Chapter 242 Agamotto was shocked, the rune was beaten!

in projection.

Agamotto’s eyes widened.

Seeing the rift in the universe that was suddenly stretched out in a circle, everyone else was dumbfounded.

What’s up with this kid?

Is this just entering the multi-universe hierarchy?

Just kidding!

This kind of strength, I am afraid that there are some guys who have been immersed in the multi-universe level for many years, maybe they will be sent to seconds like this.

This kind of power is too perverted, isn’t it?

This kid, how can such a powerful force burst out from the hook.

Agamotto even began to sympathize with the rune Xiao.

I haven’t regained my full strength yet, and suddenly received such a shot

Squirt squirt.

Agamotto couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.


The sound of power evaporating sounded.

In that huge crack, everything was destroyed.

Energy, temperature turbulence, conflicting laws.

eclipsed in the face of the mighty golden power.

Everything is melted directly.

Here, it has truly become a void, and even the energy seems to have become nothing, and it has become a desert.

“court death!”

An angry voice rang out.

The void seems to be starting to twist.

-A kind of crazy will suddenly appeared from this starry sky.

The cosmic void that was emptied by Lin Yu’s Turtle Wave Qigong was visibly twisted.

The rules here have all started to change in 887.

Planets hundreds of millions of light-years away have been affected.

That ramen and crazy power.

Give you a dead planet directly, multiply into a big blob, it looks very disgusting.

Lin Yu frowned in disgust.

Just wave your hand.

The void of the universe collapsed directly.

That planet was directly completely humiliated, and not even the most basic particles were left.

next moment.

Those twisted cats are constantly intertwined in the void.

A figure emerged from the void.

This guy looked more than two meters tall, and he was wearing a robe that looked like Jesus on the cross, and his skin was a blue-green color, which looked very uncomfortable.

More concerning is that.

The look of the rune.

Those eyes, like a cold poisonous snake, make people feel very uncomfortable.

The eyes are full of malice, giving people a twisted face and a feeling of pain.

Lin Yu really thinks.

This guy should not exist in this universe.

This is a twisted thing in human skin.

“who are you?”

“How dare you stop me?”

The rune looked at Lin Yu with a very dark look, and looked (adef) very sinister.

That weird look makes people have nightmares at night.

“Dare to come to my universe to do things, and ask me who I am?

“As expected of the duplication of annihilation, the face is big.”

Lin Yu also got wet and gave you the opening and said with a very unpleasant expression.

I didn’t think so.

The rune is even more unpleasant.

Do not.

Must be outraged.

Hearing this, the expression on his face turned straight.

“You maggots of the free world, you are not allowed to mention that name.”

“I curse you, I curse you to sink into purgatory forever, never to get out!»

The rune said in an unusually resentful tone.

As his voice fell.

Law is surging in this universe.

As if everything the rune said was really going to come true.


Lin Yu snorted coldly and shook.

The huge force vibrated directly.

The law that had been restless, calmed down directly and was suppressed by his powerful force.

“In my universe, it’s still such a big tone.

“It seems that you have been sealed for so many years, and your mind is confused. 93

“Let you also see the power of the strong now!

Lin Yu said something.

Dancing hands.

The blue talisman appeared out of thin air.

Shangdi Zhang Fuzhuan was directly inquired by him.

At the same time, blue thunder and lightning radiated from his body, and a thunder dragon emerged from behind him and rose directly into the sky.

The way of thunder, to the sun.

Just right to deal with this twisted monster!

Lin Yu waved his hand.

The Thunder Dragon behind him rushed straight out.

The difficult blue talisman also exploded directly

Within the range of a few stars around it, it directly became an ocean of thunder.

The blue thunder and the purple thunder are intertwined, and Qinlai immediately erupted.

The cold power of the rune was swept away directly in front of this powerful thunder.

This crack is full of explosive power.

In holographic projection.

Agomoto looked at the picture in the projection, and his mouth opened wider.

Holding his hand, he made a light squeak, and he continued to put his mouth on it.

I’m going!

Agamotto let out a sigh.

what did he see.

Was the rune suppressed?

The magic rune at the moment, like a monkey on the fire, kept jumping, and it looked like a mess.

Completely no longer as fierce as it used to be.

He could feel that the power from the burst hook of the rune was not weak.

This kid is too perverted.

The most explosive force in the universe, in Lin Yu’s hands, exerts Akatsuki’s jaw-dropping power.

God rune, it’s so miserable!


Agamotto has no sympathy for this guy.

“Boy, take advantage of his illness and kill him.

“This guy is weak, fuck him, fuck him hard!

Agamotto said very excitedly.

Back then, he suffered a lot in the hands of the rune.

Now, his younger generation has avenged him.

Lin Yu nodded.

A few candy symbols in his hand.

Even if Agomoto did not say anything, he planned to increase his efforts.


Lin Yu shouted.

Flames burned on his body.

Those talismans also burst into barely strong flames, and waved their hands.

These flames burned towards the rune with a scorching aura.

a time.

The power of thunder and fire is intertwined.

Originally, the power of Thunder made the rune overwhelmed.

Plus these more powerful flames.

The fate of the rune was even worse.

Like a live fish landing on the shore, he tried his best to jump around, but he couldn’t exert his due strength.

The copper-green hair on his head looked a little like it was about to be burnt.

The rags that he was wearing looked torn and tattered at first, and now several holes have been burned.

It was like running around the fire scene.


The rune did not give up.

He stared at Lin Yu stubbornly, the resentment in his eyes seemed to go deep into his bones.

A strange breath flashed.

The rune suddenly disappeared from the spot.

“Boy, are you cool? 99

The rancid voice of the rune rang from behind Lin Niu.

Speaking of which, he stretched out his hands and wanted to take out Lin Yu’s heart.


A crisp sound rang out.

A faint golden light appeared around Lin Yu’s body.

Directly blocked Shenfu’s twisted hands.

“I’m really cool, why do you have an opinion?”

Lin Yu said lightly,

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