Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 433 Enrollment is the class monitor (please order, please support)

Wang Ye didn't know how long it would take to upgrade the system.

But up to now, Wang Ye doesn't have much dependence on the system.

Even if there is no system for ten days and a half months, there is no need to worry about it.

Right now, he and other freshmen followed Tan Tong and the others along an avenue in the college.

After about ten minutes, Wang Ye and others were brought to an old building.

"This is the dormitory building where you will stay for the next year.

Now you take out your admission notices, and after you go in, you will register according to your major! "

The three of Tan Tong left after saying this.

Because their tasks ended here, other people were responsible for the rest, such as reporting and arranging dormitories.

Undoubtedly, Wang Ye is still the most beautiful boy in the crowd.

No matter if it is a freshman who came from other places to wait in line for registration, or a veteran student who is responsible for helping guide everyone, as long as he notices Wang Ye, he will pay more attention.

But when they got here, no one came to talk to them, they would only be surprised in their hearts, and at most they would say a few words in their hearts.

Line up along a line marked with the command of the mechanized infantry reconnaissance unit.

It is actually very fast for new students to report to work.

After all, military academies don't need to pay. Now they just go through the registration procedures, and then they will be assigned dormitories first.

"Are you Wang Ye?"

When it was Wang Ye's turn, before Wang Ye could speak, the senior students sitting behind the desks and chairs first looked at Wang Ye and spoke with a smile.

"Well, it's me!" Wang Ye responded with a smile.

Wang Ye was no longer surprised that he recognized him.

The fact that they could recognize him at the train station before means that his admission information must be no secret.

That being the case, it is easy to recognize himself with the rank of lieutenant.

"It's amazing, student Wang Ye. I'm not in charge of your enrollment. You can go directly to the captain's office at the back!"

Behind the tables and chairs, the old student smiled and pointed Wang Ye in the direction.

This made Wang Ye slightly taken aback.


Wang Ye didn't say anything.

In the army, he is used to sometimes things that can be done in one step, but you have to grind your operation.

Now this kind of thing is just more queues, it's nothing at all.

Compared to this, things like making a quilt are the real grind.

Carrying the luggage bag, under the curious eyes of other freshmen, Wang Ye directly walked around the registration desk and chairs in front of him, and walked to the office behind which the old student was pointing at.


The door of the office was open, and Wang Ye could see a major sitting inside right now from the outside.

"Come in!" The major glanced at the door.

Wang Ye walked in.

"Report, freshman Wang Ye is reporting!"

After Wang Ye walked in, he stood at attention and saluted.

The major behind the desk said nothing.

But at this moment, his eyes were always on Wang Ye.

Look up and down.

After more than ten seconds, he smiled and said: "Looking at the appearance, it's hard to believe that you have such a series of shocking achievements!"

Wang Ye was stunned.

Immediately, Wang Ye also smiled: "Chief, although I have lost a little weight, I am full of muscles in my bones!"

Today, Wang Ye actually weighs over one hundred and fourteen.

But this weight is distributed on the body of nearly 1.8 meters, plus Wang Yezhen's whole body muscles.

It can be said that the appearance does not match the strong at all, and the thin is the first impression.

"Haha!" the major laughed.

Looking at Wang Ye: "Others say that, I will definitely scold them, but you Wang Ye say that, I believe it!"

Speaking of this, he stared at Wang Ye again and said: "Otherwise, there is no way to explain your figure, how can you have such great physical strength!"

Wang Ye smiled and said nothing.

"Okay, no kidding, let me introduce myself.

Army Academy, captain of the cadet team, Cao Guanlin! "

"Hello Captain!" Wang Ye saluted again.

"Well, let me tell you, in order to make the army students and local students familiar with each other and enhance the team spirit, you students who have experience in leading troops in the army will be the first batch selected to become the backbone and serve as the backbone. Acting class leader.

Are you okay with that? "

"Report, no!"

Before Wang Ye entered school, he knew that there are actually several ways to treat military students in the military academy.

Some military academies treat them equally, arranging military students and local students to train together, led by senior military academies.

There are also some military academies that are managed separately.

But there are still some, as Cao Guanlin said now, who are directly promoted to become the backbone and serve as the monitors of other freshmen.

Of course, Wang Ye has no pressure to be the monitor of other students.

A platoon of scouts can be managed submissively, what pressure can a freshman class have.

"Okay, it's fine.

Here, give me your admission information, and here's your costume! "

While talking, Cao Guanlin took out a set of camouflage uniforms and put them on the table.

"When you arrive at the military academy, you are a student. I don't need to explain this to you too much, do you?"


When Wang Ye opened his mouth, he stepped forward and handed over his admission materials, and then took the camouflage uniform directly.

"Just change it here, the seniority stamp on your suit is a bit eye-catching!" Cao Guanlin said with a smile.

He is telling the truth.

Wang Ye's seal of qualifications is eye-catching to anyone who can understand it.


Wang Ye responded with a smile, turned around and closed the door, and then in the office, he changed the officer's uniform with a military rank of 10,000, into the training uniform with a bar of military ranks on it in advance.

"It looks so much more comfortable this way!"

Seeing Wang Ye change his clothes, Cao Guanlin chuckled again.

This made Wang Ye look at him a little speechless.

He also really wanted to say, I look very eye-catching even with your rank of major, why don't you change it too.

Of course, Wang Ye didn't say such deadly remarks.

"Okay, you go first.

Your dormitory is at No. 401. Now you go and have a look. Later, the cadres of your district team will come to you and arrange the detailed work of your squad leader! "


Wang Ye stood at attention and saluted.

Turning around to open the door, Wang Ye walked out of the office and saw the surprise in the eyes of other students outside.

No, Lieutenant Wang Ye went in, came out a few minutes later, and was transformed into a living person, directly into a bar.

But now Wang Ye doesn't care about them.

Go to the dormitory building stairs on one side.

After going directly to the fourth floor, Wang Ye walked to the door of 401 according to the house number.

Right now, there are already people in the dormitory.

Not many, just three.

"Hello, monitor!"

Wang Ye came to the door with his bag.

In the dormitory, the freshmen students who were smiling and chatting, immediately stood up and saluted Wang Ye when they saw Wang Ye.

en They saluted and called the squad leader, but they didn't know that Wang Ye was their squad leader.

It was because someone had taught them before, and after enrolling, they saw that the veteran students all called the squad leader.

Now it's easy for them to tell the veterans from the freshmen.

Because they also changed their uniforms, but their uniforms didn't have a single stripe on them.

It's empty, but Wang Ye is now carrying a bar on his shoulders.

"Well! It's okay, I know the salute!"

Wang Ye walked in with a blank expression.

Being called monitor, Wang Ye guessed that they misunderstood him as an old student.

But it doesn't matter.

He himself is their squad leader.

Looking around, Wang Ye soon found his bed.

All have names.

Putting the luggage bag next to the bed, Wang Ye pulled out the small bench under the bed and sat down directly.

"Let me introduce myself, Wang Ye, your acting squad leader, but I'm not an old student, but a freshman recommended by the army!"

Wang Ye never thought of hiding it from them, there is no need for that.

It's a direct showdown, after all, it's not a shame to be sent to school by the army.


"Squad leader, are you a freshman?"

Obviously, the three of them were a little dumbfounded.

They didn't know that after they entered the military academy, the squad leader would actually let the freshmen of the same class act as their substitutes.

The main reason is that the monitors of each class have basically not come yet.

Just the first day of reporting today.

The local candidates embarked on the journey early with their longing for the military academy.

But the veterans in the army are struggling on the road, and maybe some of them have gone home, and there is no efficiency for new students.

"Yes, freshman, but also your monitor!" Wang Ye emphasized this matter again.

Leading troops should not have a sense of boundaries. You can become one with the soldiers under your command, and you can also share joys and sorrows, but the concepts of superiors and subordinates must be clear.

Otherwise, laughing and laughing together, they will sometimes think about your order because they have a good relationship anyway, and it doesn't matter if they are almost there.

At this moment, the three of them were a little overwhelmed by Wang Ye's words.

Wang Ye has taken the initiative.

"Introduce yourself, let me know your names, you come first!"

Wang Ye looked at the freshman with a round face and a little chubby body on the far left.

"Squad leader, I."

"Stop!" Wang Ye yelled to stop.

Looking at him, Wang Ye frowned and said, "Although the training hasn't started yet, you have already entered the military academy and put on these clothes, so follow the rules.

You have to make a report before you speak, you know? "


The round-faced freshman responded nervously, and then...

"Report, my name is Yue Jun, a native of Hubei Province, with a score of 598 in the college entrance examination, and my major is armored vehicle unit command!"

Wang Ye took another look at him.

Sigh inwardly.

As expected of a local student!

In his two lifetimes, he took the college entrance examination.

Not to mention in this life, in his previous life Wang Ye could barely pass the undergraduate exam.

This one can score 598 points, which is definitely a high score.

Just look at his size.

Wang Ye mourned for him inwardly.

Although he didn't introduce his height and weight, Wang Ye visually estimated that he should be about 1.7 meters, and his weight should be 160!

Not very fat, but to become a qualified armored soldier, he must be trained to lose at least twenty catties of flesh.

Of course, Wang Ye didn't say these things now, but just looked at him and said, "Now there are not enough people, so it's okay for you to introduce yourself briefly.

But after all the students come over, you have to be a little more detailed when you introduce yourself.

Including your height, weight, hobbies, etc., do you know? "

"Oh report, yes!"

"Well, that's it, it's your turn!"

Wang Ye looked at the second freshman.

Touch what they are called, so it is convenient to manage now.

However, without waiting for the second freshman to speak.

There was someone at the back door.

"Is Wang Ye here?"

Appearing at the door was a student in uniform, with the same military rank on his shoulders as Wang Ye now, with a bar.

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