Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 401 The first lesson for the scouts (please order, please support)

Naturally, Wu Jianfeng knew that Wang Ye was here to serve as the platoon leader of the Police Investigation Company.

But he didn't expect that he just turned around, why there was such a big commotion behind him.

What's the situation?

According to his thinking, when Wang Ye came here, it would be good if no one stood on the roof and secretly threw rotten eggs.

After all, Wang Ye and the Police Detective Company are not very friendly.

For more than a year, the scouts in the regiment used to walk with the wind, even if they come back from the outside, they basically dare not walk more in the camp, for fear that other people will point them out after seeing them point.

But what's the situation now?

Is Wang Ye so popular?

"What's your situation?"

On Wang Ye's side, Wang Ye was actually a little confused at this time.

He was still wondering whose soldier this was?

Those who don't take a nap at noon stand downstairs and enjoy sunbathing.

Then I realized now that if this is correct, it might be my own soldier.

"Report, we've been waiting for the platoon leader!"

In the queue, a Phase 2 spoke loudly.

While speaking, the sweat on his face splashed out like saliva with the opening and closing of his mouth!

"Huh?" Wang Ye was taken aback.

What's the meaning?

What is always?

"When did you start standing here!" Wang Ye asked directly.

"I'll let them stand here in the morning!" At this moment, a voice came from the direction of the corridor entrance.

Wang Ye turned his head, and immediately saw the corridor entrance of the dormitory on one side, and now a person came down the stairs.

Wang Ye walked over quickly.

Standing at attention and saluting: "Good company commander!"

Although Wang Ye had never communicated with him, Wang Ye knew him and met him more than once.

After returning the salute, Fu Wei reached out to Wang Ye: "Well, Wang Ye, you are welcome to join the police investigation company!"

Wang Ye shook hands with him, but the next moment Wang Ye turned his head and glanced at the soldiers standing in a row outside the building.

"Standing here after getting up? Haven't they eaten yet?"

Wang Ye is really astonished in his heart now.

He didn't expect the police investigation company to arrange this.

Yes, the regiment leader asked himself to report to the police and reconnaissance company after finishing the recruit company.

But Wang Ye didn't want to be in a hurry, so he went back to Silian first.

He really didn't expect that because of his actions, these scouts in the second row have been standing here since morning.


Unclasping hands with Wang Ye, Fu Wei also turned his head and looked over: "But if you don't starve to death, one or two meals are nothing compared to the shame they brought to the police and investigation company.

If they work harder and can continue to bring honor to the company like Yi Wangye, I can go without food for one day, two days, or three days! "

At this second, everyone standing there in the second row lowered their heads.

Bringing shame to the Police Detective Company is a fact they cannot deny.

Being scolded and told, they admit it.

Wang Ye opened his mouth, thought for a while, glanced at them, then looked at Fu Wei again: "Company Commander, now that I'm here, can I order them now!"

"Naturally!" Fu Wei nodded, and said with a serious face: "From now on, you will be the leader of the second platoon."

"That's good!" Wang Ye nodded, and then Wang Ye turned and walked in front of them.

"There are all of them!"

Everyone in the second row immediately raised their heads that had been lowered by scolding.

"To the left!"

"Target cafeteria, run forward!"

In fact, Wang Ye didn't know where the cafeteria of the Police Detective Company was, but it didn't matter, as long as he gave the order, it was enough for them to know.

The team ran.

Wang Ye didn't move for a while, carrying his backpack and luggage, he came back to Fu Wei.

"Company commander, let's save some food in the cafeteria!"

"It should be kept!" Fu Wei said with a very cold look.

In fact, how could it not be kept, and breakfast is kept.

They really don't know when Wang Ye will come.

Looking at Wang Ye, Fu Wei said again: "Let's go, I'll take you to the dormitory now."

"Company commander, can you wait?" Wang Ye hurriedly answered.

"Huh?" Fu Wei looked over suspiciously.

"I want to go to the cafeteria first!"

While speaking, Wang Ye put down his backpack and luggage on the spot.

Looking at Wang Ye, Fu Wei was silent for two seconds.

"Okay, come back to the office on the second floor and find me!"

Fu Wei didn't say anything else, Wang Ye wanted to go to the second row, so he went there.

After all, Wang Ye is now the leader of the second row.

"Yes!" Wang Ye stood at attention and saluted.

After the ceremony, Wang Ye smiled again and said, "Thank you, Company Commander!"

After thanking him, Wang Ye simply turned around and ran after the second row team that ran out over there.

at the same time.

At the battalion headquarters of the second battalion, the commander of the second battalion at this time was holding a phone and speaking there with a sigh of relief.

"No. Leader, why do you want to transfer the relationship?

I just agreed to let Wang Ye go to the police investigation company, but you didn't tell me that you were transferred directly! "

"I was talking about transfer, not secondment!" The group leader's voice came from the phone.

Immediately, the second battalion commander was in a hurry.

"No, Captain, secondment is fine. Wang Ye is from my second battalion, so he can't be transferred!"

"Okay, do I need to tell you?

Am I the leader or are you? "

For a moment, the second battalion commander was speechless.

What's this?

This is Chi Guoguo's use of power to oppress people, the key point is that he can't do anything about it!

The second battalion commander smiled helplessly: "No, regiment commander, others are fishing for grass and hunting rabbits. You just took the rabbits away after hunting them. It's too much!"

"What's too much, Wang Ye's relationship is now transferred to the reconnaissance company, and then the military academy will have more choices. You can't delay Wang Ye's future because of your personal reasons!"

The second battalion commander was taken aback.

Indeed, he hadn't thought of this.

"This, all right!"

After being pointed out by the team leader, Lin Hai had no choice but to let go of his unwillingness.

Because the head of the regiment was right, Wang Ye was in the fourth company, and his escort major was basically only the armored infantry command major.

But if you go to the reconnaissance platoon, you may be able to command the armored infantry reconnaissance unit.

There is not much difference between the two professional names, but there is an extra detection.

But in fact, the difference is actually quite big, especially for outstanding people.

Because the reconnaissance team graduated from majors, they can directly enter various units to lead scouts with excellent grades.

There is no doubt that the scouts of any unit are the absolute elite.

It goes without saying that leading an elite army or an ordinary army has a better future.

the other side.

At this time, Wang Ye, who had just caught up with the second row, didn't know that he was here this time. In fact, the establishment relationship had been transferred here.

Right now, seeing the soldiers in the second row stop in front of the cafeteria gate, Wang Ye turned to look at them: "Why stop?"

"Report to the platoon leader, prepare before meals!" The second sergeant who had spoken before responded loudly.

Wang Ye waved his hand directly: "Come on, what's the preparation before the meal, now it's time for lunch break, let's go in directly!"

After saying this, Wang Ye walked in first.

In the cafeteria, someone happened to be in a hurry to check the situation from the back kitchen.

"Squad leader, where is the food left by the second row? I brought them here for dinner!"

A corporal was probing from the back kitchen of the cafeteria, and at this time he heard Wang Ye's words of monitor.

To be honest, he froze.

After serving as a soldier for more than three years, it was the first time that he was called squad leader by an officer.

"Oh, yes." The corporal said hurriedly after regaining consciousness: "I'm waiting for you here, I'll call my squad leader and the others to help with cooking!"

"Hey, no need, we can do it ourselves!" Wang Ye called to stop him.

After saying this, Wang Ye looked back at the second row of soldiers who came in: "The squad leader comes out, follow me in to help, and the rest of the people line up to eat!"

Wang Ye has already finished eating, so naturally he doesn't need to eat anymore.

Right now, with the three squad leaders and the soldiers of the cooking class helping to bring out the meals, they started cooking for the soldiers holding the dinner plates one by one.

Seeing how they sat still after eating and returning to the table, Wang Ye didn't say anything.

There are some rules, should have or have to have.

What's more, if you wait a minute or two longer for everyone to eat together, you won't die of hunger.

Wait until the last three squad leaders finish playing.

Wang Ye walked to their table and spoke.

"Eat when you're hungry, why are you polite!"

No one moved, everyone was waiting for Wang Ye, the newly appointed platoon leader, to give a lecture.

Wang Ye was their platoon leader. Actually, when they found out yesterday, they were really noisy.

Even swearing in private.

But when Wang Ye stood in front of them now, none of them dared to say anything.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, not to mention the car overturning in Wang Ye's hands twice, Wang Ye's reputation determines the capital they have not jumped in the face of Wang Ye.

"Don't understand? Eat!" Wang Ye looked at them and said in a deep voice again.

He once served as a platoon leader in a recruit company, and now Wang Ye is not unfamiliar with being a platoon leader.

But this time, following Wang Ye's order, the squad leaders on the three tables immediately gave the soldiers in the squad a look.

Afterwards, the scouts were fighting with chopsticks one by one.

God knows how hungry they are.

This is the age group that can eat. Last night passed all night, and I didn’t eat this morning. I have been standing there until now, and I haven’t taken a sip of water. It’s no wonder I’m not hungry now.

Wang Ye didn't say anything, just stood in the cafeteria and watched them eat.

"It's really imposing, look at these guys, they are so obedient!"

The back kitchen, at this time, other soldiers from the cooking squad also came out for their lunch break.

It's just that they stayed in the back kitchen and watched secretly, and then discussed in a low voice.

"It's okay to be disobedient. If someone breaks the record of the military region, he can also break your head. If you are disobedient, do you dare to go up and have a fight with him?"

"Ruthless man, I don't know how the second row will be tossed this time. Anyway, I heard that the fourth company has complained a lot since they got off from this big daddy!"

"Hey, it's easy to peel off a layer of skin, but don't worry about it, the second row needs to be cleaned up ruthlessly.

When I go out during this time, I dare not say that I belong to our police investigation company. I am afraid that others will say that we eat better than anyone else and do worse than anyone else! "

"Okay, don't say a few words, just watch quietly!"

In the back kitchen, their squad leader stopped their discussion.

In front, Wang Ye was still watching them eat.

After two or three minutes, all the soldiers stopped moving as their squad leader lowered their chopsticks.

"Have you finished eating?" Wang Ye looked at them and said.

"I've eaten!"

The voices of three squad leaders and some scouts appeared.

"Someone didn't say anything, is it because they are not full? Want to eat more?" Wang Ye spoke again.

Immediately, the mouths of all the scouts opened.

"I've eaten!"

This time, they were louder.

"Okay, the brothers in the cooking class are resting, don't be so loud!" Wang Ye said this with a smile.

In fact, he saw all the soldiers from the cooking class come out.

But it doesn't matter.

Looking at them, Wang Ye continued: "To be honest, I'm surprised that you waited for me for a long time, and you didn't even eat.

But just now I personally helped you cook, and now I am waiting for you to eat, this is also an apology to you. "

"Platoon leader, don't dare, we are just following the order of the company commander!" A squad leader said in a muffled voice.

It is impossible to say no to complain.

After standing all morning and all morning, I sweated at least half a catty, how could I not feel resentful.

It's just that there is nothing to say.

It was not Wang Ye who made them wait.

Wang Ye kept smiling: "I don't care whose order you are carrying out, but from now on, I will be your platoon leader."

Speaking of this, Wang Ye turned his head and looked at the back kitchen: "Brothers in the cooking class, please take out all the dirty clothes and things that need to be washed!"


The soldiers of the cooking class who were watching the excitement in the back kitchen froze for a moment.

Wang Ye smiled and said: "It's okay, it's just that I'm going to give our proud elites the first lesson, so I'd like to ask you to provide some props!"

At this moment, a group of scouts in the second row were all looking at Wang Ye.

They didn't know what Wang Ye wanted to do, but they all had a bad premonition.

Some people even guessed what Wang Ye was going to ask them to do.

Of course, Wang Ye didn't play tricks with them at all. After talking to the brothers in the cooking class, he turned his head to look at the scouts in the second row.

"Elites, I know that your physical abilities and skills are already great, far surpassing the fighters of other companies.

So as a new platoon leader, I will not teach you skills today! "

After a pause, Wang Ye continued to say with a smile: "I just finished eating, and now I don't engage in physical fitness. It's not good for the stomach. I'll teach you something different."

Speaking of this, Wang Ye pointed to the door of the back kitchen, where the dirty aprons and the like were piled up by the soldiers of the cooking class.

"Wait and help the brothers in the cooking class wash their clothes and aprons!"

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