Chapter 231 Cosmic Vibration

The powerhouse of the multi-universe class police.

In the multi-universe, it is already the top.

Every multi-universe powerhouse, in the multi-universe, has left a splendid name.

In addition to the existence of those beyond the multi-universe, the multi-universe level is already the top.

The fall of the underworld.

Not just in Lin Yu’s universe.

The entire multi-universe, has caused huge amounts of fluctuations.

An original void.

In the entire multi-universe, they will dislike the uproar.


Among Lin Yu’s universe, Ji is the most influential.

How powerful is Lin Yu’s Turtle Qigong.

The golden light of space spanning the entire universe can be seen by any civilization that can observe the sky.

Not to mention, that the source of the universe vibrated, causing the energy turbulence gap.

When the God of the Underworld falls into this universe, the enormous energy in his body will not disappear.

Directly feed back into the universe.

In the entire universe, the energy concentration has risen by several levels, and the source has also been greatly enhanced.

In this universe, the probability of hooking the strong will increase a lot.

The entire universe was almost upgraded because the Underworld God Cloud fell here.

It can be seen how powerful the Underworld God is.

In the universe, most civilizations are shocked and very happy.


There are also a few people who are not in a good mood.

Thanos is one of them.

Sitting in his flagship, Thanos’ complexion was as gloomy as water, almost freezing.

He didn’t think so.

Lin Yu is so powerful!

That is the god of the underworld in ancient times.

It has lived for hundreds of millions of years, and is very famous in the entire multi-universe.

But such a strong man.

Today it fell down.

It fell directly into the hands of an ordinary magician.

What a horrible thing this is?

In the entire multi-universe, this has never happened.

Lin Yu has already pioneered the entire multi-universe.

“Damn, why, this guy is my enemy~”. ”

“Even with the power gem, it is not the opponent of this guy.”

The tyrant slammed down viciously.

Just had the throne repaired, again by the shapeshifting of his hammer.

Thanos’ face became even more ugly.

The power of the Power Stone is indeed very powerful.

As long as it can withstand that powerful force, Heavenly Father can rely on this to deal with the powerhouses of the single universe.

Absolutely powerful treasure, however.

Lin Yu’s strength is no longer a simple gem that can make up for it.

He needs more powerful treasures to fight against Lin Yu.

“This guy is so powerful, I’m afraid he’s going to play against me.”

“I must leave this universe. 99

The expression on Thanos’ face was uncertain.

He never underestimated his opponents.

Lin Yu killed the underworld gods.

Anyone who dares to look down on this guy is probably mentally retarded.

Thanos knows.

Even if he has the heart of the universe now, he is no match for Lin Yu at all.

Unless it is the complete heart of the universe, it is possible for him to directly erase the existence of Lin Yu.

To know.

Has a cosmic heart in full state.

He was able to become omniscient and omnipotent in no time.

Even the legendary OAA he can ignore the existence.

By the time.

Whether it is destroying or creating this universe, it is very easy.

Thanos had never made up his mind before.

Now I finally made up my mind and used all my strength to find the heart of the universe scattered in the multi-universe.

Also just right.

Lin Yu is so powerful.

I’m afraid he can’t get along in this universe anymore.

If he doesn’t leave this universe, he might be killed.

Thanos wouldn’t be so stupid.

“Ebony Maw, install the barrier obtained from the ruins. 93

“We leave this universe.

“Go down that path.

The tyrant’s voice rang out.

“Ah, great Thanos, are you finally ready to conquer the multi-universe?”

“The entire multi-universe will tremble under your power.

“Lord Thanos, we will all be your faithful servants.

Ebony Maw showed his loyalty directly as usual, and then said.

Thanos didn’t watch Ebony Maw.

Instead, he looked at the void in the distance.

“I will welcome this universe again”

“When I come back, the whole world will tremble for me! 99

Thanos’ hoarse voice resounded in the universe.

next moment.

Thanos’ magnificent flagship, with a flash of light, completely disappeared into this universe.

It seems that the space shuttle is directly carried out.

Huge volatility caused by Lin Yu.

Not just in Thanos here.

The major forces in the universe have felt the powerful fluctuations.

The closest major force to the earth is the Kree.

Liren is a very prosperous empire.

Luo Nan’s fleet, in the entire universe, has a splendid name.

Even though Ronan has been killed by the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Kree fleet has not suffered any damage.

The Liren are still a very powerful force.

The secret of their power lies in the powerful artificial intelligence, the supreme wisdom.

“Great Supreme Intelligence, we have detected a powerful burst of energy. 93

“We’ve never felt such strong volatility.

“According to our scientists’ calculations, this energy can easily destroy the territory of our empire.”

“The traces of its creation, in a way we cannot imagine, remain in the universe, observable but inaccessible. 9)

“What shall we do. 99

A tall Kree said in a frightened voice.

That is the fluctuation that can easily destroy the entire empire. The outpost of their empire was the first place to discover the energy.

All monitoring equipment exploded directly, and people died inexplicably.

They were even separated by several galaxies from the energy burst point, and just like that, they all died directly.

How terrible! How powerful!

If this energy explosion is in their hinterland, I am afraid that the entire empire (of money) will be directly destroyed.

He looked at the supreme wisdom incomparably.

This powerful artificial intelligence stores all the historical data of the Kree Empire.

This is the precious knowledge passed down by the gods in ancient times.

“Include galaxies near C14.

“Remove all power in us.

“Free all our human slaves.”

“All fleets withdraw, stop expanding.”

The silent voice of Supreme Wisdom rang out.


The lieutenant general said.

Even if this Cree leaves.

The powerful and supreme wisdom of the people in Li is still watching the universe.

Under the supply of powerful servers, Supreme Wisdom is completely the same as ordinary people.

Soft at the moment.

Even with artificial intelligence, there is still a sense of fear in his heart.

In this universe, there is such a great existence.

Where should the natives go?.

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