Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 409 The Second Company Commander Who Wants to Shout Up to the Sky (Please Order, Please Supp


In the second and third shifts, not long after the fourth squad leader and the others withdrew, an alarm clock rang on a bed.

This is the way the sentries call the whistle when they are on their rounds.

Right now, the soldier on the bed was quickly awakened by the vibration of the alarm clock.

Turning around in a daze, the soldier didn't even open his eyes.

I reached out and touched it a few times, found the alarm clock, and pressed it off.

However, just a few seconds after the alarm clock went off, he sat up suddenly from the bed.

He suddenly remembered that today is different from the past.

He dared to procrastinate today, at this juncture, he definitely belonged to sending a knife to the company commander to scrape his own flesh!

Trembling all over, he rubbed his face vigorously.

Get up, get dressed, and call out to the recruits on the nearby bed.

"Hey, Xiao Fei, get up and stand guard!"

The second company of sentries, the two sentries arranged today are a veteran and a recruit.

Soon, the recruits were also called out.

The two put on their clothes, opened the door quietly, and prepared to go downstairs to pick up the whistle.

However, while still on the stairs, the two of them suddenly heard a "woo woo" sound from downstairs.

My heart skipped a beat.

Originally, the resentment about going to the second to fourth was thrown away in an instant.

Quickly rush downstairs.

Immediately, the two saw it.

Right at the door, the two soldiers were now bound hands and feet, and their mouths were taped to the ground.

Right now, they also saw the two people on the stairs.

Immediately, the two became more energetic.

"Squad leader!"

On the stairs, the private soldier beside him stared wide-eyed and looked over nervously.

It's just that the veteran from class three doesn't pay any attention to him now.

In a hurry, he took out his whistle.


At this moment, commotion started in Erlian's dormitory.

On the edge of the training ground opposite the dormitory building, the fourth squad leader laughed.

It was great, and they succeeded in their second consecutive round. Now the four of them feel that this moment is even better than eating a piece of iced watermelon after running five kilometers on a hot day.

Of course, it's not just them who are cool.

In the combat command room, the corners of Wang Ye's mouth were now curved.

He was thinking about how these people would react when they found the second company commander's expression, and after the second company commander woke up and found the note in his hand.

"Haha, well done, but we also succeeded here, but I don't know when the heavy machine gun company of this battalion will find out."

On the side, the third platoon leader suddenly laughed out loud.

While praising the second row and the fourth class, he also showed off the achievements of his own row.

A total of three groups took action just now, of which two groups in the second platoon attacked the second company and the fifth company, while the third platoon attacked the heavy machine gun company of the first battalion.

So far, all three groups have succeeded.

It's just that there are four squads starting, so the actions of their two groups didn't cause much repercussions in the combat command room.

Because of these two groups, the sixth squad leader on the fifth company's side played a little more tricks than last night.

Tonight, we used sleep aid smoke and a rope drop from the roof to get rid of the sentinel of the fifth company in one go.

But for the third row, the routine was a complete replica of the attacking method of the second row last night.

Works well, but lacks highlights.

In fact, it was because the second company commander issued a password ban, and the other companies still don't know what happened last night.

That's why they can solve it as easily as they faced Erlian last night.

"Company commander. Company commander!"

On Erlian's side, Quanlian has already woken up.

But soon they discovered that their company commander hadn't moved.

Right now, Clerk keeps knocking on the door.

The next second, he was pulled away.

"Stop knocking, hit me straight away!"

The second company instructor's face is gloomy now.

Those animals from the Police Detective Company are too deceitful, even if they came once last night, they really dare to come a second time today?

The key thing that worries him now is, don't really lose your company commander.


On the side, the deputy company commander and a few people bumped into it forcefully.

The door lock was directly smashed.

Several people also fell in.

But the current instructor didn't care about them at all. After rushing in quickly, he went straight to the dormitory in the office.

At first sight, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Because with the help of a little light from the window, he saw that there was a person lying on the company long bed.

"Lao Wen, Lao Wen, wake up." Running to the bed, he immediately started pushing.

"No, I must have been caught by those animals, get some water!" At this time, the deputy company commander who ran in behind said.

Immediately, the clerk went to work in the office.

Ten seconds later, a glass of water was splashed on the face of the second company commander.

Lying on the bed, Erlian's long eyelids, which had been sleeping like a dead pig, began to struggle to open little by little.

In fact, I don't really want to get water, just grab him and shake hard, at most give him two ears of melon seeds, and he can wake up.

But it's not the first choice to beat the company commander's ears.

What's more, they in ordinary companies really don't know these things.

The water used is a dead horse as a living horse doctor.


What's wrong? "

Bewildered, the Second Company Commander felt dizzy and couldn't exert himself.

The smoke that the fourth squad leader made tonight is very powerful, and it also has a little anesthetic effect.

Although there are no sequelae, but after being hit by this thing, it will take at least two or three hours to fully recover.

"We're under attack again!"

The instructor spoke with a livid face.

At this second, the Second Company Commander, who still had a face full of water, suddenly became ugly.

Trying to raise the hands that are a little bit weak.

He wanted to wipe the water off his face.

But the next moment, he stopped.

In fact, all eyes in his dormitory are now on his hands.

note, see note.

To be honest, only the second company commander didn't have a heart attack, otherwise he would definitely have to take a few Suxiao Jiuxin Pills now.

"Bastard!" Erlian spit out these words between his teeth.

Holding the note, the second company commander's body trembled a little at this moment.

Too much deception!

Confused yourself, and stuffed a note into your hand?

Is there such a thing?

The instructor's face became even uglier.

Behind him, some other people who followed in, some with a strong sense of collective honor also looked angry, but some were just watching with wide-eyed eyes.

"Second, sweet dreams, Fu Wei."

There are not many words tonight, but just these few words can make the company commander who was already sore and limp burst out of thin air.

Gritting his teeth, the Second Company Commander tore the note in his hand into pieces with a frantic look on his face.

"Too much deceit, give me orders!"

"Damn it, what is Erlian doing? Why don't you take a gun and take a broom instead."

On the fourth squad leader's side, the few of them haven't run away yet.

Right now, after watching the people from the Second Company disperse and enter the building in a chaotic assembly, they came out after a while and actually took some brooms to mop the target, and some even took small benches.

Immediately, next to the fourth squad leader, the soldier with the binoculars widened his eyes.

In the next second, the telescope in his hand was snatched away.

The fourth squad leader only glanced at it, then put it down immediately.

"The situation is not good, the second company commander can't play anymore, let's go back and tell the brothers at the door to withdraw, and call the brothers in the guard platoon to come down to be on duty!"

In this case, it's not that they haven't made a plan.

During the research during the day today, someone laughed and said, "If I really want to be the commander of the second company once, maybe he will bring the whole company to the police and investigation company to fight with everyone."

No, the joke seems to be becoming a reality now.

Naturally, we all talked about this at the time, and everyone joked about several solutions.

One of them was to beat them up and teach them what to call scouts, who were soldiers of the tank company, who were not a few more people than their own platoon.

Now, of course, this approach doesn't work.

There are only two scouts in the second platoon left in the company, and the rest are in the guard platoon.

Not counting them, now the four of them ran back, with six dozen dozens, and they would be beaten into pigs' heads later.

So, there is only one other way.

Go directly to inform the brothers standing guard to withdraw, and then call the pickets from the guard platoon to stand guard at the gate.

Let the pickets block them, and then wait for the top to come to help.

As for whether the pickets will be beaten up by the angry soldiers of the second company because they blocked the gate, this is not within the scope of the soldiers of the second row for the time being.

At this moment, the chief of staff in the regimental combat command room was actually a little helpless.

Although everyone in Erlian didn't have a camera on them, there was actually a camera at the gate of Erlian.

Using this camera right now, the chief of staff also clearly saw the action of the second company commander gathering the whole company, and then asking the whole company to copy the guy.


Behind the chief of staff, Fu Wei called out in a low voice.

"I saw it!" The chief of staff turned back: "Order your soldiers to do what they should do, I will solve it here!"

After saying this, the chief of staff walked directly towards the door.

Got to put out the fire.

Erlian's posture is obviously a posture of wanting to come to fight.

How could this make him do this.

Did not call Wang Ye and others.


If he goes to that station alone, this matter will be resolved.

He could even scold the second company commander and the others.

And it is.

When the second company commander was supported by someone, he aggressively led the people to the police investigation company.

Before they reached the downstairs of the police investigation company, they saw the chief of staff standing in the middle of the road ahead.

"Why do you want to go?" The chief of staff pulled his face and said to the people in the second company who lost their anger when they saw him.

"Chief, Wang Ye is too deceitful, you see, I am still weak.

I. I am a company commander at any rate, and he committed the following crimes! "The second company commander broke free from the support of the clerk beside him, tried to stand up straight, and said with aggrieved expression.

On the side, the instructor of the Second Company also answered immediately: "Yes, Chief, they are indeed going too far, and our Second Company is not a toy for their reconnaissance company.

There are confrontations and exercises, and they should also notify them. How can we live like this? "

The chief of staff stared directly: "What kind of nonsense is this?

When the enemy comes to attack you on the battlefield, do you still need to report to you first? "

The instructor was choked directly.

His face turned red, and he really wanted to say, I am sleeping in the garrison camp now, this is not a battlefield.

What's more, where is the battlefield now?

Is it necessary to torment us like this?

Before Wang Ye went to the police investigation company, everyone had a good life.

Look at now, let him go back to sleep now, he feels like he needs to wear a gas mask to feel at ease!

Of course, he dared not say these words.

Some things are common now, but it's against a soldier's code.

"Hmph, get the hell out of here, someone has touched the post guard, even the sleeping note has been stuffed into your hand, you still have the face to come out.

If this were on the battlefield, you would all be dead eight hundred times now! "

The chief of staff glared again.

After saying these words, the second company commander's face turned pale as well.

At this moment, he was aggrieved and wanted to scream up to the sky.

But the reality now is that he feels sore all over his body, he really wants to scream, but he doesn't have the strength to scream.

There is another chapter added by the leader tonight, I remember, but it will be later.

During this period of time, the wisdom teeth were inflamed, and half of the forehead was pulled in pain, which seriously affected the writing. The key point is that the tooth extraction can only be done without pain. I also want to cry to the sky!

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