Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 402 Cutting the mess with a quick knife (please order, please support)

At this moment, following Wang Ye's words, the scouts in the second row looked over in a daze.

Obviously, some people opened their mouths to say something, but they closed their mouths again seeing Wang Ye's expressionless face.

Wang Ye is the new platoon leader, but not the kind of new platoon leader who came out of the military academy.

They didn't have the courage to break up with Wang Ye.

With clenched fists and faces collapsed, a group of scouts could only look at the soldiers in the cooking squad over there with a New Year's expression, and they were constantly busy adding bricks and mortar to their tasks.

Happy to hear and see, asking the scouts to help them wash their clothes, the soldiers in the cooking class never dared to think about it before.

These guys are very proud.

Don't look at the usual squad leader who is long and short. He will get close to you every day when he has nothing to do, and even give you a cigarette often.

But in fact, these guys are only doing this for their own mouths, so they want to have a good relationship with you.

The soldiers in the cooking class knew very well in their hearts that most of the scouts definitely looked down on cooks like them.

After all, except for the chief of staff, the cooking team of the police investigation company are all certified cooks.

Unlike some ordinary companies, there are cases where old non-commissioned officers become monks and become cooks.

Wang Ye had a panoramic view of their expressions and was smiling inside, but on the surface Wang Ye still deliberately stood here with his face pulled.

He just wants to break the arrogance of these guys.

Everyone really thought that the second child was the third child.

Arrogance is really fatal to a soldier, especially scouts.

"Hehe, what, platoon leader Wang is here!" Soon, the cooking squad leader spoke.

Right now, there is a pile of clothes and aprons piled up in front of him, even underwear, and a rag beside it.

"Move! What are you still doing?" Wang Ye immediately glared at the scouts in the second row.

In a word, they moved.

Scouts are all elites, and most people think that elites are difficult to manage and have many thorns, but now in Wang Ye's opinion, they are actually easier to lead than recruit companies.

Because the recruits still have the temper on the outside, they will throw up with you and lose their temper at every turn, but the scouts will not.

They are all veterans, and the thinking of obeying orders has penetrated into their bones.

Of course, it is true that there are many elite thorns. If you have no skills, the thorns will definitely jump.

It's just unfortunate that they couldn't dance in front of Wang Ye.

Therefore, even though the scouts were all pale-faced, they resigned themselves to their fate and took action.

Using the buckets, small yellow basins and other things brought up by the cheery soldiers of the cooking class, the scouts took the dirty clothes and aprons they took out, and even started to wash the rags.

"Wash it clean. Also, use a little force and gently. If it is torn, take off your own clothes and let the brothers in the cooking class wear them!"

Wang Ye shouted again.

The scouts didn't say a word, but Wang Ye didn't shut up.

Taking advantage of the gap between them washing clothes, Wang Ye stood behind them and paced back and forth.

"Tell you, don't think that you are great, can you lift your tail up to the sky with a little physical strength?

Excellence is what outsiders say after making achievements, not self-inflation. "

Stopping his feet, Wang Ye looked at them and continued to speak in a deep voice: "What is a scout? I think you should be very clear, but you ask yourself, have you done it?

I think you have long forgotten your original intention by now.

Everyone only thinks about physical fitness and training harder than ordinary companies, and they have to shoot more bullets than ordinary companies, right?

Let me tell you, today is just the first class. From now on, you are not allowed to talk. Help the brothers in the cooking class to wash their clothes. I will bring you paper and pens later, and you will write a copy for me this afternoon. How do you understand the experience and experience of the scout position! "

"Did you hear that?"

"Yes!" Even though many scouts were constantly scolding their mothers in their stomachs, they still dared not respond.

After hearing their reply, Wang Ye turned his head to look at the squad leader of the cooking class: "Squad leader, help me out, watch them a bit, if anyone slows down, please write it down, and when I come back, I'll bring them good fruit to eat! "

"Hey, that's great, don't worry, Platoon Leader Wang, I promise to watch them to death!"

The monitor of the cooking class smiled and nodded without being afraid of big troubles.

He was not afraid of these scouts. Although he was a cook, if he dared to provoke him, he would dare to add a pinch of salt to their dishes at night.

Of course, none of the scouts dared to confront the cooking squad.

It's fine if you mutter in private, but if you confront the cook on the surface, then you really have no brains.

"Okay, thank you monitor!"

Wang Ye thanked him, and then turned around directly.

He had to go back to the company department first, the company commander was still waiting for him, so he went back to see what Fu Wei had to say.

at the same time.

Just as Wang Ye came out of the cafeteria, he was in the company department.

"You said Wang Ye was asking the people in the second row to wash clothes for the soldiers in the cooking class?"

Fu Wei looked at the correspondent beside him, and his tone was a bit incredulous.

The correspondent quickly nodded his head: "Not only that, the apron, the rag, and the underwear of the cooking class have to be washed!"

"Okay!" Fu Wei nodded thoughtfully.

Just now, Wang Ye followed the people in the second row. After he went upstairs, he asked the correspondent to follow him and take a look.

Of course, I just glanced outside the cafeteria to see what Wang Ye was going to do.

Now that he knew it, he was thinking about the intention of Wang Ye's move.

"Okay, you go down first!" Waved to the correspondent.

"Good!" The correspondent left with a smile.

In fact, he couldn't wait to leave now.

Go talk to the brothers in other platoons about the embarrassing situation in the second platoon.

The scout went to help the cook wash the rag, apron, and even the underwear. Love to hear it!


After a while, Wang Ye appeared at the door of the company commander's office on the second floor.

Fu Wei looked up and said, "Come in!"

Wang Ye walked in.

"Your luggage and bags, I've got someone to put you on Shift 4!" Fu Wei looked at Wang Ye and said.

"Okay, thank you, Captain!"

As soon as he came back, Wang Ye didn't see the rucksack and luggage he left downstairs, so he knew that someone must have helped put them away.

Fu Wei said again: "Second platoon, there are now a total of twenty-four people. At the end of last year, there were recruits from the whole regiment. I am not planning to send new recruits to the second platoon this year. What do you think!"

"Everything is ordered by the company commander!"

In the second row, Wang Ye also counted the heads just now.

When eating, there are exactly eight people at a table, and the number of people is not too small.

What's more, not having to bring recruits is actually the best situation.

Without bringing new recruits, you can concentrate more on improving the combat effectiveness of veterans.

"Yeah!" Fu Wei nodded, looked at Wang Ye and continued: "You are a legend in our regiment, although it is your first time to lead scouts, but I believe you can lead well, so the affairs of the second row and Training, I will not interfere.

Just prepare the training outline regularly and report the work content to me on a regular basis! "

"Yes, thank you for the company commander's trust!" Wang Ye agreed directly without being polite.

He was also afraid that Fu Wei would arrange everything and let him follow orders to lead the troops.

This is very good now, and it is in line with Wang Ye's wishes.

Because this way he can flex his muscles.

Otherwise, he would have to accept the company's arrangements for everything, and practice every day according to the training outline formulated by the company, so there would be very little room for him to develop.

"The chief asked you to come because he wanted you to improve the combat effectiveness of the second platoon, so it is natural to give you the greatest autonomy.

However, the autonomy is up to you, but what I want is also very simple, and the combat power will be improved! "

Speaking of this, Fu Wei suppressed his smile and stared at Wang Ye like an eagle: "Wang Ye, can you do it?"

"Yes!" Wang Ye responded loudly.

In the second row, Wang Ye is only in preliminary contact.

But for now, in fact, Wang Ye still has a very good sense of them.

It's good to be able to obey unconditionally. As for improving combat effectiveness?

Wang Ye already had a specific plan.

"Okay, tomorrow I want to see a copy of your work plan and understand your thinking about leading troops. Is it okay?"


Fu Wei nodded: "Then I have nothing else to do, do you have any requests or need support from the company?"

"Report, not yet!"

Wang Ye's first step now is to sharpen the scout's mentality, and he really doesn't need any other support for the time being.

"Well, then you go to work!"

"Yes!" Wang Ye saluted, then turned around and left.

When he went out, Wang Ye found a person waiting outside the door.

"Company commander!" Wang Ye laughed, and blurted out a title.

"Hehe, the recruit company has been disbanded, you should call me Deputy Jiang Lian!" Jiang Huai walked a few steps closer with a smile.

"Yes!" Wang Ye also smiled and changed his address: "Deputy Lian!"

"Come on, are you okay now? If you have nothing to do, come and sit with me!"

Wang Ye said: "I have to go to the cafeteria later, but there is still some time!" Wang Ye responded with a smile.

"Okay, let's go!"

In the army, in fact, only the company level will have its own office.

However, field troops are generally stationed in remote places.

The big house can be repaired casually, so it is not uncommon for the deputy company to have its own office.

And their offices are not just offices, they sleep and work together.

Walking into his office right now, he is the only one in the dormitory.

Jiang Huai took a cup and walked towards the water dispenser.

While receiving the water, he and Wang Ye said with a smile: "We don't even have a deputy instructor for the time being, so this office is shared by me and the three platoon leaders on duty. When you are on duty in the future, you can also come here to rest or Office."

"Okay!" Wang Ye nodded with a smile.

While speaking, Wang Ye took out the cigarettes in his pocket.

He took one in his mouth, and after taking the water he handed over, Wang Ye gave Jiang Huai another one.

After receiving the cigarette, Jiang Huai continued to look at Wang Ye with a smile: "Your secrecy is really strict. I held a break-up meeting with you last night, and you didn't say a word. I didn't expect that we just broke up this morning. Now we We're getting together again!"

"Hehe, isn't this a surprise for you!"

The recruit company stayed together for three months, and the two were already very familiar with each other.

Jiang Huai also smiled broadly: "I was really surprised, you didn't know that when I came back in the morning, the company commander and I asked you, my brain was shut down at that time.

I'm still thinking, you're a 4th company, why did he ask you?

Haha, for a long time, you are the one who wants to come to us! "

"Haha!" Wang Ye laughed.

When I came to the police investigation company, it was good to have an acquaintance.

Of course, Wang Ye has more than one acquaintance, and there is also Wan Baojiang in the third row.

Moreover, Han Yi, the recruit recruited this time, also came to the reconnaissance platoon.

But now Wang Ye also knew that all the recruits went to the third row.

The two chatted for a few more words.

Suddenly, Jiang Huai said solemnly: "The second row is actually not bad, and it has combat effectiveness.

At present, the first two mistakes can only be said to be mistakes in command.

So you can learn more about their situation first, and then according to the situation, slowly find a way to solve the possible problems of the second row! "

He didn't know that Wang Ye had already given the soldiers in the second row a hard dose before he even entered the dormitory building.

Of course, Wang Ye didn't say it clearly, he just said with a smile: "I generally know what's wrong with them, there are mistakes in command.

But a platoon is a whole. If the platoon leader really made a mistake in command, they didn't mention any opinions, and then carried out the wrong decision, right?

This in itself also means that they must have problems themselves. "

Platoon leader, formulate a mission plan. Generally speaking, unless you are really the kind of self-righteous fool, you will definitely show it to your subordinate squad leader after the plan is made and ask for their opinions.

Therefore, it is impossible for subordinate fighters to remove all responsibilities.

"That's... yes, but you've just arrived after all, so you still have to pay attention to getting used to it first, this is not a company of recruits after all!"

"Hehe, thanks for the reminder, Deputy Lian, I know!"

Wang Ye didn't talk to him much.

Run in, take your time?

How can he have this time.

In a while, he will be going to the military academy, so he must cut the mess quickly.

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