Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 410 Failure is not a bad thing! (Leader adds more)

"Hey, I thought it was a lot of bears, so I'm going back now?"

On the outer side of the dormitory building of the police investigation company, several scouts from the second row were hiding here and peeping.

One by one, they all wore night vision goggles tonight except for their guns.

In this case, they could naturally see the people from the Erlian who came over with a murderous look tens of meters away, and then returned in desperation.

"Otherwise, what do you think? Do they have the guts to beat up the chief of staff?" Someone laughed lightly.

What he said immediately made the comrades beside him amused: "Hey, if they have the courage, I will respect him as the second company commander as a man!"

"Okay, talk nonsense about something unrealistic." At this moment, the fourth squad leader pulled his face and stopped them from continuing to talk nonsense.

He didn't forget the cameras on everyone.

These guys are afraid that their skin is itchy, and they dare to whisper behind the chief of staff.

Fortunately, the chief of staff is now in front, not in the combat command room.

Otherwise, as long as the chief of staff heard what they said just now, they would definitely lose their skin afterwards.

After stopping their jokes, the fourth squad leader looked at the situation where the chief of staff left directly, thought for a while, but didn't lead anyone to catch up, turned his head and ordered again: "Let's go, we will go back too, but remember, be more vigilant tonight !"

Speaking of this, he stared at the two sentinels who were going to be on duty tonight: "Especially you two, when you are on duty, you must be very energetic. The second company may not be able to swallow this breath!"

The two immediately nodded seriously: "Sure!"

They also felt that the second company commander would not just let it go.

The second company commander and the veterans actually knew him a little bit.

This is a person who usually shows a very grumpy temper. Now that he has suffered such a big loss, even if the chief of staff asks him to go back, can he really swallow this breath?

Anyway, the people in the second row didn't believe it.

In fact, they are not the only ones who don't believe it.

At this second, Fu Wei also turned his head over to the command room of the regiment's operations, looked at Wang Ye and said in a low voice, "Wang Ye, tell me your opinion, do you think the second company commander will let it go tonight?"

Wang Ye looked away from the screen in front of him, looked at Fu Wei, and suddenly Wang Ye smiled: "The chief of staff has gone to persuade, it should be over here!"

The meaning of Wang Ye's words is obvious. He doesn't think the second company commander will act tonight.

Fu Wei smiled: "That's good!"

While speaking, he quickly looked back at the door, but he didn't see the chief of staff coming back.

Immediately, he looked at Wang Ye again and said in a low voice, "I bet Erlian will still take action tonight, a pack of Huazi, come or not!"

"Hehe, come! I bet he won't do anything to us tonight!" Wang Ye accepted the bet with a smile.

Indeed, Wang Ye is not very familiar with the Second Company Commander.

But Wang Ye reckoned that after this wave of them were driven back, even if the Second Company Commander felt unwilling and wanted to attack, he would give up the idea in the end.

After all, the second company is not only his own second company, he also has instructors, deputy company commanders and platoon leaders.

Even if he was furious, one or two of the others would be somewhat rational, right?

And as long as you are a little witty, you will naturally think that something like this will happen tonight, and the police and investigation company will definitely be more vigilant.

In this case, do you still come to give away the head?

Of course, there is nothing rational about a person who is overwhelmed with anger.

Maybe they're all on top.

But it doesn't matter if that happens.

It's just a bag of Huazi left and right, Wang Ye doesn't care.

"Haha, that's good, it's settled!" Fu Wei grinned.

And amidst the laughter, he looked at the instructor next to him and the third row with a smile and said, "Are you two participating?"

"Okay, but I will join Wang Ye's side, and I also think that Company Commander Wen will not attack us tonight!" The instructor answered with a smile.

After he finished speaking, the third platoon leader also smiled and said, "Then I will join the company commander's side, so that no matter which side wins or loses, both of them will go to buy Huazi!"

A small gamble was fun, and with a few words and a few words, they made a bet here while the chief of staff was away.

If the Second Company Commander knew about this situation, he might have a heart attack from anger.

Again and again, betting on him, don't you really treat him as a human being?

However, it is impossible for him to know the situation here in the combat command room.

"Look, Wang Ye, your fifth squad has moved!" Suddenly, the third platoon leader spoke.

Wang Ye's eyes instantly returned to the big screen in front of him.

Indeed, on the big screen right now, the enlarged main screen in the center has switched.

It switched to a scene of several people moving secretly.

The team led by the fifth squad leader.

Their goal tonight is four consecutive.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that the third platoon leader is so excited in an instant.


Wang Ye's hometown.

Wang Ye didn't say a word, but his eyes were placed on the big screen again.

It's only ten past two.

It stands to reason that the changing of the guard is now over, so it is not suitable for doing it.

However, moving now does not mean that you have to do it now.

They were already outside the dormitory building, and there was still a little distance from the Silian dormitory building, so it would take time to touch them quietly.

Squinting his eyes, Wang Ye watched seriously.

In his heart, Wang Ye didn't have too many mood swings.

If the company commander was Wu Jianfeng today, Wang Ye might not be so calm.

He even took the initiative to lead the team to say hello to Lao Wu.

But now Lao Wu has become the deputy battalion commander, so he is not in the target for tonight.

"Class Eight moved too!"

At this time, Fu Wei spoke up.

In the previous shift, only three groups acted.

But now, the scouts of each team couldn't hold back immediately after seeing the target company's changing of guard.

Wang Ye remained silent, staring at the screen

Seven or eight minutes later, in the screen, the four people from class five had already touched the side of the fourth company.

At the same time, outside the door, the chief of staff who had gone out before also came back.

But he didn't say anything after he came in, he just stood in front of everyone again and watched the scout's actions.

Because of Si Lian, some people have already started to put sleep aid smoke in the direction of the wind.

Naturally, for sober scouts, it is impossible to use the fourth squad leader to deal with the second company commander.

It also takes time for the drug to take effect.

At this time, as long as you are not already asleep or want to sleep, you will easily find something wrong.

Therefore, the only way to amplify the sentry's drowsiness is to use sleep aid smoke to slow down his reaction.

Soon, when the sleeping smoke blew past, the fifth squad leader and a second-period, the two crawled forward on the ground from both ends of the Silian dormitory building.

Did not choose to go to the rooftop.

Going to the rooftop is also risky.

Even if the claw hook is tied with a cloth strip, it will always make a little noise when thrown on it.

Therefore, when there is only one sentry, the way of two people crawling against the wall and touching it is also a good tactic.

What's more, the company commander's office of the fourth company is still located on the first floor, so they don't have to go upstairs.

In this case, going up to the rooftop and then lowering down, it is a bit suspected of taking off your pants and farting.

Go directly to kill the sentry, and then paste a note on the door of the company commander's office on the first floor and run away.

Simple and rude.

It went well, the sentinel arranged by the fourth company tonight was still a new recruit this year.

He was hit by a sleeping aid, coupled with being unprepared and being attacked by two reconnaissance veterans.

It can be said that his mouth was covered before he even had a chance to hum.

Even immediately, the body is quickly controlled.

At this second, the left hand side of the dormitory was close to the outer corner of the company commander's office, and the remaining two saw the fifth squad leader finish his work.

Immediately, one of the soldiers was smiling, holding a note, and tiptoedly preparing to paste it on the office door of the fourth company commander.

The en note is actually a bit different from other notes.

Although Wang Ye ordered them to sign in Fu Wei's name, when the five monitors wrote the note before, they deliberately added a few words.

"Fourth company commander, good night—Wang Ye, the second platoon leader of the police investigation company, and Fu Weiliu, the company commander."

They made a joke and deliberately added Wang Ye's name.

Wang Ye is still unclear about en.

Right now, the corporal was cheerful, and quietly touched the door of the fourth company commander's office.

However, in the next second, he was just about to stick the tape on it.

Suddenly, something unexpected happened.

Before the note touched the door, the door was suddenly pulled in.

Zheng Ke is not very relieved to let the recruits be on duty, so he will often check the guards at night to remind the recruits not to sleep.

Moreover, since his office was on the first floor, he wanted to check without being heard by the sentries at the door, so naturally he had to try his best to keep his hands and feet as light as possible to avoid making noise.

Now, the door opens.

In the next second, Zheng Ke was taken aback.

"Who are you?"

Zheng Ke asked reflexively.

He thought that someone was looking for him.

But before he finished the question, his eyes widened and his heart shrank even more.

Because the scout outside the door reacted very quickly at this second. Seeing him speak now, he pushed the door open and rushed towards him.

He wants to subdue Zheng Ke and cover his mouth.

Although this is a company commander, it is not his own company commander.

You have to shut his mouth, or if he yells out, then you will be in trouble tonight.

However, he reacts quickly, and Zheng Ke is not a vegetarian.

He had just been promoted from the deputy company commander. When he was the deputy company commander, he hadn't missed any training.

Maybe his fighting ability is not as good as that of the scouts, but seeing the scouts pounce on him right now, he can still do it by stretching out his hand to block and retreating under conditioned reflex.

"Come on, enemy attack!" The next moment, Zheng Ke, who hastily blocked the scout's hand, yelled directly in the dormitory.

With a loud snarl, the face of the scout on the opposite side changed drastically.

Not only him, this time, the scouts outside who stayed and stared outside to prevent mobile patrol posts, and the fifth squad leader who was tying up recruits also changed their expressions instantly.

"Depend on!"

The fifth squad leader turned his head and cursed as his face changed.

At this second, he wished he could go over and kick the guy who posted the note back to his hometown.

What are you doing?

I can't do this little thing well.

But now is not the time to think about it.

In the dead of night, Zheng Ke let out a loud roar.

Although it was inside the office door, there were still some noises in the building.

"Quick, withdraw!"

Did not continue to tie up this recruit.

The fifth squad leader got up, gritted his teeth and yelled at the soldier who had exited the company commander's office, and then started running by himself.

At this second, the scouts standing guard over there also started to run away.

The task actually failed, this must run!

Don't run and stay here, are you going to be rubbed on the ground by Silian?

"Haha, interesting!" In the combat command room, the chief of staff was not angry because of the defeat of the second platoon, and even laughed.

And, while he was laughing now, he also looked back at Wang Ye.

At this moment, Wang Ye was actually laughing too.

He just thought that the fourth company would be as doomed as the other companies, but he didn't want to have such a dramatic reversal now.

"The fourth company commander is lucky, this can also hit!" The instructor on the side couldn't hold back, and laughed directly for a while.

But the next moment, the chief of staff, who was still smiling at first, restrained his smile, turned his head and stared at him directly: "What is luck? Luck itself is based on strength. If he can get up at this time, this is strength!"

At this time, Wang Ye also nodded with a serious face and said: "Checking the sentry is everyone's daily work, and the failure of the fifth shift can only mean that they are still careless.

If you can wait a little longer, and wait until Zheng Ke comes out to check the sentry, it will not end like this.

However, this situation is actually what I am happy to see. "

After a pause, Wang Ye looked at the eyes of several people looking at him.

Wang Ye continued with an undiminished smile: "Too smooth in training is not a good thing, it will only make them more proud.

On the contrary, only by failing again and again can we accumulate more experience and absorb more lessons! "

Painful, staying up late again, but Jia Geng promised to do it no matter what!

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