Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 470 Your summer vacation is gone! (Please order, please support)

"Hee hee, you guys have worked so hard, the summer vacation is gone, but luckily my dad asked me to serve in the army and I didn't go.

It's too hard, it's better to be a teacher, and I will have winter and summer vacations every year in the future! "

In the family courtyard, in the backyard of the dean's house, Wang Ye and Lin Wei are squatting together to pick vegetables.

In the blink of an eye, May 11 was nearly two months ago.

Now that the whole school is preparing for the end of the exam, Wang Ye is not the dean calling to play chess today, he must be studying in the dormitory now.

But just now the dean went to answer the phone in the middle of a chess game, and he was sitting in the living room alone, just as Lin Wei was about to pick vegetables, so she greeted him and came out together.

"What do you mean? What do you mean there is no summer vacation?"

Now, listening to what the girl opposite said, Wang Ye raised his head in astonishment.

He caught the point of her words.

"Don't you know?" Lin Wei blinked her big eyes and looked at Wang Ye in surprise.

"I don't know!" Wang Ye said honestly.

In an instant, the girl looked left and right, and after seeing no one else, she looked at Wang Ye, blinked her eyes and whispered, "I thought you knew.

Last weekend, Uncle Gao came over to chat with my dad and said that you are going to be an intern this year, but I haven’t heard too much. Now that you haven’t issued an announcement, you just know it yourself, so don’t go out and talk nonsense! "

Uncle Gao he was talking about, Wang Ye guessed who it was.

Minister of Training.

"Okay! Certainly not!"

Wang Ye nodded.

Inwardly, at this moment, Wang Ye was actually a little astonished.

He is no stranger to the topic of summer internships.

He is the deputy district captain, and he spends every day with the district captain's instructors who are juniors, seniors, and seniors. He naturally knows a lot about the military academy from their mouths.

Summer internships are no secret.

But according to what they said, under normal circumstances, no internship will be arranged during the summer vacation of the freshman year.

The first winter vacation and the first summer vacation of the freshman year are generally relatively friendly to recruits.

But now it's obviously wrong!

This is the summer vacation of freshman year.

"You heard me right, it must be our freshman year!" Wang Ye asked softly.

"Well, you heard me right!" Lin Wei nodded.

"Do you know where we're going?"

Wang Ye asked the question he cared about.

"I don't know!" Lin Wei said in a low voice, and looked back while speaking, and when she saw that the head of the room hadn't come out, she said again: "Actually, I haven't listened too much. I don't care too much about their chatting, just When I came out to say hello, I heard a little bit, but if you want to know, when I eat later, I will help you ask how my dad is?"

"Hey, don't!" Wang Ye hurriedly stopped.

Looking at her, Wang Ye laughed in a low voice: "Since the matter from above has not been notified yet, I'll just wait, don't ask, and don't tell me!"

"Okay!" Lin Wei smiled playfully.

"Okay, finished picking, do you want to send it in?" Wang Ye was also working while talking.

The main work is not much, just wash and fold a pot of beans.

"Then I'll send it in!"

Lin Wei smiled playfully, then picked up the plate and got up.

Today, the two have known each other for nearly two months. Although they have only met three or four times, they must be considered friends.

en is also just a friend.

Perhaps both of them actually knew what the dean meant.

But things like feelings can't be forced, let's just do it first, take one step at a time.

"What do you think of the synthesis of troops?"

After the meal, the chessboard was opened again, and Wang Ye and the dean had just made a few moves when the dean suddenly threw out a topic that had nothing to do with playing chess.

This is actually not an example. When playing chess before, every time the dean could face it easily at the beginning of the game, he would chat with Wang Ye for a few words.

It's just that the questions generally asked are not too over the top.

Wang Ye looked up at the dean, thought for a while and said, "Isn't this the established route of our army?

Since the 1980s, in order to win future wars, our army has been exploring based on the principles of elite soldiers, synthesis, and high efficiency! "

The dean looked up at Wang Ye with a smile: "Slippery, is that what I'm asking? I'm asking for your opinion!"

"Hehe!" Wang Ye was embarrassed: "Did the dean mean to ask me to synthesize the brigade?"

Synthesis, there are two situations. Our army has been undergoing synthesis since the 100-million-dollar disarmament in the 1980s.

It's just that the synthesis at that time was at the army level.

Just like what Wang Ye saw now, there are all kinds of arms in a group army.

Infantry divisions, armored brigades, anti-aircraft artillery brigades and other arms were integrated into one group army, breaking the previous situation where the infantry was dominated by one single army.

Then in the 1990s, our army tried to learn from the Eagle Empire and built a brigade-level composite force.

These two situations are two kinds of arguments. After all, the opposite is the dean, and Wang Ye must not be talking nonsense.

"Well, it must be a synthetic brigade, otherwise what do you think?"

The dean took a step on the chessboard and moved a rook, which was very subtle. If Wang Ye was distracted now, and two more moves later, Wang Ye would definitely be hit by this rook.

Wang Ye pretended not to notice, and after casually looking at the chessboard and taking a step, he looked up at the dean again and said, "I think the Synthetic Brigade will be the mainstream in the future.

The Eagle Empire is indeed ahead of our army in this regard.

In the information age, everything is about high efficiency, and the emergence of nuclear bombs is also destined to get rid of the combat thinking of World War II in modern times.

A large number of people is no longer a powerful force, and I even think that in future wars, unmanned is a more advanced way of fighting! "


The dean calmly made another move, then looked up at Wang Ye.

"How to say?"

Wang Ye stopped playing chess, looked at the dean and said, "Nowadays, technology is changing with each passing day, and so is military combat equipment.

In the 1950s, in order to deal with the nuclear war, Eagle Empire invented five groups of atomic divisions, although it was abandoned in the end.

But that's because that set was too advanced at that time, and now, with the development of the times, the defects in their application of this set can be made up for by the current equipment! "

"The insight is very unique!" The dean nodded.

Wang Ye continued to laugh and said: "Synthesized brigades, smaller units, brigade-battalion system makes the command more flat, plus the current application of informatization, combat systems and networks.

The brigade-level headquarters, with good future development, might be able to control any soldier in the brigade through the digitization of the battlefield.

One plus one is greater than two, as long as it can be controlled by the headquarters, the coordinated combat of multiple arms is definitely not comparable to the combat effectiveness of a single arm! "

"Then what about the unmanned style of play you mentioned?" the dean asked again.

Wang Ye didn't think about it this time, and said directly: "The digital battlefield will inevitably give birth to informatization, digitalization and other cyber warfare in a war pattern.

For example, the Russian-Georgian War a few years ago.

Before the start of the war, Great Russia used computers to launch cyber attacks on Grid.

As a result, as soon as the attack started, Ge's network system collapsed across the board, making emergency mobilization impossible.

In fact, the information development of Great Russia is still insufficient, and their informationized combat capabilities are not as good as the Eagle Empire. This method was used very skillfully by the Eagle Empire during the Gulf War.

Therefore, if the informatization of our army is completed now, network operations must be the most important part.

The informatized troops seem to be all kinds of convenient, and their combat effectiveness is greatly increased, but once the command center is paralyzed, once the network is unavailable, or even the network is invaded by the opponent, the consequences will be fatal! "

The dean looked solemn: "Continue talking!"


Wang Ye responded, and immediately, Wang Ye continued to speak: "Now all countries in the world, including our country, are vigorously developing drones.

This kind of thing can be used for reconnaissance, guaranteeing battlefield communication tasks, and even hanging bombs to attack.

This is also a product of information warfare, and its only weakness is the remote control signal.

However, in cyber warfare, the opponent can be defeated first, destroying or paralyzing the opponent's cyber combat capability. "

After a pause, Wang Ye added: "I know that drones are still precious in our country, and drones have various defects, fear of signal interference, and some in the military are expensive.

However, the level of global technology is changing with each passing day, and maybe the drones in the future will not be worth much, such as a few hundred yuan or a few thousand yuan, and it will really be at that time.”

Wang Ye did not continue.

Because he believed that the dean would make up his mind.

And it is.

The dean narrowed his eyes at this moment.

When drones are really so cheap, even if a drone is used as a one-time use, and a bomb is flown over to carry out a suicide attack, the enemy can be blown away!

Of course, this has a premise.

It is necessary to guarantee the UAV signal and improve the anti-jamming ability of the UAV.

But Wang Ye was talking about the future.

A hundred years ago, who would have thought that a man could go to the moon.

Twenty years ago, who would have thought that the Internet could reach the point where it is now.

With the development of science and technology, our army regards informatization and synthesis as the main direction of progress at present.

In this case, the future unmanned combat that Wang Ye mentioned is not impossible.

"You guys are going to do internships during the summer vacation!" Suddenly, the dean changed the subject again.

"Uh" Wang Ye pretended to be surprised.

But in the next second, the dean said angrily: "I heard Xiaowei tell you in the study, why pretend!"

This time, Wang Ye was a little embarrassed.

I didn't say anything.

Fortunately, the dean didn't mean to say this: "Your views and vision are very good. In fact, some troops in our army are undergoing synthetic reforms. I will contact you tomorrow. I will see if the school can select a group of outstanding students for this internship." Key trainees went to study."

"Huh?" Wang Ye was really taken aback.

"Don't be so surprised, this matter will probably not be agreed."

Looking at Wang Ye, the dean said slowly: "The troops under reform are very busy with a lot of things to do, and they definitely don't have time to deal with your group of students who come and go in a hurry.

So very likely, I can only send you to the next-door unit in their big unit, let you stay next to them, listen more, and see more of their situation! "

"Okay! Thank you Dean!"

Thank you Wang Ye.

This kind of opportunity is definitely a very important opportunity. If you can really learn it when the troops are integrated now, it will be a great advantage when you go to the company in the future.

Because Wang Ye is very clear that in the future, divisions will be transformed into brigades, and the integration of troops will be the absolute mainstream.

And this future, in fact, is when he graduates.

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