601 Forest Lodge.

Eight guests sat at the dinner table.

The positions are, in order:

Zeng Chaohao, Wang Kaizhi, Su Bai, Hou Taicheng.

Hou Siyi, Zhang Jing, Yang Ruqing, Fan Yilan.

Because of Su Bai's sentence, you are so dead.

The crowd had already laughed for a while.

It will.

The laughter stopped.

Hou Tiancheng looked at Su Bai.

And he looked at the people,

"Let's think again. "

"Do it all over again. "

"I really can't take that word just now. "

Hear Hou Taicheng's words.

There was still a burst of joy on everyone's faces.

Fan Elan nodded.

A flash of inspiration flashed in my head.


"One word comes to mind. "

"High heels. "

"How's this?"

Wang Kaizhi nodded.

"This one does. "

Everyone is also okay.

"That's it. "

"Then let's do it all over again. "

"Let's start with Teacher Yiyi. "

Zeng Chao Hao said.

"Okay. "

"Yes. "

"Let's do it all over again. "

Everyone nodded.


Fan Yilan turned her head to look at Yang Ruqing beside her.


"High heels. "

Yang Ruqing said without thinking:

"Wear high heels. "

Zhang Jing continued:

"Wear red heels. "

Hou Siyi smiled and said:

"Wear big red heels. "

Zeng Chaohao nodded.

He continued:

"I wear big red heels. "

Wang Kaizhi added;

"I put on big red heels. "

Another sentence blurted out.

Su Bai said without thinking:

"I put on big red heels. "

Everyone: "???"

Is this a word that a normal person can think of?

God with a red heel.

No, buddy, it's better to wear red heels.

Slip on a big red heel.

What kind of mess is this?

All the guests present were once again amused by Su Bai.

They are all smiling, elated, laughing, laughing, laughing, laughing, laughing, laughing, laughing so much that they can't stand up straight

Because of Su Bai's words.

The atmosphere present suddenly became extremely lively again.

It's a lot of fun.


In the live broadcast room.

It's also very lively.

Netizens watched the fun again.

- [God's big red heels.] 】

- [What is this?]

- [What the hell!?]

- [Stuck on the foot?]

- [Whatever!]

——[It's so funny hahahahaha!]

——[I was just eating, and Su Bai successfully made me laugh. 】

117 - [I put on my big red heels.] 】

- [Almost didn't send me away hahahaha!]

——[Su Bai knows how to move his mouth. 】

Observation group in the live broadcast room.

The detectives are also having fun.

"Su Bai is so funny!"

"This word game is for him to play. "

"It's almost a happy scene!"

"It's so funny hahahaha!"

"Su Bai has a bit of a humor in him. "

"It's a bit of a mouthful, but not much hahahaha. "

601 Forest Lodge.

The guests were once again laughed at by Su Bai.

I calmed down my excitement a little.

The congregation discouraged the idea of continuing to play the word game.

Because it's not good.

If you keep playing.

can be laughed to death by Su Bai.

"Why don't we go out for a walk?"

Hou Taicheng proposed to everyone.

"Okay, okay. "

Hou Siyi was the first to clap his hands and agree.

Seeing Hou Siyi's reaction.

Hou Tiancheng's face was also a little surprise that was difficult to hide.

Be responded to by people who like it.

What a joy it is.

"Yes. "

"It's time to go out for a walk. "

Su Bai nodded.

The crowd agreed.


After reaching an agreement.

Eight guests from Cabin 601.

Collectively went out.

While strolling.

Everyone chatted.

"That's right. "

"Why don't we go to 602 and have a look?"

"Go see what they're doing?"

Zeng Chaohao proposed.

"Yes. "

"Let's go. "

Everyone agreed.

So the guests moved on.


I came to the courtyard of Hut 602.

At this time.

Through the window.

You can see it.

The people of the 602 hut.

I look at a photograph of 601 at the photo wall.

"Look, look. "

"It's the big penguin. "

I saw Cheng Jingqi standing in front of the photo wall.

Hou Siyi couldn't help but knock Zhang Jing's arm with his hand.

Hear Hou Siyi's words.

Zhang Jing also hurriedly stepped forward.

Stand on tiptoe.

The probe probed and looked at it.

"Huh. "

"That's right. "

"It's a big penguin. "

Surprise was written on Zhang Jing's face.

"Look. "

"Someone is coming. "

Zeng Chaohao pointed to the photo wall inside and said.

"This seems to be the twins?"

Yang Ruqing looked at the photo wall.

Said to Su Bai (bjfd).

"Yes. "

"It's the twins. "

Su Bai nodded.

Look at the two twin sisters in the photo wall in hut 602.

Surrounded in front of Cheng Jingqi.

Fan Elan looked pleasantly surprised.

"Looks like there's a melon to eat?"

Wang Kaizhi smiled and nodded.


"It seems to be. "

Zeng Chaohao pointed to the three people in the room.

smiled and said to everyone:

"It's a movie with only three people. "

"There were eight people watching outside. "

Hear this.

Everyone couldn't help but smile at each other.

At this time.

No one in hut 602 has noticed that anyone outside is secretly watching them.

In other words, when everyone gathered around the fence to peek at the movement of 602 hut.

Hou Beicheng was like a curious baby.

Ran to the fence gate of hut 602.

Probe your brain inside.

I don't know what I'm observing.


Hou Beicheng returned to the front of everyone.


"I remember, the last time we came. "

"They have swings in the house that haven't been assembled yet. "

"But I just went to see it. "

"The wood on the ground seems to be gone?"

Hear Hou Taicheng's words.

Hou Siyi smiled innocently:

"Is it the wood that assembles the swings? "

"They burned it as firewood?"

Hear this.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

God was burned as firewood.

It's a lot of imagination.

Zeng Chaohao thought for a moment.


"Teacher Hou Siyi. "

"Is there a possibility. "

"They took the swing and assembled it. "

Heard Zeng Chaohao's words.

Hou Siyi was pleasantly surprised.


"Seems to make sense!?"

Everyone: "......"

"I remember that there seemed to be some wood outside our house. "

"Otherwise, we'll pick up some wood and go back later. "

"Go back and assemble a swing to play?"

Su Bai said to everyone.

"Yes. "

"I like to play with swings. "

"I like it too. "

"Yes, you can. "

"We can do one. "

The female guests all agreed.

And on this.

Naturally, the male guests didn't have any opinions.

"Okay. "

"Shall we go back then?"

In fact, it is not too early at this time.

When Van Elan returned.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening.

And the congregation came out for a walk.

It was eleven o'clock in the evening. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Well, let's go back. "

Everyone agreed.

One after another.

Go back.

Come to the courtyard of Cottage 601.

The crowd did not rush into the house.

Instead, he picked up some wood at the door and moved in.


As Su Bai said.

Sure enough, there was some wood at the door of the hut.

It's just the right time to take it in and remodel it.

Assemble a swing to play.

Not much.

Pieces of wood at the door were moved into the house.


At the doorway of the fence.

Where the wood was originally piled up.

Red and white mushrooms appeared.

"Come and see. "

"There's mushrooms in this. "

"It looks so pretty!"

The gaze of the female guests.

I was attracted by the brightly colored mushrooms.

It will.

Su Bai was finishing moving wood.

Walked out of the yard.

I was about to call the female guests back to the house to rest.


He also had a small twig in his hand.

The twig was picked up in the yard just now.

He was going to throw it out.

While walking.

Su Bai walked in front of the four female guests, including Hou Siyi, Fan Yilan, Zhang Jing, and Yang Ruqing.

It will.

He also saw the brightly colored mushrooms on the ground.

There was a wave of doubt in my head.

"Something is wrong. "

"This mushroom, how could it be..."

"How can there be such a mushroom in this place?"

Su Bai couldn't figure it out.

This red and white poisonous mushroom.

Why is it here?

The climate here doesn't seem to be suitable for the growth of this mushroom, right?

It's weird!

"No, no, no. "

"I'll have to get rid of all the mushrooms in a moment. "

"Can't stay here. "

"In case someone eats it by mistake. "

"That's a big deal. "

Su Bai was thinking.

Suddenly, he heard Hou Siyi beckoning to him excitedly;

"Su Bai, look, there's a white mushroom here. "

She said.

Curious, I was about to reach out and pick it up.

Seeing Hou Siyi's action.

Su Bai was so frightened that he suddenly shook his spirit.

Immediately shocked.

It will.

His mind barely had time to think.

There was only one word in mind.

Human lives matter.

Saving lives matters.

Su Bai was almost at lightning speed.

rushed to the front of Hou Siyi.

Followed by.

A thin twig.

directly slapped it Hou Siyi's hand.

Stopped the opponent from picking mushrooms.

A sudden scene.

directly gave Hou Si a complete confusion.


I'll pick a mushroom.

What are you doing with a twig and a twig whipping me?


Let the other female guests who watched from the sidelines.

They were all taken aback.


The female guests looked at Su Bai in their eyes.

There is also a hint of weirdness, weirdness, doubt, and incomprehension.

Everyone looked at Su Bai with a question mark on their faces.

Hou Siyi also looked at Su Bai with a resentful expression.

At this moment.

She wanted to question Su Bai.

Why whip her with a bamboo stick!?

That's rude!

No, it hurts, okay!

In the live broadcast room.

Viewers watching the live stream.

saw the scene of Su Bai taking a bamboo strip and smoking Hou Siyi's little hand.

It's also dumbfounded.


- [Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on?]

——[How did Su Bai beat my Sister Hou!!]

——[(Ignoration jpg.))(Ignition jpg.)(Ignition jpg.)]

- [This is too rude!]

- [No, it's not a matter of politeness!]

——[How can Su Bai beat a girl!]

- [Isn't this a proper violent maniac!]

——[Damn! Strongly ask Su Bai to quit Lianzong!]

——[I didn't expect Su Bai to be such a person!]

- [It's terrible!]

Hou Siyi looked at Su Bai angrily.


"What did you just hit me for?"

"It hurts me!"

Su Bai reacted too violently just now.

So the force is a little hard.

Although the twigs are very thin.

But this is still in the white palm of Hou Siyi's hand.

It left a long trail of thin and red.

While Hou Siyi was talking.

The other female guests also looked at Su Bai with an unkind face.

Hit people for no reason.

They don't like it!

Looking at Hou Siyi.

Su Bai first said apologetically:

"I'm sorry!"

"I'm sorry. "

"I didn't mean to. "

"If you feel pain. "

"Or I'll let you call back. "

Su Bai sincerely apologized to Hou Siyi.

He even held bamboo strips in both hands.

There is a sense of guilt.


Hou Siyi did not pick up Su Bai's bamboo strips.

Instead, they looked at him with an angry face.


"You tell me first. "

"Why did you hit me. "

For the girls.

At this moment.

What they want to know most.

In fact, it was the reason why Su Bai started beating people.

If you don't give them a reasonable explanation.

That Su Bai definitely couldn't eat and walked around.

Hear Hou Siyi's words.

Su Bai said with a serious face:

"This mushroom, you can't pick it. "

It seems to be thinking about something.

Su Bai took a deep breath.

only then explained:

"This mushroom is called the Poison Fly Umbrella. "

"Although it has a very bright appearance. "

"It's very good-looking. "

But in fact, it's ranked as one of the top 10 scariest mushrooms in the world. "

"It's poisonous, and it's highly poisonous. "

"If you accidentally eat this mushroom. "

"It's half a body failure. "

"If it's serious, your life is not guaranteed. "

"So, my advice is not to even touch it. "

After speaking.

There was a pause.

Su Bai added.


"Just now, in a hurry. "

"I can't care about that much. "

"It's too slow to open your mouth. "

"So I chose to remind you in that less kind way, but it works. "

Hearing Su Bai's words.

The female guests present were so frightened that their faces changed.

Hurriedly took a few steps back.

Stay away from poisonous mushrooms in front of you.

Seeing that Su Bai said it was so terrifying.

Naturally, others did not dare to risk their lives.

And at this time.

Hou Siyi also lost a lot of anger.


Instead, he was shrouded in fear.

"So horrible!?"

"This mushroom will kill people if you eat it?"


Hus remembered something.

He asked Su Bai again:

"That's right. "

"Then why can't you grab my hand to remind me. "

"Why do you have to whip me?"

Hou Siyi thinks.

Grab her hand.

The same can stop her behavior.

Why did Su Bai have to use bamboo sticks to remind her?

Hear Hou Siyi's words.

Su Bai glanced at Yang Ruqing.


"Well. "

"I don't want to be misunderstood. "

Hou Siyi obviously didn't figure out the situation.


So that's why you must whip me with a bamboo strip!?

"It's a little bit of a hug. "

Su Bai apologized to Hou Siyi again.


He added:

"I'll get you some medicine when I get back. "

"Rub it on your own hands. "

"I'm sorry. "

"I was a little impulsive just now. "。

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