
In front of the two senior colonels, Wang Ye ran out of line and stepped out to the front and back, standing at attention with a happy face and saluting.

"Wang Ye, the chief is no longer the head of the regiment!" Behind the head of Hong, a captain cadre answered with a smile.

But just after he finished speaking, Deputy Master Hong raised his hand to signal him to shut up.

Looking at Wang Ye, Deputy Commander Hong smiled kindly: "Hello, Commander, I like to hear this title!"

Wang Ye smiled, but didn't say anything.

Didn't he know that the head of the group was promoted?

He already knew.

Deputy Master Hong took a small step forward with a smile.

He stretched out his hand and patted Wang Ye's shoulder: "That's right, I feel a lot whiter after going to Luyuan! It's also a little stronger. It seems that the water and soil in Luyuan are still very nourishing!"

The last sentence, Deputy Teacher Hong said while looking at the Vice President of Lu Academy.

The vice president immediately laughed and said, "Our Lu Academy may not be as tall as the Xiguang side, but our Lu Academy is the cradle of heroes and generals. There are outstanding people, and the water and soil will definitely support people!"

"Ha ha!"

Deputy Master Hong laughed out loud.

Several people chatted and laughed, while Wang Ye stood aside.

At this moment, the students who lined up to the side all looked sideways.

At the same time, there were two soldiers standing in the square outside.

Jiangnan, and Erlian's correspondent.

"Company commander, Wang Ye is here!"

"I saw!"

Jiang Nan did nothing.

Deputy division commander Hong arrived at the exit to pick up people.

After Jiang Nan ran here to see the situation, he consciously waited outside.

After all, Wang Ye is Deputy Commander Hong's old subordinate. Now that he came to pick Wang Ye up, in front of Deputy Commander Hong, he felt like he was taking food by the mouth of a tiger.

At least he had to wait for Deputy Master Hong to have a good chat with Wang Ye before he appeared.

After all, his shoulders are twenty-four cents, and his shoulders are one-three cents. The gap is too big.

At this moment, the students who were walking in front of the Lu Academy were also led out of the train station by the school cadres of the student team.

Everyone was a little surprised to see two people standing not far outside.

The military uniform is still very conspicuous, especially one of them is also 13 cents.

The point is, these two people obviously didn't come to pick you up. Now that they saw you coming out, they stood there indifferently.

The queue walked out quickly, and when everyone was about to pass through the exit, Wang Ye followed Deputy Commander Hong and the others out of the hall of the exit.

But just after he got out of the hall and saw the situation in front of him, Wang Ye paused again.

His eyes widened slightly.

Who did he see?

Fuck, why is Jiangnan here?

Once again, Wang Ye was surprised.

"The meaning of the division this time is that you should return to the division's reconnaissance company." On the side, seeing Wang Ye's footsteps paused, Deputy Commander Hong said with a smile.

After saying this, he also looked at Jiangnan with a smile and said, "I can't wait to pick you up!"

At this time, Jiang Nan also ran over with his correspondent in a small step.

"Hello, two chiefs!"

Jiang Nan first saluted Deputy Teacher Hong and the Vice President.

Immediately, he turned his head slightly and gave Wang Ye a smiling face.

"Good morning, company commander!"

At this moment, Wang Ye smiled and saluted him.

He really didn't expect that when he got off the train today, it would be fine if he could see the old regiment leader, but there was Jiangnan waiting outside.

Of course, Wang Ye was a little disappointed in his heart when he heard what his old regiment leader said just now.

Can't go back to Iron Bones Heroes.

However, Erlian is also good, after all, it is also a place where I have struggled for several months.

"Wang Ye is going back in my car, why are you in such a hurry." Deputy Master Hong looked at Jiangnan and said something in a bad tone.

"Hey, Chief, I just came to see Wang Ye, long time no see!" Jiang Nan laughed.

"Good guy, Brother Wang just has face, look, this time, he is both the head of the regiment and the commander of the company!"

In the student queue, the current freshman side, especially the seventh class of the third district team, all of them were very excited just seeing this scene.

It's too face-saving, and it's too enviable.

"Whenever, I will have this day too!" Zhang Peng expressed everyone's feelings.

Of course, there are also people who can't speak. For example, Liu Huan is now whispering to Lu Weiming who is walking in front of him: "Brother Lu, will there be such a scene when you go back?"

Lu Weiming didn't look back, he didn't even want to talk to him.

What the hell are you talking about.

Maybe the company commander will come to pick him up, he can look forward to it.

After all, he was also the one who was admitted to the military academy in his own company, and he was considered an embarrassment for the company commander.

But this can't be determined. As for asking the head to pick it up?

That's nonsense, maybe it's okay to raise the pillow when you sleep at night and dream.

"Hey, happy life! At first I was really worried about being bullied, but now you say, when we go down to the company and tell those people that we are Brother Wang's brother, a comrade-in-arms in a dormitory, wouldn't they be polite to us? !" Yue Jun couldn't hold back his inner voice again.

He was really worried about being bullied when he came to the army. After all, his strength was not strong. Now that he found out about this situation, it was impossible for him not to be excited.

"Stand at attention~

Take it easy! "

On the square outside the train station, the students of the Lu Academy gathered for roll call.

Then divide the troops and go to the roadside outside to get into the car.

en Wang Ye doesn't need to go.

He got into the car directly with Deputy Teacher Hong and the dean.

Along the way, Wang Ye became the center of the conversation between the two big bosses, Deputy Teacher Hong and the Vice President.

And Wang Ye could only laugh, like a fool, he only said a few words when the two big brothers asked him.

About an hour later, the car arrived at the division headquarters.

Right at the gate, Wang Ye was let down.

Deputy Division Commander Hong still needs to receive the vice president, and the vice president won't really stay here all the time, he's just here to send troops.

Stay here for two days, visit Division A and then go back.

Naturally, there is no need for Wang Ye to follow now.

"Come on! Get in the car!"

As soon as Deputy Commander Hong's car left, the jeep that had been following behind came up.

The co-pilot's window opened, and Jiang Nan greeted him with a smile.


Wang Ye smiled, went up and opened the car door by himself, threw his backpack inside, and got into the car.

While still in the car just now, Wang Ye actually discovered that there were trucks leaving the convoy along the way.

Up to now, Jiangnan and his jeep were the only one behind Deputy Commander Hong's car just now.

Although there are some units directly under the division headquarters, these companies are obviously not suitable for ordinary students to exercise.

For example, in the reconnaissance battalion, not many army students dare to say that they can stand it, let alone local students.

Moreover, in the current situation of Division A, if they want to come, places like the reconnaissance battalion will not want them!

Just like Jiangnan's previous reaction.

If it wasn't Wang Ye, he wouldn't want someone else, even if he was a soldier, even if he was a scout.

Strange soldiers need to adjust, and during this adjustment period, it may be the weakness of your company.

According to the previous situation, it may not matter.

But now that Teacher A is in the mood, if he comes back with a weakness, he might just buy a ticket to send himself to the countryside to raise pigs.

Therefore, the other students were directly sent to the subordinate units of Division A.

In fact, now that they are here, I am afraid that ordinary companies will not welcome them.

After all, they also have to withstand the sneak attack of scouts from time to time, and it is also a burden for them to have a few student soldiers.

It's just that they don't have a choice now.

"You kid is really stupid. It's not that you made such a big commotion in front of you. I see you like this now, and I think you have too many comfortable days, and you will be useless!"

In the car, Jiang Nan looked back at Wang Ye and smiled.

He has always been serious, but today he may smile more than usual in a month.

"The sunshine in N City is not as sunny as ours!" Wang Ye explained with a smile.

"Haha, that's for sure. We are located in the southernmost part of the motherland, and the heat is really hot." Jiang Nan laughed.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's go back first, you haven't seen your squad leader for a long time, I haven't told them about your return, now you go and give them a surprise!"

Jiang Nan was not in a hurry to tell Wang Ye about the current situation of the whole division.

There is no rush for these things.

Of course, it's just that there's no rush right now. When Wang Ye and the old comrades of Erlian meet, he will call Wang Ye to discuss business matters.

Now that this guy is back, he must not waste it.

At least for this month, let him plan and come up with an idea to send both the first company commander and the third company commander to the farm.

Iron Bones Heroes.

When Wang Ye just returned to the division headquarters, three trucks also stopped in front of the regiment headquarters of the Iron Bones Heroes.

The student team, students from the three district teams got off the bus.

Cao Guanlin, as the leader of the team, is now handing over to Lin Hai.

"Did you hear that? Iron Bones Heroes!"

Behind the queue, the third district team stood in the last row. In the seventh class, Yue Jun's face was a little red with excitement.

"We are so lucky to come to Brother Wang's old army!"

"Hey, the true spirit of Mazu!" Zhang Peng smiled.

At this moment, he kept thanking the Dragon King and Mazu in his heart.

On the truck, he kept praying silently, hoping that they would bless him and assign him to Wang Ye's old army.

Now it's a dream come true!

Really here.

Think about the scenery when Wang Ye got off the car just now and was picked up by the head of the regiment, and then by the company commander.

At this moment, he was really excited inside.

Being able to come to Wang Ye's old army and witness the place where Wang Ye grew up, the key point is that the people here are all Wang Ye's old comrades in arms.

Erguai, who was the most difficult to provoke among the army students, had the most troubles, if the calculation is correct, he should be a soldier who joined the army a year later than Wang Ye.

But they knew that Wang Ye had led a company of recruits back then.

After all, these two crutches might all be brought by Wang Ye.

In this situation, you dare to bully me?

Immersed in the fantasies of a better life for the next month, he and the other students from Class 7 and even District 3 around him don't think about it at all at this time. Sometimes, things that look good on the surface may in fact It sucks.

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