Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 474 The old regiment leader greets him personally (please order, please support)


Jiang Nan wanted to run away, but the chief of staff stopped him with a smile.

"Didn't you just refuse? Who told you to go now!"

"No, Chief, I was wrong, you took what I said just now to be farting!"

In fact, Jiang Nan is not good at talking and laughing, and usually has a serious face.

But now, the expression on his face changed extremely fast.

The chief of staff laughed and scolded: "What a man says is a nail, how can he be a fart!"

"Yes, yes, Chief, I'll go first!"

Jiangnan gave full play to his shameless characteristics.

You can be serious at ordinary times, but the company commander of a reconnaissance company can't be really rigid.

A really rigid person can't be a scout at all.


Watching Jiangnan leave, the chief of staff stood in his office and laughed.

After laughing, he also went out.

Going back, he's going down to inspect for two days.

Otherwise, if the first and third company commanders knew about Wang Ye being thrown into the second company, they would definitely bother him.

Even though 80% of the whole division is gnashing their teeth at him now, that bastard doesn't mean that Yilian and Sanlian don't want him.

Wanting him and hating him are two different things.

At the same time, at the moment when Jiangnan ran out in a hurry.

Iron Bones Heroes.

"No, chief, how can you let Wang Ye stay in the division headquarters, and he will definitely send it back when he comes back!"

In the headquarters of the regiment, Lin Hai, who had been promoted to chief of staff after receiving a call from the old regiment leader, hurriedly spoke at this moment.

He is also in the same mood as Jiangnan when he knew Wang Ye was back.

Shout shit.

Wang Ye is back.

This guy can't go out, he has to get it back.

In the microphone, Deputy Commander Hong said with a smile: "I originally wanted to send them back, but Old Wei and the teacher said that they want to hone the reconnaissance battalion of the division headquarters, so they can't be sent back."

After a pause, Deputy Master Hong said again: "Calling you this time is not to tell you about Wang Ye.

The main thing is to let you know that some students from the Lu Academy will be sent to our regiment tonight. You can arrange which companies to go to! "

"No, Chief, I want to hone the division's reconnaissance battalion. There is nothing to hone Wang Ye among them. It's better to let him back. I will let our police reconnaissance company help them hone it!"

After a pause, Lin Hai began to play the emotional card and complain: "Chief, it's not like you don't know that they have touched us several times this year.

I was forced to raise pigs for ten days.

Chief, Wang Ye was originally my soldier, and now that he is back, how can we not let him come back and have a look.

Besides, we are his natal family.

Chief, old regiment leader, iron bones, there are many comrades-in-arms brothers of Wang Ye! "

Lin Hai didn't care about the business that the leader told him at all.

There is nothing to talk about about arranging other students from the Lu Academy, just arrange them casually when they arrive.

It's only a month, and it's not a staff, it's just a temporary worker, and it doesn't matter where or how.

The point is still Wang Ye.

Although it's only a month, but after one month is used up, this guy can help him vent his anger.

It's best to go to the division headquarters and send the company commanders of those bastard reconnaissance companies to raise pigs.

En can let the chief of staff of the division also raise pigs for a few days, which he prefers.

"Don't talk about it, Wang Ye will only be back for a month, and you have to be hardworking yourself, and now the police and detectives of our regiment are not weak, so take it with you!"

Deputy Master Hong didn't listen to Lin Hai's set, and before he could speak, he spoke again: "Okay, remember to arrange the people at that time, I still have something to do, so hang up the phone first!"

"Don't! Chief Dudu~"

The blind tone from the phone directly made Lin Hai grab the phone depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

Damn, Wang Ye is back, but Wang Ye can't come back.

This bastard can be specially killed!

At this moment, Lin Hai was a little worried sitting in the back of the office.

"Brother Wang, don't sleep, it's time for dinner!"

On the train, in order to avoid their endless questions, Wang Ye simply pretended to be asleep and told them not to disturb him.

But now, the food delivery truck has started delivering meals, so Liu Huan, who was sitting next to Wang Ye, began to push Wang Ye, calling Wang Ye to "wake up".

"Okay!" Wang Ye sat up straight, pretending to have just woken up.

In fact, he wasn't asleep at all.

There are no fellow villagers on this train, and there is no need to pay too much attention to discipline.

The sound of everyone's conversation along the way, coupled with the bang bang of the green leather car, and Wang Ye himself's eagerness to return to Division A, how could he fall asleep.

"Brother Wang, take a look, is it familiar outside? Is it true that you want to go to your old army!"

As soon as Wang Ye "woke up", Zhang Peng on the opposite side couldn't help it.

Yue Jun, who was sitting with him, also hurriedly said, "That's right! Brother Wang, take a quick look, is he really going to your army?"

At this moment, they still imagined that after they really went to Wang Ye's old army, they could rely on Wang Ye's reputation to eat and drink.

Even when Wang Ye pretended to be asleep just now, they kept talking about this topic.

They didn't even think that Wang Ye was notorious in his old army now, and he was an existence that many soldiers and even platoon commanders, company commanders and battalion commanders would gnash their teeth when they mentioned this name.

"It's all mountains, what are you looking at? I'm not a living map. I'll know when I get there. Let's eat now!" Wang Ye glanced out the window casually, and then said this casually.

Wang Ye didn't even bother to tell them the real situation. Now that he said it, he might not be able to eat An Sheng later.

That's it, when it came, they found out, but the group of people was about to separate.

The freshmen and seniors are still together now, but Wang Ye knows that after they get to Division A, they might all have to break up.

In a company, at most one squad will go.

Even a company may only go to four or five people.

At that time, he won't have to worry about being annoyed by them all talking around.

Time passed slowly, not half an hour after the meal.

The train is coming in.

"Brother Wang~ Are you sure now?"

Liu Huan and the others waited for the train to enter the station, and asked again without giving up.

"It seems to be my old army's side, but not my regiment's position!"

What Wang Ye told them was the truth.

This time the train went directly to the nearest train station on the division's side. He used to get on and off the train at the train station on the side of the Iron Bone Heroes.

"Ah! It's not your old army, Brother Wang!"

"Hey, I still expect to eat and drink, it's over!"

Wang Ye's words made Yue Jun and the others immediately depressed.

But at this time, before Wang Ye could speak again, Cao Guanlin blew his whistle at the entrance of the carriage.

"Beep beep~"

"Everyone got up, grabbed their backpacks, and got ready to get out of the car.

Remember, keep discipline, this is your first internship, don't take your first impression lightly, cheer me up! "

After speaking, he turned his head.

A freshman, there are three carriages, and now he is about to get off, so he has to remind everyone one by one.

Soon, the train stopped.

One by one, the students stepped out of the carriage.

"It's so hot, it feels hotter than City N!"

"I sweated immediately, the air here feels a bit wrong!"

Getting out of the air-conditioned train, a group of students who had never been to Xiguang immediately felt the discomfort of the temperature here.

At the beginning of July, in N City, when the sun rises every day, it is around 30 degrees, which is considered very hot.

But mornings and evenings are actually pretty good.

But now it's getting dark here, but everyone still feels very hot.

It's completely different from City N.

Wang Ye smiled at the murmurs of these students.

Shout out hot now?

This is just where it is. When you go back after a month, you will know how the little black man practiced.

I think when he first joined the army, his skin was very fair.

The previous original owner stayed up late every day to surf the Internet. It is not an exaggeration to say that Wang Ye's skin was fairer than some girls at that time.

But think about it when he came back from Xiguang before.

The fucking black almost didn't dare to recognize it.

"Beep beep ~ assemble!"

On the platform, Cao Guanlin was blowing his whistle.

"finally come!"

Outside the station, a row of military firewood was parked directly on the roadside in front of the station.

At this moment, seeing the team appearing at the exit, they immediately lifted their spirits.

They waited for over an hour.

The green train was not on time at all. Originally, they had only waited here about half an hour earlier as planned.

But in the end, the train was delayed by more than half an hour.

"Get ready, cheer up!"

The voice of their deputy company commander came from their walkie-talkie.

They didn't get out of the car.

Their task is only to transport troops, and they are not needed for the reception work.

In fact, there was already a big colonel at the exit of the station at this time.

Deputy Master Hong.

Not long after finishing the phone call with Lin Hai, he also went out and got in the car and came here.

The Lu Academy is a deputy military unit, and today a vice president personally sent troops.

Naturally, Master A had to arrange for a person with enough weight to welcome him.

And in this case, how could Deputy Commander Hong not rush to come.

After all, in the Lu Academy, there are outstanding talents who have come out of his own staff.

en Others also understood Deputy Master Hong's feelings, so they didn't argue.

Now looking at the team coming out of the station, Deputy Commander Hong had a very sincere smile on his face.

He was scanning the team, but he hadn't seen Wang Ye yet.

"Hello, I'm Xing Hongjun, the vice president of the Lu Academy!"

Out of the station, the first to come out is a senior colonel followed by two majors.

At this time, he went straight to Deputy Commander Hong, and after saluting, he extended his hand with a smile.

Deputy Teacher Hong returned the greeting, and after shaking hands with him: "Hello, I am Hong Fangping, Deputy Head of Division A, and welcome the elites of the Lu Academy to come to our division for internship!"

"Huh?" At this moment, Wang Ye's eyes widened as he lined up on the platform behind and came to the line going out of the station.


Wang Ye really didn't expect that the group leader would come to the train station to pick him up.


The next moment, Wang Ye ran out of the queue and came to Cao Guanlin at the front of the queue to report.

"What's the matter?"

Cao Guanlin turned his head and looked over.

"Captain, that's my old captain, can I go out first?"


Cao Guanlin was also a little taken aback, and turned his head to look outside.

Just right, at this second, the vice president outside and the strange senior colonel all looked at this side with smiles.

"Go!" Looking back, Cao Guanlin smiled and nodded at Wang Ye.

"Thank you Captain!"

Wang Ye thanked him, and then ran towards the exit under the wide-eyed gaze of many Lu Academy students nearby.

"Fuck, did you hear that?"

At this second, everyone in the seventh class who was still slowly queuing up in the queue to get out could not be quiet anymore.

Zhang Peng even opened his mouth and said shit.

"Oh my god, you really came to Brother Wang's old army!"

"I feel that we are blessed!" Yue Jun looked at Wang Ye's back in a low voice, his expression hard to hide his excitement.

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