Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 471 The eve of the next company (please order, please support)

"Brother Wang, did you go to the captain's house for dinner again today?"

In the dormitory, when Wang Ye came back, someone from Class 7 came up with a smile.

"Yes!" Wang Ye nodded with a smile.

He was called away several times on weekends, but the key point is that Wang Ye did not go out normally.

Basically, they are called away halfway, and then come back in the afternoon after going there, and they are not there for lunch, which is obviously unreasonable.

One time is fine, so many times, how could everyone not be curious.

Of course, Wang Ye gave them an explanation.

If the captain calls for dinner, or if the captain is not on vacation today, he will say that the instructor is calling.

Anyway, basically only one of these two is on duty on weekends, and the other is definitely not there.

Perfect excuse.

Although this is enough to make everyone envious and jealous.

But everyone also knows that Wang Ye is the treasure of his school, and the team leader's instructor is a little petty, and it's trivial to ask him to go to his house for a meal on weekends.

After all, who let others break the military record.

If you don't accept it, you can break one, and then you will definitely get this kind of treatment.

Of course, even if they were beaten to death, they would never have guessed that Wang Ye didn't even know where the gates of the captain and trainer's house were until now.

He was called over by the dean every time.

And when I went to the dean's house, I had a very cute and beautiful girl as my companion.

"Envy, what kind of food are you eating at the captain's house today?" Zhang Peng looked over with a smile and asked.

Wang Ye looked over and said with a smile: "Duck eggs, you gave birth in the past two days!"

"Haha, it's impossible. I'm very confident this year, at least sixty points!" Zhang Peng looked confident.

Not only him, but the others immediately had smiles on their faces.

Now, in fact, the cultural subjects have been tested.

Compared with last year's semester, everyone has worked harder this year after suffering from last year's loss.

Spend a lot of time on cultural subjects, and the results are obvious.

In Zhang Peng's words, I really worked harder this year than I did in my third year of high school. If I fail more than two subjects, I will die!

"Brother Wang, there is summer vacation this year. Do you know how the school nursing team will be arranged? Have you asked about the team leader?" At this time, someone asked again.

Wang Ye looked over and said, "I didn't ask, I don't care, it counts from day to day, everyone should work hard to do well in the exam, and you'll know when the day is off!"

Wang Ye didn't tell them anything about the end of the summer vacation.

Since the team hasn't issued a notice yet, he naturally can't say anything.

Time is like quicksand at the fingertips, and in a blink of an eye, the time has come to June 27th.

In the afternoon, all cultural subjects exams were over.

According to what everyone thinks, after completing the physical fitness test in the next two days, you will be able to fly as high as the sky, and you can go back to enjoy yourself during the summer vacation.

However, just after eight o'clock that day, Cao Guanlin blew the emergency assembly whistle.

"Come, come, come again, Lord Dragon bless you!"

In the dormitory of Class 7, Zhang Peng didn't pack first when he heard the whistle blowing. Instead, he quickly came to the back window, and muttered two quick obeisances in the direction of the Dragon King Temple.

Although the Dragon Lord did not bless him last year.

But his belief in the Dragon King has not changed, he only blames himself for being dishonest last year.

But this year, before the exam, he gritted his teeth and tried his best to get the top three of the cultural subject, and then went out to secretly pay a visit to the door.

"Don't ink!" Seeing him like this, Wang Ye felt a little annoyed, but also a little funny.

This guy may have a little faith when he doesn't have to take the exam, but definitely not much.

But now when the exam came, he became like a fanatic, and he was speechless.

Soon, the whole team came downstairs to gather.

Cao Guanlin stood in front of everyone sullenly.

"Zhu Shenghui!"


Sure enough, Cao Guanlin didn't give everyone any surprises, and the roll call started as soon as the people gathered, which directly made everyone's hearts tangled up in an instant.

"Don't point me, don't point me!"

"Mazu blesses, Dragon King blesses"

At this moment, Wang Ye heard the sound of prayer from the side.

The death roll call show, with the lessons learned from the past year, everyone knows very well what being called now represents.

"Dong Xilai!"


In the second class, a soldier responded with an ugly face, but this sound also made everyone in the first class except the one named just now burst into joy in their hearts.

Have you passed yourself?

Soon, one after another, it was different from last year when the roll call ended and one-third of the team was gone.

Only fourteen people from the entire team have been named this year.

And among them, most of them are army students, especially the recommended ones, which belong to the hardest-hit areas.

Among the fourteen members of the team, six were escorted.

"It's the second semester. I don't think you are deep enough. Look at you. You are basically old acquaintances from last year. Excuse me?"

After the roll call, Cao Guanlin yelled at the queue with a straight face.

He didn't let the fourteen people come out, so he just scolded them.

Look around everyone: "Do the rest of you think you're lucky you passed?

Let me tell you, these fourteen people are only with more than two doors, you have thirty-one other people with two doors, and as many as seventy-six people with one door, what are you lucky about! "

No one said anything, and everyone stood and was scolded by him.

However, Wang Ye is watching the nose and the heart.

Even if there is no result, Wang Ye is sure that he will be the first in the grade again.

So although the scolding was aimed at everyone, he ignored it directly.

After scolding for three or four minutes, Cao Guanlin suddenly changed the subject.

"Forget it here today, those of you who failed your exams know what you're doing, now let's talk about another thing!"

At this moment, Wang Ye's originally slightly lowered eyes raised.

Cao Guanlin looked at everyone and paused for a while before opening his mouth: "The school committee has decided that this year you will arrange company internships for this summer vacation!"




At this second, the queue was a little noisy.

"What are you doing, is there any discipline?

Get down on the ground! "Cao Guanlin roared loudly, and everyone who was a little bit unguarded because of the sudden incident immediately shut up.

All the staff obeyed his order to get down on the ground.

"All give me fists.

I think I'm too used to you guys, it's been a year, don't you know the queue discipline? "Cao Guanlin yelled at the lying down queue.

After shouting, it took a few seconds before he shouted again: "You are all soldiers, but there are always some differences between soldiers in the military academy and soldiers in the army.

But you must go to the army in the future.

Therefore, being able to go to the army earlier and get in touch with the real military life of the army earlier will only benefit you and not harm you! "

Many people agree with what Cao Guanlin said, but this does not mean that no one is cursing their mothers in their hearts, especially some students who have already made arrangements for the summer vacation, feel even more bitter at this moment.

However, it is useless to complain, we are soldiers, once an order is issued, we can only carry out the order.

"Hey, I even told my girlfriend to go back and take him out on a trip. I saved my allowance for a year!"

"I also made an appointment with seven or eight brothers from my hometown and said that we will go back all night together!"

"It's all over, but is the army really that scary!" Liu Huan said, looking at the squad leader Wang Ye, Lu Weiming, and Li Qingsheng.

Before Wang Ye opened his mouth, Lu Weiming smiled and said, "It's not scary, but it's certain that companies born in military schools will not be welcomed, especially some companies with more double crooks, so there are more troubles!"

Li Qingsheng also answered with a smile: "Yes, just go down and be prepared to endure hardships. When you are in the army, you can get close when you see the first crutches, and be more polite when you see the second crutches. Don't mess with them if you have nothing to do.

As a non-commissioned officer, just be respectful! "

"Are you really so unfriendly?" Zhang Peng said in a slightly vain tone.

Lu Weiming spoke again: "In fact, our internship usually only lasts for a month, and this time we are only serving as soldiers, not platoon leaders. So strictly speaking, as long as you can be human, you will generally have a good time!"

Li Qingsheng also nodded: "Yes, the key point is to be a good person.

For example, you also have a little allowance. After you leave the army, if you have nothing to do, invite everyone to drink a bottle of soda and bring a pack of cigarettes with you.

Don't want any good cigarettes, just the kind that everyone smokes every day. When the comrades in the class take a break, be polite. "

In the dormitory, two army students smiled and taught a group of local students who had never been to the army.

But at this time, seeing Wang Ye remained silent, Zhang Peng couldn't help but said to Wang Ye: "Brother Wang, do you have any suggestions?"

Immediately Wang Ye looked at him and said with a smile: "Yes! Who dares to stare and beat him directly! If you don't accept it, just call him to stand at attention, and if you don't accept it, ask him to find a place to practice military boxing!"

After holding back for many days, everyone finally knew that they were going to join the company. Now, seeing everyone's reactions, Wang Ye happily made a joke with them.

"Brother Wang, you are talking about you!" Han Qi looked at it with a smile and said, "You are so awesome, no one would dare to stare at you, but we dare not!"

"Hey, Brother Wang's lower company is definitely at the level of a master, not to mention serving as a soldier, even if he becomes a platoon leader or a company commander, none of the veterans of their army would dare to jump!"

"That's right, who dares to jump, dragged to run around the 400-meter obstacle course, his tongue was broken!"

In the dormitory, everyone suddenly became happy.

However, they were so happy, Wang Ye felt a little embarrassed by them: "Okay, I'm just joking with you, just listen to what Lu Weiming and Li Qingsheng said, it's all based on experience."

After a pause, Wang Ye also restrained his smile: "The army is no better than a military academy, especially at this point in time, some people are not long before being discharged from the army.

The situation is complicated, plus your special status that you have not been through the army, but you can become a platoon leader after graduation in the future.

To be honest, it might make some people jealous or something.

So in some cases, you can bear it if you can. If a company has the same batch of troops, you can go to him and ask him to help. If not, you can ask your platoon leader or the like.

Now the platoon leaders are basically graduates from military academies, so look for them more often, learn from their experiences, and listen to what they say! "

As Xialian approached, Wang Ye seriously gave some advice to the comrades in the class who had been together for a year.

Of course, only in these places.

Army students, Lu Weiming, and Li Qingsheng are two old fritters who are non-commissioned officers admitted to the military academy. Even if they go back to the army to serve as soldiers, they will feel like fish in water. Generally, Erguai would not dare to jump in front of them.

As for himself, Wang Ye never thought about it.

Wang Ye didn't even believe that someone who was not open-eyed would dare to trouble him when he was going to practice as a soldier.

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