Chapter 232 The gods are all dumbfounded

Except in the universe.

In the multi-universe, the vibration that erupted was not small.

A powerful god has fallen.

The impact on multi-universe is very large.

Countless gods began to pay attention to such a small single universe.

They never thought that such a strong God of Underworld would fall into a single universe.

The gods are a little weird.

Crimson Universe.

A light and shadow appeared in front of Setola.

It is the scene where Lin Yu fights with the god of underworld, although it is a little unclear, the specific means are not enough to see.

However, he could still feel the fluctuation of the filmed one, even across the screen.

“It’s really a monster, in such a single universe, how can such a strong man suddenly pop up.

“Fortunately, I didn’t go.

Setorak was frightened for a while.

He had also thought about this single universe at the beginning.

Whether it is the dark space of Dormammu or the hell of Mephitos, he can become even more powerful if he can integrate into his scarlet universe.

He has been wanting to do it for a long time.

Now it seems that he is too wise to not do it.

Who could have thought.

Could such a metamorphosis exist in a small single universe?

Underworld God, this old guy, actually died in his 883 hands.

This guy is just pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, it is too obvious.

When reaching the multi-universe level, which strong person is not mixed in the multi-universe?

Even Cetolac will send his own duplication, wandering in the endless multi-universe, looking for a way to grow.

Why is this guy still shrinking in a single universe?

“This guy is really insidious.

“Not only hiding in the single universe, but also pretending to be the back of the breakthrough.

“God of the Underworld is not wronged at all this time.”

“But it’s really a pity, this guy is still very useful, I didn’t expect to die like this.

“Hmph, sinister guy, I won’t be fooled.

Setorak snorted coldly.

In his opinion.

Lin Yu couldn’t have just broken through the multi-universe level.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to defeat the Underworld God?

Is it not a joke to kill the Underworld God after a few levels?

In the entire multi-universe, this kind of thing has never happened.

In his opinion.

Lin Yu’s strength must be the strongest in the multi-universe, maybe even stronger than the god of underworld.

This guy is too insidious (adef) to shrink in a large single universe.

Setolak didn’t know Lin Yu’s true strength, otherwise he might be even more shocked.

In the multi-universe challenge, this kind of strength is rare.

multi-universe, the land of the dead.

This is the place of death among the five gods.

Among the five gods, the most powerful ones are Oblivion and Galactus.

Eternal is slightly inferior to the other three.

The strength of death is incomparably different from that of eternity.

If you only look at the destructive power, the death that has mastered the path of death will be even stronger.

When Lin Yu used the Ritual of Dark Toyo.

That incomparably powerful force of death has already been perceived by death.

“Interesting, this is Kamar-Taj’s little guy, who has broken through the multi-universe level police.”

“It’s really rare.

“Hope to meet in the future.

Death just cast a glance at first, and then didn’t care.

The gap between multi-universe is really too big.

Like her and Annihilation.

With just one hit, Annihilation can kill him.

The gap between them is just that big.

A little guy who has just entered the multi-universe level, in front of her, is nothing at all.

Death naturally doesn’t mind.


Death just took his eyes back.

Suddenly, the breath of the body suddenly increased, and the breath of death suddenly broke out.

“The existence of the multi-universe died in the future.

There was a bit of surprise on the face of death.

As an abstract entity for multi-universe Death rules.

in this world.

All death can bring him strength.

The stronger one is, the stronger the power that can be provided to him.


The stronger one is, the harder it is to die.

after ancient times.

In billions of years, a multi-universe powerhouse has never died.

did not expect.

Today, a multi-universe level powerhouse died?

Death felt that mighty force.

Very pleasant surprise.

“Let me see which hapless one died. It’s a surprise.”

The mood of death is very good.

The multi-universe level, the power it can bring to her is very strong, and death is naturally happy.

The God’s Telekinesis moved.

Countless rays of light emerged from the eyes of death.

In the multi-universe, a large amount of information is directly inquired into the mind of death.


There was a stunned look in the eyes of death, and his face became very strange.

“It turned out to be this kid, how is this possible?”

“Following the fact that he just broke through the multi-universe level police, how could he kill the existence of the Underworld God?

Death is very different to this.

The gap between multi-universe is too big.

Just entering the multi-universe level, in front of them, it is like a child.

Underworld God has been at this level for billions of years.

Compared with the little guy who has just entered this level, I don’t know how much he has robbed.

But such a strong man.

Was it killed?

This incredible thing happened naturally?

This is something that has never happened in the past year.

This kid has simply broken through the limits of this world.

“It’s a little weird.


“How can a little guy who just broke through has such a powerful strength?

“I have mastered so much law.

In front of death, a phantom also appeared.

Inside is the battle scene where Lin Yu directly kills the god of underworld.

Lin Yu’s means are too many.

All kinds of magic, all kinds of law, at your fingertips.

It made death feel a little surprising.

“It’s weird.

“This kid has mastered so many laws, how did he break through to the multi-universe level? 3)

Death is very curious.

Break through the multi-universe level.

It is necessary to master the law to the extreme, and then start the path of origin.

This requires the ultimate understanding of a single law.

Like she, she just has the power of death.

One of the five gods is still like this.

How could other powerhouses be an exception?


Lin Yu is an exception.

It is unclear how much law this kid has mastered.

“It makes me feel a little curious.”

“What the hell is going on with this kid, and why is this happening?

In the eyes of death, the splendor is again and again.

This kid is really amazing.


very interested.

Death does not know.

Such a strong man suddenly appeared in the multi-universe.

Interested people, but not such a person,

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