In the live broadcast room.

The audience saw this "printed" lollipop-shaped cake.

It's all a bit of a surprise.

- [!?].

——[Su Bai's finishing touch!].

- [Wonderful!].

- [Cake version of the lollipop!].

- [This color looks so comfortable!].

- [(drooling jpg.) (drooling jpg.)].

- [Looks delicious!].

- [Through the screen, I can smell the smell of cake!].

- [Su Bai is so powerful!].

- [That trick just now!].

- [At first glance, he is a veteran!].

- [And, more than that. 】

——[A lot of the things Su Bai did just now are really detailed!].

- [And just right!].

- [For example, the cream of the dough, Su Bai is beaten to eighty percent. 】

- [Another example, when Su Bai was adjusting the color just now. 】

- [Well done!].

- [He took different amounts of pigment and stirred it in the cream.] 】

- [And only a small dot is spread on the cake, and then the dough is wiped with a spatula.] 】

——[Su Bai, this is really kung fu on the body!].

- [It's too good!].


Observation group in the live broadcast room.

The members watched as Su Bai made the cake into a lollipop.

It's all a bit of an accident.


"How can it be like this?".

"Su Bailu's hand!".


"Something capable!".

"Lollipop cake. "

"Looks good!".


In a dessert shop.

The female guests looked at the lollipop-patterned cake.

They couldn't help but take a step forward.


"It smells so good!".

"It feels like having this lollipop pattern embellishment. "

"This cake is even more appetizing. "


The male guests looked at the lollipop cake that Su Bai made up.

It's also breathtaking.

As rough men, they are coming.

cake is such a delicate work.

They are not ingenious enough.

Naturally, it can't be done.

Seeing this, a flash of amazement flashed in the eyes of the male guests.

Su Bai, this is too ingenious, right?

Compared to Su Bai.

But they looked clumsy.


Hear the words of the people.

Su Bai smiled and shook his head.


"Everyone, don't be impatient. "

"Don't worry. "

"The cake isn't finished yet. "

Hearing Su Bai's words.

The people who came up to check on the cake just now.

Consciously took a step back.

Leave the space to Su Bai and Yang Ruqing again.

"Shall we continue to make cakes?".

"There's still one last step to go. "

Su Bai looked at Yang Ruqing and said.

Now the cake has been added with two layers of embryo and cream.

The pattern on the surface of the cake has also been completed.

Now there is still one last step to go.

Make the cake a little more colorful and full.

You also need to add something to the cake.

"What are we going to do now?".

Yang Ruqing asked Su Bai curiously.

"Now is the final step. "

"We can add some fruit on top. "

"In addition, there is the writing part. "

"Get both steps done. "

"Our cake is finished. "

Su Bai explained carefully to Yang Ruqing.

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Yang Ruqing said thoughtfully

"Then we're going to add some fruit to it first, right?"

As he spoke.

Yang Ruqing went to get some fruits.

It was placed on the table.

Su Bai nodded, "That's right." "

Yang Ruqing looked at Su Bai and asked again

"Is there a knife here?".

"I want to go and cut these fruits. "

Heard Yang Ruqing's words.

Su Bai shook his head and said:

"Cutting fruit is such a thing. "

"Let me do it. "

"You girls have thin skin. "

"It's not good if you accidentally get hurt. "

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Yang Ruqing asked Su Bai with a smile

on her face

"Do you mean that? "

"Can't girls cut fruit?".

Hear the words.

Su Bai waved his hand again and again:

"No, no, no. "

"I didn't mean that. "

"I'm just worried about ......".

Su said half the words.

I was a little embarrassed for a while.

I don't know what to say in the second half of the sentence.


Yang Ruqing took the initiative to take over the conversation.

He smiled and said:

"Okay. "

"The fruit cutting is up to you. "

Heard Yang Ruqing's words.

Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the other party didn't misunderstand what he meant.

"Then I'm going to cut the fruit. "

Su Bai said to Yang Ruqing.

"Go ahead. "

Yang Ruqing nodded.

Su Bai took the bag of fruit in front of him.

I went to the faucet and rinsed it carefully.

After peeling all the fruits.

And then it was cut.

Looking at the back of Su Bai cutting fruit.

A slight strange light flashed in Yang Ruqing's bright eyes.

I don't know what I'm thinking.

Just as she was thinking.

Su Bai had already cut the fruit.

Walked over to her.

"The fruit is cut. "

"There's mangoes, and there's dragon fruit, apples and pears. "

"Shall we pick some and put them on?"

Su Bai said to Yang Ruqing.

"Yes. "

Yang Ruqing nodded.

"What fruit do you like to eat?".

Before putting the fruit.

Yang Ruqing asked Su Bai.


"Are you asking me?".

Heard Yang Ruqing's words.

Su Bai was stunned for a moment.

"Yes. "

Yang Ruqing looked at Su Bai.

Nodding earnestly.

"I don't like pears very much. "

"Other fruits are fine. "

Su Bai also looked at Yang Ruqing.

Seriously responded.


The two looked at each other.

Yang Ruqing smiled and nodded.

In his heart, he silently remembered Su Bai's preference for eating fruits.

asked Su Bai again

"Why don't you like to eat pears?".

"Can you tell me a reason?".

and Yang Ruqing looked at each other.

Su Bai felt that the rhythm of his breathing was a lot faster.

Hurriedly looked away.

Calmed down.

Only then did he respond with a smile

"Because Yali Mountain is big!".

"So I'm not too cold to pears. "

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Yang Ruqing smiled.

"Yali Mountain is big, and the pressure is big. "

Repeating Su Bai's words.

Then he nodded in agreement.

"I think I know why you don't like pears anymore. "

That's a clever way to put it. "

Yang Ruqing smiled and spoke.

And he added:

"I can't see it. "

"You're a funny guy. "

Her laughter was as melodious as a silver bell.

It's as warm as a spring breeze.

Sounds very pleasant.

The sound of laughter reached Su Bai's ears.

Su Bai also laughed.

I don't know if it's because I'm happy.

Or because I was infected by Yang Ruqing's smile.

In short, Su Bai's mood at this moment was very comfortable.


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