"First of all, the first step is to put the bread crust. "

It seems to see that Yang Ruqing doesn't know where to start.

Su Bai instructed from the side.

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Yang Ruqing first came from the bag next to her.

A piece of bread crust was taken out and placed on the piping table.

"The second step is to add cream. "

"Cover the entire bread crust. "

Su Bai continued.

Yang Ruqing picked up the piping bag.

Look at the empty bags.

Some doubts asked:

"No cream here?".

Su Bai thought for a moment and said

"So we add a little cream to it. "

Su Bai expertly took out the frozen cream bottle from the freezer below.

Squeeze a little cream in a piping bag.

Something suddenly came to mind.

Said to Yang Ruqing:

"By the way, we can add a little color to the cream. "

"The colors that come out after a while won't be so monotonous. "

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Yang Ruqing's eyes blinked.

Asked curiously:

"What color is good?".

"How about a little pink?".

Yang Ruqing proposed.

Girls love pink.

It seems that Yang Ruqing is no exception.

Su Bai nodded, "Yes." "

"That's pink. "

Su Bai took out a bottle of Velton Pigment from the cabinet.

Mix a little pink and mix it in the cream.

Welltone Pigment is a relatively easy to use edible oil-based pigment.

It is generally used for cake baking and decorating with some colors.

Make your baked goods look a little better.

After mixing the cream.

Su Bai packed it up for Yang Ruqing again.

Put it in a piping bag.

"How should this be squeezed out?".

"How do you control the portion?".

Yang Ruqing took the piping bag and asked curiously.

Heard Yang Ruqing's words.

Su Bai demonstrated to her first.

While analyzing the specific action essentials.

Yang Ruqing nodded.

While skillfully trying it out.

"Is that right?".

Yang Ruqing squeezed a circle of cream on the outermost part of the bread crust.

Raised his head to look at Su Bai and asked.

"Yes. "

"But when you squeeze the cream. "

And when you draw circles. "

"The range of motion can be a little smaller. "

"It's like this. "

Su Bai took a step forward.

Take the piping bag.

demonstrated it to Yang Ruqing again.


"I see. "

Yang Ruqing nodded.

"Am I right?".

Yang Ruqing asked again.

Su Bai shook his head.

Correct her mistakes:

"That's how it should be taken. "

When mistakes are corrected.


Su Bai's hand touched Yang Ruqing's wrist like frost and snow.

It's like an electric shock.

Su Bai's hand subconsciously retracted.

"No... Excuse me. "

However, Yang Ruqing didn't seem to care.

just glanced at Su Bai with a smile.

Continue to hold the piping bag.

Not very skillfully on the surface of the bread crust.

From the outside in.

It's like the shape of a mosquito coil.

Circles were drawn.

Soon, the surface of the breadcrump is covered with a thick layer of cream.

The first layer of cream is finished.

"Well done. "

looked at Yang Ruqing, although the operation was not very skilled.

But a layer of cream finishes.

The overall look is still quite beautiful.

Su Bai couldn't help but praise.

"Thank you. "

"The main thing is that you teach better. "

Between words.

Yang Ruqing would look up at Su Bai.

A pair of bright eyes like autumn water.

It looks very clear.

Su Bai nodded with a smile and added, "You learn quickly." "

"What's next?".

Yang Ruqing asked.

"Repeat what you just did. "

Su Bai spoke.

Making cakes is actually quite simple.

If you don't make some more complicated patterns and patterns.

Basically, you just need to repeat the operation of putting the bread crust and adding the cream over and over again.

"Good. "

Yang Ruqing nodded.

Continue repeating what you just did.

Soon, another layer of cream is added.

Su Bai said:

"Now you add a layer of cream to the cake to the outside. "

It seems that he is afraid that he will not be able to speak clearly.

Su Bai added, "It's like painting the iron door of a house, for example." "

"The outside of this cake needs to be creamed as well. "

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Yang Ruqing nodded, "Okay." "

Under Su Bai's gaze.

Not much.

The cream on the outside of the cake is also covered.

It's just that the surface of the cake and the surrounding sides don't look very smooth.

Su Bai picked up the spatula on the table.


"Next, I'll take care of the aftermath. "

"I'll help you smooth it out. "

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Yang Ruqing nodded.

consciously gave Su Bai a space to operate.

And he quietly watched Su Bai smear the cream with a spatula.

Su Bai spun the disc.

Use a spatula to begin smoothing the surface.

His methods are sophisticated.

The top surface of the cake was quickly trimmed to a smooth finish.


Su Bai began to work on the outer ring of the cake cylinder.

Another turn.

The excess cream on the outer ring was also scraped off by Su Bai.

A bright and beautiful dwarf cylindrical cake.

The overall structure is preliminarily completed.

"Okay, I'm done. "

Su Bai said with a smile.


Yang Ruqing gave Su Bai an encouraging look.

He nodded again.

"What do you think?"

Su Bai looked at the others and asked.

Hearing this, the other guests present nodded.

All said they had no opinions.

That's good.

After all, it doesn't seem like a problem.

Naturally, they have nothing to say.

Su Bai looked at Yang Ruqing again and asked

"Do you think you need anything more?"

Yang Ruqing looked at the cake.

After thinking for a moment, he spoke:

"I think it's a bit monotonous. "

"Can we consider another trick on the surface of this cake?"

"Let's say, make a rainbow. "

After a pause, Yang Ruqing added:

"It's like the texture of a lollipop. "

"But wouldn't that be too complicated?"

Heard Yang Ruqing's words.

Su Bai smiled and nodded, "What's so difficult about this?"

"Look at me!".

Su Bai turned the disc on the piping table.

The whole cake spun quickly.

Followed by.

Su Bai pressed the long spatula against the center of the top layer of the cake.

There are internal and external movements in turn.

After the cake stops spinning.

A beautiful lollipop pattern appears.

These patterns resemble spirals.

Paired with pink and white.

It looks quite a different kind of lollipop beauty in it.

I saw that the surface of the cake actually turned into a lollipop.

Yang Ruqing looked surprised.

Something hard to believe:

"How the hell is this done?".

"That's amazing, isn't it?".

Yang Ruqing's face flashed with incredulity.

Su Bai just turned the disc casually.

Then I used a spatula to operate it briefly.

I didn't expect such a beautiful lollipop pattern to appear.

It's incredible.

Before Su Bai finished the beautiful pattern.

Yang Ruqing didn't know yet.

You can still play like this.

This "printed" cake with a lollipop pattern.

It's appetizing just to look at.


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