled:

"Didn't you say this mushroom was poisonous?"

"Why did he bring it to you?"

Su Bai shook his head.


Because he didn't know at the time that the mushroom was poisonous. "

"That's right. "

Fan Elan nodded.

Hou Siyi looked at Su Bai and said:

You continue. "

Su Bai bowed slightly.

The language was organized.

To continue:

"Then at that time, we were in the dormitory except for me. "

"Everyone else ate it. "

"Because I happened to go out shopping at that time, and I wasn't there. "

"So I didn't eat it. "

"And then when I get back from shopping. "

"I found out that all my roommates were lying in the hospital half-dead. "

"And then it was because I ate the mushroom. "

"Since then, I've learned a long lesson. "

"I was particularly impressed with this mushroom. "

After listening to Su Bai's words.

Everyone was shocked.


"Won't it?"

"No, this mushroom is really that scary?"

The female guests couldn't help but be taken aback.

"And what happened to your roommate?"

"Are they alright?"

Hou Siyi asked curiously.

Su Bai shook his head.

"I don't know what happened next. "

"All I know. "

"Since that time they were hospitalized after eating mushrooms. "

"I never saw them come back. "

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Fan Elan opened his mouth wide.

With a shocked face, he asked:

"Are they dead, then?"

Su Bai nodded.

"Later, I heard about it among my classmates. "

"They seem to be buried. "

Hearing Su Bai's affirmative answer.

The hearts of the female guests were pounding.

Especially Huss Yi.

She was suddenly a little happy.

Su Bai kindly reminded himself just now.

Although the way it is used may be a little rude.


This made her pick up a small life.


Hou Siyi looked at Su Bai, and the resentment in his heart was reduced by more than half.

"By the way, then we'll see this mushroom in the future. "

"How can you tell if it's poisonous or not?"

Yang Ruqing suddenly asked.

Heard Yang Ruqing's words.

Su Bai thought for a moment.

Speaking to the crowd, he said:

"That's it. "

"I'll teach you a ballad. "

"It's easy for you to remember. "

"Listen. "

The female guests nodded and said:

"Good. "

"You say. "

Su Bai also nodded.


"Red umbrella umbrella, white pole pole, lie down together after eating. "

"Lie on the board, sleep in the coffin, and then bury the mountains together. "

"Burying mountains and mountains, crying and shouting, relatives and friends come to eat. "

"Dinner, umbrellas, and everyone lay down on the board together. "

"Lying on the board, no one cares, the whole village is dried together. "

Hou Siyi: "......"

This ballad is a bit too much, isn't it?

Crowd: "......."

In the live broadcast room.

The barrage flew by one by one.

It's the enthusiasm of the audience.

- [Why is this still singing!?]

- [But don't say it yet, it seems to be quite nice!]

——[Why does Su Bai know so much?]

——[I feel that Su Bai can do everything, and understands everything!]

- [It's incredible!]

——[Anyway, there is no brick family to come out to prove it.] 】

——[Is what Su Bai said true or false?]

- [That red and white mushroom, is it really poisonous?]

- [Will you really die if you eat it?]

- [I'm young and I don't read much, don't lie to me!]

Just when Su Bai gave a few people the knowledge of mushrooms.

Some experts also poured in the live broadcast room.


It was specially invited by netizens.


For what Su Bai said.

There are many netizens who are skeptical.

A lot of people don't believe it.

Just a little mushroom.

Will you die if you eat it?

Is it really as exaggerated as Su Bai said?

Impossible, right!?

This is an absolute bragga!

It is very likely that Su Bai is trying to match the effect of the show.

It's putting on a show, it's acting.

Come to think of it.

Many people don't have a good sense of Su Bai.



Experts poured in the live broadcast room.

The statement is given.

- [I am an expert in the study of wild plants. 】

——[I can prove that what Su Bai said is true. 】

——[The mushrooms in front of the guests are indeed poisonous. 】

- [This mushroom is called a toad.] 】

——[Scientific name: Amanita phalloides, also known as poisonous flies and toads. 】

——[Belongs to the class Basidiomycetes and the family Umbelliferae. 】

- [This mushroom generally has a very bright appearance, with white flesh and red caps.] 】

- [After eating this mushroom, people will soon have all kinds of hallucinations and fantasies, as if entering a beautiful divine realm. 】

——[Eating this mushroom by mistake is very harmful to the human body.] 】

And many of the consequences are irreversible. 】

——[Once ingested by mistake, it is indeed as Su Bai said, and he will be half-paralyzed and reduced to a vegetative state. 】

——[If it's heavy, it's a life, and a small life is not guaranteed!]

- [So, I suggest that you be vigilant when you see this mushroom in the future. 】

- [Never eat mushrooms in the wild by mistake to prevent accidents.] 】

Hear from the professionals about science.

Only then did netizens understand.

It turned out that Su Bai didn't tell a lie.

And it didn't lie.

That mushroom is so poisonous!

What Su Bai said is true!

He's not putting on a show.

It's not that I deliberately said that I used bamboo strips to smoke Hou Siyi.

What kind of program effect does the program team do with the program team.

It's really to avoid suspicion.

Netizens suddenly remembered the scene when Su Bai was accidentally kissed by Yang Ruqing not long ago.

Tears broke down.

- [Su Bai, he is really, I will cry to death!]

- [He's really good at details!]

- [And super avoidance!]

——[In order not to let Sister Qing misunderstand, she used such an ingenious way to remind Sister Hou that mushrooms are poisonous!]

——[Really, a good man like Su Bai, I cried to death!]

——[In the future, I will knock Su Bai and Sister Qing into this pair of CP!]

- [As long as they don't disperse, I will always follow them!]

Just after Su Bai sang a ballad to the female guests.

in the mind.

The system beep sounded.

[The host has taken another step in its journey to becoming a conspicuous bag.] 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for gaining Lv1 Carpentry Mastery!】

[Carpentry is proficient, no matter how complex the woodwork, the host can easily make it.] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[As small as making craft wood products, such as making swings and wood carvings. 】

[As large as furniture wood products, office wood products, and garden wood products, as long as the materials are sufficient, the host can also make them effortlessly.] 】

Su Bai: "???"

Why am I a conspicuous bag again!?

I didn't do anything.


Su Bai seemed to remember something.

He just took the bamboo stick and slapped Hou Siyi's hand.

Well...... This move.

Indeed, in the eyes of the female guests.

It will really get their attention.

Su Bai understood.

So, that's why he's once again turned into a conspicuous bag.

"Anyway, this carpenter is proficient. "

"It couldn't have come at the right time. "

Su Bai thought in his heart.

He was thinking about making a swing.


Although he can do it.

But it may not look very good to do.

Now with this carpentry mastery skill.

Then the problem will be solved.

Just as Su Bai was thinking.

Hou Tingcheng and a group of male guests came over one after another.

By this time the people had finished moving the wood.

I was about to enter the house.

Look at the crowd still in the doorway.

I can't help asking:

"Why are you still standing here?"

"Come in, shall we?"

Hou Taicheng said to Hou Siyi.

Just now.

Su Bai took a bamboo stick and smoked the scene that Hou Si remembered.

Hou Taicheng didn't see it.


Maybe the other party will have to fight with Su Bai.

Although it was a misunderstanding.

However, Su Bai felt that it was not impossible.

After all, the angry crown is a red face.

This is actually quite normal.

And it's also an opportunity to perform.

Just as Su Bai was thinking.

Hou Tiancheng's voice came into his mind.

"Why did you hurt your hand?"

This is the case.

Hou Beicheng said to Hou Siyi.

He was very attentive to it.

The other party's slender hand with a red scratch.

"Ahem... Nothing..."

"I just accidentally rubbed against something. "

Huss thought for a moment.

still decided not to tell Su Bai about smoking her with a bamboo stick.

After all, it's a bit embarrassing to say anything.

Because Su Bai is a kind reminder.

And she did it with her hands.

There was no reminder from Su Bai.

What will happen now,

Hou Siyi didn't dare to think about it at all.

"I'll get you some medicine and wipe it in a minute. "

Hou Taicheng said to Hou Siyi with a serious face.

"Good. "

Like a little girl.

Hou Siyi nodded happily.

Just Hou Siyi and Hou Beicheng.

It's when I'm talking about me.

Su Bai said to the male guests who rushed over:

"Poisonous mushrooms here. "

"Go and see if there are any shovels in the yard. "

"Get a shovel. "

"We shoveled it. "

"This mushroom can't stay here. "

"If someone accidentally eats it. "

"That's not good. "

Su Bai said.

At the same time, he explained to the male guests about poisonous mushrooms.

The crowd listened.

also gasped.

Zeng Chaohao was taken aback.

With an incredulous face, he said:

"This mushroom is so scary!"

"Yes. "

Su Bai nodded.

Wang Kaizhi asked puzzled;

"Why is there this mushroom in this place?"

Su Bai shook his head.

"I don't know. "

After speaking.

He added:

"Let's see if there are any hoes or shovels around here. "

"We cleaned it up. "

"By the way, pay attention, when you deal with it later. "

"Remember to wear gloves. "

"Don't touch this mushroom. "

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Everyone nodded and said:

"Got it, brother. "

"Okay, I see. "


At Su Bai's orders.

The male guests took action.

Look around.

Finally found a shovel.

Then I brought a sack over.

"Alright. "

"Finally cleaned up!"

After the joint efforts of Su Bai and the four of them.

Finally, the poisonous mushroom was wiped out.

Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Alright. "

"Let's go inside. "

"As for assembling the swings. "

"There's no rush at this time. "

"It's too late now. "

"We'll talk about it tomorrow. "

Su Bai said to everyone.

"Let's go back to the house. "

The crowd nodded.

All back to the hut.

After showering.

Everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

Lie in the room.

Zhang Jing asked Yang Ruqing:

"What do you think, how is Su Bai?"

Zhang Jing and Yang Ruqing are in the same room.

Two people, two beds next to each other.


It is also very convenient for the two to talk.

At this time.

Zhang Jing moved.

moved from one side of the bed to the side closer to Yang Ruqing.

Then asked Yang Ruqing with gossip eyes.

Girls are all gossipy.

Su Bai is so deliberately avoiding suspicion tonight.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

Who is Su Bai for.


Zhang Jing naturally saw it.


She was curious.

What does Yang Ruqing feel and think about Su Bai's heart.

Hear Zhang Jing's words.

Yang Ruqing thought about it seriously.

Then he responded:

"I think he's a reliable guy. "

After saying this.

Yang Ruqing did not follow Zhang Jing to continue the discussion.

Because of this time.

Attention for all.

I was attracted by the text message sent by the program team on my mobile phone.

[Today is the first day of gathering at the signal hut!]

[Heartbeat bang, rush for love!]

[It's twelve o'clock in the evening!Please send a heartwarming text message to TA]

[Heartbeat SMS Rules: So far, who do you most want to continue to know about the opposite sex?]

[Please write a sentence for TA and send his name to the "Heartbeat 6" program team.] 】

[Note: The current text message is only sent and not received!After sending the text message, I have no intention of worrying that the text message will be leaked out and seen by others!]

"Heartwarming text message?"

See this.

Yang Ruqing and Zhang Jing were both stunned for a moment.

Even if you focus entirely on your heartwarming text messages.


Whether it's 601 Natural Forest Lodge.

Or 602 Morandi Hut.

Everyone received a heartwarming text message from the program team.


With excitement.

All on the screen of the phone.

Write down TA's name.

As well as writing a text.

And sent it out of righteousness.

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