Chapter 241 Agomoto: This junior is too fierce!

According to Agamamoto.

Rune is a very troublesome guy.

Although he is an incarnation, he has a very tyrannical law.

And this law is very special.

It can make the power of the rune more powerful than ordinary people.

more importantly.

The power of the rune is not only powerful, but also very tricky.

That is no ordinary power, his power is corrupted and mad.

Ordinary strong people, I am afraid that if they meet each other, they will become crazy.

His power is a bit like the legendary God of Lu Lu.

Do not look directly.

This is the consequence of the information he carried on his body without concealment.

This also caused the low-level magician to be unable to hook in front of this guy at all.

Once polluted by that breath, the immortals will be helpless.

Lin Yu can only work hard on her own.

face this opponent.

Naturally, Lin Yu was also directly cautious.

“Master Agamotto, don’t you know what weakness this guy has?

Lin Yu asked.


“The weakness of this guy is that he has no weaknesses.

“If this guy had a weakness, would we have taken so much effort to seal it? 19

“That’s a multi-universe powerhouse.”

“The universe that was in trouble was shattered, how could he have a weakness. 99

“Boy, you have to understand that at this level, everyone is very comprehensive. 99

“Once you have a weakness, you die. . .

“So, don’t think about the weakness of this guy, just do your best when you see this guy.

Agomoto warned with a very cautious look, completely missing the cynical look he had just gone around.

“I see, Master Agamotto.

“When I see this guy, I will do my best.”!

“However, where do you think the rune is hiding? Is he still in our universe?”

Lin Yu asked.


“Now that your universe is starting to crumble.”

“That means that the rune is relying on this to draw strength~”.

Every destruction of the universe can provide a lot of power to the rune.

“The reason why he was so difficult to deal with back then was because he destroyed a lot of universes.”

“Since your universe has begun the process of destruction, then he must be in your universe, quietly waiting for the destruction of the universe.”

Agamotto spoke lightly, as if stating something trivial.

“Since this guy hasn’t left this universe, it’s easy to say.

Find him, kill him and you’re done.

Lin Yu nodded cautiously.

Agamamoto: ??

Did you misunderstand something?

I am here to let you find an opportunity to hide it well and wait for many gods to support it.

Kill the rune.

What a joke.

This guy was a multi-universe powerhouse back then.

Several multi-universe powerhouses shot together and sealed him.

Lin Yu said kill this guy?

What an international joke!

“Boy, don’t be arrogant.

“The rune is not so easy to deal with.

“This is the powerhouse of the ancient times. 93

Agamotto hurriedly said.

“It’s okay, I’ll be careful.

“Besides, you and I can keep in touch, and I can ask you if there is anything I don’t understand.”

Lin Yu said with a light smile.

“Boy, it’s not easy to cultivate to this level, why are you going to die?

“Besides, the universe is so big, how do you find the rune?

Agamotto said helplessly.

He finally had such an excellent descendant, but he didn’t want this excellent descendant to disappear like this.

“Kid, I remind you again, in front of such a strong person, it is difficult not to want to use Eye of Agamotto”

“The rune can easily smash this level of confinement, it’s useless. 9)

Agomoto was afraid that Lin Yu would go to court for death, so he reminded him again.

“Of course I know.

“A powerful person like He Shenfu can naturally rely on his own strength.

“As for finding this guy, it’s very easy.”

“I guess he could only be in one place right now.

“The end of the universe, the scars of ruin.

Lin Yu said.


“You’re talking about the cracks in the universe that were casually punched out by that madwoman from Gaia in ancient times.”

“This thing has not been repaired until now.

Agamotto said with a surprised expression.

Lin Yu had black lines all over his face.

He said how could there be such a huge amount of cracks in the universe.

Every year, countless substances are engulfed and cut off, and this universe is about to become weak. It turns out that these old guys did it again.

These old guys are really nothing.

Lin Yu cursed inwardly.

“Master Agamamoto, let’s not talk about this, let’s just inquire.

Lin Yu is too lazy to talk nonsense.

A step from the room, suddenly disappeared into this space.

next second.

He lay directly in the starry sky.

In front of him, is a crack across the sky.

The power of this universe and the power of Chaos outside are constantly intertwined, purple particles, and the law of riots, making this place a place of chaos.

No creature can survive in such an environment of collision of laws.

The powerhouses of the single universe may be completely destroyed by cracks.

Lin Yu waved his hand, and a projection hook appeared.

Directly from here, he can also distract the operation of the guaranteed communication circle.

“Boy, the strength is good.”

“With such a long distance, it can also ensure the stability of the power, not bad.”

Agamotto was a little surprised.

The distance from the earth here is probably half a universe away.

It can ensure the stability of the power, but it is not so easy. This kid is more powerful than he thinks.

“How, have you noticed the breath of the Taoist rune?”

Agamotto asked.

“Across a galaxy, I can smell the hook stench from this guy.

“That crazy smell, I will never forget”

Lin Yu spoke flatly.

In his heart, Lin Yu attached great importance to it.

(Qian Qian Zhao) As the saying goes, the lion fights the rabbit, and it also uses all its strength.

To underestimate the enemy, that is the way to die, not to mention, a guy with such a powerful rune.

“Looks like I’m going to use all my strength.”

“This guy is very tricky.

A ray of light flashed in Lin Yu’s eyes.

Constantly in that chaotic breath, looking for the sure breath.


Lin Yu’s pupils shrank.

“Very good, found you. 39

“Hidden is really tight enough, 93

“Come and taste my full blow”

“Turtle Wave Qigong!”

Lin Yu roared and pushed forward with both hands.

The huge power in the body emerged directly.


A dazzling golden light lit up.

A golden beam of light with a diameter of several hundred light-years shot past the tiger at the crack.

in projection.

Agamotto’s eyes widened, and his face was full of incredible expressions.

this kid.

Is it too strong?.

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