Chapter 177 Mephisto; Did my mother encounter a monster again?!

Mephitos stood in front of Strange.

In the huge amounts of eyes, it is incredible slowly.

It doesn’t matter if a magician leader can stop him.

How can a guy lying down casually be able to block his power?

Although, this was just a casual attack, a temptation, and it was not something that ordinary people could resist.

what’s the situation?

What’s going on with these Kamar-Taj magicians?


He is still the Lord of Hell after all.

“It’s really windy, I’m not afraid of flashing my tongue, I’m just a mere mortal, and I’m not afraid of dying without a place to be buried.

“You think you can fight against me by blocking my attack? Naive, so naive. 33

Mephitos said.

“O undead wandering in hell, I call you in the name of the lord of hell.

“The Land of the Dead”

Mephitos let out a chant.

Huge amounts of energy fluctuations appeared in front of him.

There are countless hobbies in the surrounding air, and countless dead souls suddenly appear in front of Mephitos.

“To drive the dead, the Lord of Hell really doesn’t have a good thing.

“Strange, come on, use your power.

Lin Yu said with a smile.

A wave of hands.

A white shield protected everyone else.


They immediately felt that the whining sound that lingered in their ears disappeared.

There was silence in the space.

Mo Du couldn’t help but sigh, Senior Brother, it’s getting more and more unfathomable.

Over there, Strange’s expression became serious.

From the magic in front of him, he felt a powerful threat.


“Lord of hell, fight with me, pick me up first.

Strange stood up and said arrogantly, exuding powerful energy fluctuations.

Even Mephitos couldn’t help but pay attention, this guy’s aura is so powerful.

“Boy, I’ll see what you can do when I get there.”

Mephitos also sneered and stopped the magic in his hand.

without him.

He saw the magician chief of the Kamar-Taj.

A lightsaber appeared out of a sudden hook in his hand, and there was a careless manicure there.

He was very afraid of this unknown existence.

At the same time, Mephitos was also very angry.

Too arrogant!

So crazy!

He had never seen such an existence before, in hell, even Galactus would not dare to ignore him like this!

Mephitos gritted his teeth, seemingly motionless.

Projection duplication in the nest, in constant preparation.

This also gave Strange time to unleash his magic.

“Boy, I want to see what kind of magic you can use. 33

Mephitos looked at Strange and said coldly.

“You’ll see.

As he said that, Strange stretched out his hand and complex runes appeared in front of him.

“Beryl Shield!

“Infinite Barrier!

“Magic Protection! Holy”

“The essence of life!

Mephitos was dumbfounded.

Just a few tens of seconds of effort.

The guy in front of him actually added more than 100 kinds of gain magic to himself.

What an oddity this is!

Even an ordinary person who is blessed with so much magic can still deal with hell demons!

How afraid of death are you!

Mephitos originally thought that this guy would use some powerful offensive magic.


This guy adds a buff to himself when he comes up.

That’s true.

There is nothing to say about strengthening yourself before the battle.


Like this, before the fight, he came up and added hundreds of kinds of magic to himself, and it was still top-level magic.

He has lived for billions of years, and this is the first time he has seen such a wonderful flower.

Not just Mephitos.

Even Lin Yu couldn’t help twitching the corners of his mouth.

good guy.

No wonder Strange was able to draw the magic of the Bone King World.

The police did not learn.

The Bone King’s fighting style really learned a lot from him.

It’s really shameless to add so many buffs to yourself in this opening.


Since this is my own.

It’s okay if it’s your own.

(adef) However, Lin Yu’s mouth twitched invisibly, Kamar-Taj apart from such a guy, I really don’t know if it will spoil their Kamar-Taj atmosphere.

Lin Yu thought here.

Strange over there has already given himself his own strength.

“Mephitos, Lord of Hell, come and fight with me.”

Mephitos turned his face.

How could this guy have the face to say this so calmly.

You came up and added more than one hundred high-level gain magic to yourself, and then challenged me.

This is also shameless!


While Mephitos was contemptuous, he was a little shocked in his heart.

In a moment of effort, he can bless himself with hundreds of high-level gain magic.

Ordinary people can’t do it.

Even the legendary magicians of great fame in human history.

Can’t do that either.

This guy is not easy.

Around him, countless dead souls emerged.

“No matter what the hell you are, bear the pain of all souls piercing your heart. 93

Mephitos pointed forward.

Countless dead souls rushed towards Strange, like a river, rushing over there.

Countless dead souls, hobbies of hooked souls.

Ordinary people are here, I am afraid that in an instant, their souls will be torn apart by those harsh mourning sounds.

Every soul is not strong.

But that amount that is not clear to count, the average powerhouse can’t bear it.

Mephitos’ son, the Black Heart Demon, was almost swallowed by these dead souls.

“Although I don’t want to use that magic, but at this level, I can’t do it anymore.

Strange looked at his surroundings, his face a little embarrassed.

“Cry Banshee!”

Reach out.

A transparent ferocious figure appeared in front of him.

That transparent figure grinned at the boss, and screamed in front of him.

An invisible wave emanated from the banshee’s body.

The colorless aura spread out towards the front.

There is no strange power hook.

The dead souls that rushed up unexpectedly seemed to have encountered some irresistible force, and they slowly shattered like bubbles that were smashed.

Revenant became the purest power.

Mephitos also groaned.


In the magic that just went around, he suffered a dark loss.

Mephitos looked at Strange, and the red light in his eyes shot out a few feet.

What kind of magic is this?

Why can Qin play such a powerful soul attack.

The boy in front of him was obviously not very powerful, and Mephitos even felt that he could annihilate his weak body with a single blow.

But this magic is really powerful.

What the hell is this freak?

Tian Ji can fight across the ranks.

But this is too natural, right?

He Mephitos has also swallowed a lot of heaven, but he has never seen such a powerful metamorphosis.

It seems.

More to prepare.

Mephitos looked solemn,

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