Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 432 Enrollment, system upgrade (please order, please support)


At this moment, everyone in the bus was speechless.

The new students who have not officially entered the school stared wide-eyed.

"Hehe, leader, you really know how to joke?" A lively freshman scratched his head and said this.

He doesn't believe it.

Of course, not only he didn't believe it, but other people didn't believe it either.

Although Wang Ye's face looks like everyone's same age.

But who is the same age as an officer, and still has so many military medals?

It must be tender.

There are no troops in the car now.

This is because not everyone is on vacation like Wang Ye.

Many other army students, after leaving the army, actually do not come directly to the military academy.

They all knew very well that once they entered the gate of the military academy, they would not be able to get out.

So take advantage of the abundant time for registration now, travel along the way, or take the time to go home.

The army also does not stipulate that after people leave the army, they must rush to the military academy to enroll in the first time.

Naturally, because of this situation, these freshmen basically couldn't understand Wang Ye's seniority badge, and could only intuitively see Wang Ye's military rank and military medal.

Right now, they all look like you and I are joking.

Wang Ye laughed again: "I'm not joking with you, I am this year's freshman student."

After saying this, looking at their expressions, Wang Ye continued: "Let me introduce myself, I am Wang Ye from the Fourth Company of the Iron Bone Heroes, and my company commander is Wu Jianfeng.

Of course, now he is the deputy battalion commander.

As for me, I was exceptionally promoted in the army.

That's why I got the rank of officer before I came to the military academy! "

Along the way, Wang Ye failed to complete Wu Jianfeng's task.

And now, Wang Ye finally helped him pretend by the way.

It's just that no one of the Luyuan freshmen in the car cares about this at all.

They only heard Wang Ye's last words.

He was promoted in the army, and then he became an officer before reporting to the military academy!

"Fuck, can you still do this?"

Some freshmen believed Wang Ye's words, so after knowing that Wang Ye was not a school leader but a classmate, they immediately began to release their instincts.

And with his "Fuck", the other freshmen immediately felt less nervous.

"Wang Ye, isn't this too awesome?"

"Wang Ye, why did you make an exception for your meritorious service?

What did you do?

How did you achieve so much merit? "

Inside the car, a girl's sudden question made everyone quiet.

Because everyone wants to ask what this girl asked.

At this time, Wang Ye also saw that there was a girl sitting in the rear of the car.

He was still standing on the steps by the car door just now, but he didn't notice it.

Lift your feet again and get on the seat of the first row of the bus.

Wang Ye said in an understatement tone: "Actually, I didn't do anything.

As luck would have it, I made a few meritorious deeds during the martial arts competition, and then participated in a flood rescue last year! "

"Huh? Flood fighting and emergency rescue?"

"Contest for meritorious service?"

All the freshmen stared again.

"I remembered!" At this moment, a freshman exclaimed suddenly.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were on the past.

The same is true of Wang Ye.

He was wondering what the man remembered.

Soon, Wang Ye knew.

Because the freshman looked at Wang Ye, and it didn't matter at all.

He said a little excitedly: "Last year when the torrential rain in the west was shown on TV, you were on TV. Afterwards, there was still your topic on Weibo!"

"Huh?" At this second, the other freshmen who hadn't paid much attention to this matter last year were a little dazed.

After all, at that time last year, they were already at the end of the second year of high school, and the learning tasks were very heavy.

In addition, many people basically study at school in high school, so it is impossible to watch TV and pay attention to things on the Internet.

"It's been more than a year!" Wang Ye replied with a smile, and finally admitted the matter.

Of course, when he admitted, Wang Ye couldn't help complaining about the reporter back then.

I agreed to code, and finally gave myself a loneliness.

Go to the side seat and sit down.

In the car, other students saw this scene, and immediately changed the target of the inquiry.

They were all looking at the freshman who recognized Wang Ye just now, and asked him about the details of Wang Ye's appearance on TV last year.

However, before they knew more about it, Wang Ye, who had just sat down on Wang Ye's side, got up again.

Under the suspicious eyes of everyone, Wang Ye didn't explain anything.

He got off the car directly, went to the place where the military recruiter helped store the luggage bag, and took out his own bag from it.

Opening the bag, Wang Ye found a small rectangular box.

This is a merit medal storage box that Wang Ye found someone to customize when he went home this time.

The medal of merit naturally has its own storage box, but those boxes are all one by one.

There are too many Wang Yegong medals, and these boxes take up a bit of space.

So Wang Ye got a box like this.

The military medals on the body can be put in all at once, and there are still a few spaces in it reserved for future meritorious service.

Soon, Wang Ye took off all the military medals hanging on his body.

In fact, this time it was not Wu Jianfeng's strong request, and the head of the team had also made a similar request with Wang Ye, Wang Ye really didn't want to do this.

Going home is a return to hometown, but it seems a bit too high-profile to come to the military academy to do this.

But for the Iron Bones Heroes.

There hasn't been a Wang Ye in many years. They are not afraid of being high-profile, and they want to be high-profile.

Those who are capable and high-profile can gain popularity.

This is a good thing and an honor for the entire Iron Bones Heroes.

Therefore, this time Wang Ye belongs to himself and does not want to make a high profile.

But now, the registration information has been completed, and the veteran students and these freshmen who have been recruited have seen it, so Wang Ye feels that it can be put away.

"I really can't remember the specifics. I just remember that I jumped into the flood to save people. You are so curious. When Wang Ye comes back, can you just ask yourself?"

In the car, when Wang Ye was picking up the military medal, the freshman who recognized Wang Ye just now was a little bit overwhelmed by the question.

A year has passed. At first, he only watched TV, and then saw it on the Internet, and this time Wang Ye said that he was fighting against floods to rescue his memory.

However, he really doesn't remember much.

"I found it!" At this moment, a student said excitedly holding a mobile phone.

Immediately, others rushed over.

"What did you find?"

"Tell me, what's going on?"

This student directly searched for Wang Ye, the Iron Bone Heroes Group, on Weibo to fight against floods.

He was afraid that he would not be able to search, so he typed a lot of keywords.

Then, the one that came out first was the news about Wang Ye's flood fighting and emergency rescue last year.

All of a sudden, there was an exclamation in the car.

During the flood fighting last year, Wang Ye got angry on Weibo once.

Although it has sunk to the bottom now, if you look for it now, you will definitely be able to dig it out.

"It looks so hard!"

"It's so serious, I didn't notice this thing last year!"

For a while, everyone in the car was talking about it.

At this moment, Wang Ye got into the car again.

"Wang Ye, you are amazing!" A freshman saw Wang Ye getting into the car, and immediately raised his hand and gave Wang Ye a thumbs up.

Immediately, the freshmen who hadn't noticed that Wang Ye got back into the car turned around.

"Wang Ye, amazing!"

"Yes, you are too powerful, you dare to jump in such a big flood!"

"Wang Ye, can you tell us the story of your fight against the flood?"

In just a short time, the freshmen have been convinced by Wang Ye's experience.

But Wang Ye didn't refuse when he heard the words of the freshmen.

He smiled and said, "Okay!"

These are not secrets. If they want to hear them, they just need to tell them.

For the next hour or so, Wang Ye was telling them stories about flood fighting and emergency rescue.

He didn't talk too much about saving lives, and he didn't talk much about dangerous things.

Wang Ye mainly tells a lot of touching stories, or some things that sound interesting.

For example, when they were in the same class to catch that stupid thief

Naturally, during this hour, some people were also brought into the car.

It's just that the rest of the students will be brought here together after the new students who came by one stop and registered together.

Wang Ye enjoys the treatment brought here alone, and the trainees who are recruited feel a little pressure.

"The next roll call, click on the name to return!"

At around 6 o'clock in the evening, there were already more than 20 practitioners in the car.

As another train left and no one came out of the station,

The two veteran trainees who Wang Ye had seen at the exit and the female soldier who registered information also came to get on the bus.

Naturally, it's not that the work of recruiting soldiers is over, they just changed shifts with others.

"Peng Xiuyan!"

The first person to be called was the female soldier in the car.

"Here!" The beautiful arrival sound was not too loud, but now the three veteran students didn't say anything.

Continue to roll call.

One by one, after making sure that all the freshmen received were in the car, they greeted the driver who had just boarded the car not long ago.

Then, the vehicle starts.

By this time, Wang Ye didn't tell any more stories to others.

Because it is not Wang Ye's turn to speak at this time.

In the car, the three of Tan Tong took turns to tell the recruits the history of the establishment of the college and some situations in the college.

En these things, in fact, in this era of advanced Internet, everyone has a certain understanding on the Internet before they come.

Including Wang Ye, he has long known what he said from the Internet.

Right now, listening to his voice, Wang Ye's eyes are actually looking outside.

It was still very bright outside, and now the bus was leaving, it was also in the urban area, and there were many people and vehicles outside.

There was a bit of a traffic jam, but the road conditions improved a lot in about half an hour.

Finally, about half an hour later, Wang Ye saw the walls of the academy.

"Students, sit down now, we haven't arrived yet, wait for the car to stop before getting up!"

Seeing the college wall, the freshmen were a little restless.

But soon everyone became quiet again amidst the reminders from Tan Tong and the other three.

It's just that at this moment, everyone's eyes have been looking outside.

After more than a minute, the car stopped at the gate of the Army Academy.

All recruits were disembarked in an orderly manner.

After picking up their luggage, Wang Ye and the others were simply lined up, and then they were led by Tan Tong to the school gate.

They have already registered the information at the train station, so there is no need to do anything at the gate now.

He was led directly into the gate.

"It is detected that the host has entered the military academy, and the system is being upgraded"

Suddenly, when Wang Ye stepped into the school gate, a voice suddenly came out of his mind.

There was a slight pause in the footsteps.

System Upgrade?

But Wang Ye was not allowed to think too much, because there was a student behind who was also looking left and right, and directly bumped into Wang Ye who paused in front of him.

"Uh Wang Ye, I'm sorry!"

The recruits behind hurriedly apologized.

"It's okay, I stopped, my fault!" Quickly turned around and explained in a low voice.

After all, Wang Ye followed up with the veteran students in front again.

"This is the school history museum.

On the side of this side, the female soldier who receives the soldiers will introduce some buildings on both sides of the road while walking.

Wang Ye listened, but his greater attention was on the system.


"Personal attribute list!"

Wang Ye tried to call out the system in his mind.

But no matter what method is used, the system seems to not exist.

A little helpless.

Wang Ye really didn't expect that the system would have such a reaction when he came to the military academy to enter the gate.

But then, Wang Ye started to look forward to it again.

The system, in fact, at present, is indeed a bit insufficient.

Especially after becoming an officer, the system has limited help in leading troops.

Now entered the military academy, triggering his upgrade.

What will it be upgraded to?

Will it be helpful for my future military tour?

Wang Ye doesn't know, but Wang Ye is secretly looking forward to having.

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