Chapter 176 Senior Brother has doubled up again?!


Mordo looked at Mephitos who walked in slowly towards him.

Cold sweat is constantly left on the forehead.

His whole person seemed to be strangled by something, and there was even a little fear in his heart.

Mordo knew.

He was influenced by Mephitos.


He has absolutely no Ability to resist now.

He was seriously injured by Lucifer, and he was hit by some means.

Now their strength gap is too big.

Mordo’s brain is running at high speed, trying to find a solution.


He was surprised to find out.

In the face of absolute strength, all thoughts are meaningless.

They are seriously injured.

Facing the intact Mephitos, there is no way to resist.

If it doesn’t work.

He could only use the last resort and blew himself up directly.

Even if it is death, Mephitos has to pay the price.

Looking at the slowly approaching Mephitos, Mordo has made up his mind.

“It looks like it’s ready, but you underestimate me too much.

“If you want to sacrifice yourself, you also need strength to get around.

Mephitos said with a smile.

Looking at Mordo, he just stretched out his hand.

Mordo felt as if his heart had been grabbed by one hand.

The power that was finally gathered in the body actually dissipated directly.

Mordo was suddenly desperate.

Is there no chance to even self-destruct and injure the enemy?

He made a wrong decision.

He should be more cautious, report the matter to the senior brother, and come back to hell.

After improving his strength, he finally lost his prudence.


Even baby Kamar-Taj’s magician.

“Eldest brother, I have lived up to your expectations. 99

Moro thought to himself in shame.

His face was also full of despair.

“That’s right, that’s right.”

“Despair, despair slowly.

“Despair is absolutely the most delicious thing in this world.


Mephitos waved.

In his hand, there was a handful of seven songs that looked very evil.


“what are you up to!

“I am going to kill you!

Kaecilius, Hamill, Tony Stark, Captain America, were all angry and condemned.


Not at all.

In their heyday, Mephitos may not be able to help them.

But they were seriously injured.

The feeling of rank suppression emerges.

Mephitos spread his power, and they couldn’t move at all.

He could only stare at Mephitos as he slowly approached Mordo.

“Don’t worry, it will be your turn,”

“Now, let me collect the delicious fruit.

Mephitos said with a smile.


He manipulated the seven evil and different songs in his hand, and went towards the pain gap in Mordo’s heart.

In just a few seconds, Mordo would probably turn into a corpse.

An excited expression appeared on Mephitos’ face.

He had seen it, he had adopted a perfect magician soul.

Mephitos was very excited.

The speed in hand is getting faster and faster.

Seeing that these seven evil songs were inserted directly into his chest.

Kaecilius they were all desperate.


A crisp sound rang out.

The head actually made a sound of stabbing on the metal.

Mephitos’ eyes widened suddenly.

In front of him, two fingers as white as jade appeared unexpectedly.

These two fingers directly clamped his dagger.

Mephitos drew back.

There was no twitching.

“Who dares to deal with me Mephitos! 33

Mephitos shouted.

Not yet.

I felt a strong force coming from my hand, and the dagger in my hand was actually taken away.

in front of him.

A portal appeared directly.

A handsome young man walked away with a middle-aged man.


“I really didn’t know that you, the lord of hell, were so brave.”

: Do you have any opinion about me interfering with your affairs?”

The young man who came out said emotionally.

Mordo heard the voice.

There were almost two lines of tears left.

“Elder Brother, how did you come to know!

“If I don’t come, you will all be played to death.

“I haven’t learned much, but it’s expanding very quickly.”

“Dare to enter Hell Akatsuki. 9

Lin Yu said.

Hear this.

Mordu and the others bowed their heads in shame.

Looking at them like this, Lin Yu didn’t criticize them too much.

It’s just human nature.

Fortunately, he is strong now.

To be able to see fate and time to a certain extent.

Mordu is weaker than him, and he can easily spy on the future.

Like the Ancient One.

Five years in advance, you can know that Strange will become her apprentice.

Lin Yu naturally can too.


Even if he came over.

Saved Mordo’s life.

“Okay, don’t be like this, you guys are Kamar-Taj cards. 99

Lin Yu said.

Mephitos, who was next to him, couldn’t bear it anymore.

good guy.

It’s just as if he doesn’t exist!


“Who are you? Do you think I don’t exist!”

Mephitos said angrily.

It’s too bad to take him seriously.

After all, he was still from here, and this group of people started talking like no one else.

“Who am I?”

“I am the magician of Kamar-Taj.

“You just beat up my junior brother, am I clear enough?

Lin said very lazily, completely ignoring Mephitos.

Mephitos’s heart burned with anger.

If it hadn’t been just around, Lin Yu’s hand was too intimidating, and he would have done it now.

“Aah, whoever you are,


“If you dare to stop me, you will have to pay the price.”

Mephitos snorted coldly.

Although he was a little uneasy in his heart, Mephitos decided to test this guy first.

Reach out.

A ghost looking like a skeleton head flew towards Lin Yu.

“It’s really troublesome.

“Strange, try your recent practice achievements, and don’t let me lose hope.”

Lin Yu said to Strange next to him.

Strange, who is very mature next to him, nodded respectfully, and said slowly and confidently.

“Don’t worry, Big Brother.


Lin Yu nodded.

Strange is worthy of being the successor of the ancient capital.

How long did it take?

Strange’s strength was already close to that of the Level God Father.

Coupled with the magic he masters, his strength is very powerful.

Magic stuff.

It was supposed to be able to exert astonishing power.

I saw Strange stepped forward.

Hand waved bitterly.

A complex rune flashed past in front of him.

A shield appeared in front of him.

The tragic green skull collided with the shield, bursting directly, and scattered into the sky full of green ghosts.

“Aah. 99

“Lord of Hell, that’s all.

Strange also spoke up.

He is also arrogant,

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