Chapter 98 Crazy killing of the young man! Detention for 20 days!

Just when I can be strong and eager to attack my heart, I can’t help it.

“Wait a minute, if you can be strong, bring him back to me!” Captain Zhang Hai shouted from a distance.

Xiong Zhuangshi was full of questions, but now it’s hard to ask the situation.

So, he took the young man in another direction and walked back.

On the other hand, the young man had a coquettish expression on his face. He thought it was because his shouting just now had an effect. These police officers were frightened and were going to give him the phone back and let him go by the way!


Before he could be happy for two minutes, he couldn’t be happy anymore.

“Say! Where were you yesterday? What did you do? Now, immediately, immediately, call me truthfully!” Captain Zhang Hai asked with a cold face, a serious tone and a tough attitude.

“Where am I? You can manage it!” The young man said, still ignorant of life and death: “Don’t return the phone to me, let me go, or I’ll find a lawyer to sue you.”

“Especially if you dare to beat me, I must sue you for the law enforcement!”

As soon as these words came out, Xiong Zhuangshi, Han Sen, Lin Nan and other three people present instantly became shocked, and they all looked at him in disbelief.

Some of them couldn’t believe that there were people in the world who committed such death.

It is clear.

Anyone with a normal IQ could see that Captain Zhang Hai had the highest position in front of him.

After all, the logo on his shoulder is different from others, and a discerning person can see that it is different at a glance.

Lin Nan on the side silently gave the young man a wax in his heart, and decided to help him in his murderous behavior.

“Cough! Team Zhang, this person doesn’t seem to be a reporter. He should be the kind of self-media creator who shoots small videos to gain attention.” Lin Nan whispered.

When Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team heard this, his eyes suddenly widened.

good guy.

This is actually a fake and shoddy product posing as a reporter.


Captain Zhang Hai’s anger in his heart ignited because of the opponent’s repeated provocations, and it was like adding fuel to the fire, soaring by three points.

But even in this situation, Captain Zhang Hai still abides by the principle and did not make any irrational behavior.

Instead, he continued in strict accordance with the law enforcement procedures with extreme seriousness, standard actions, and solemn demeanor:

This “Sir, because you trespassed in the security area, pretended to be a reporter, provoked law enforcement officers, etc., and the contents related to the scene of the case were recorded on your mobile phone.”

“So, we seriously suspect that you have a major relationship with this case, and you poured into the warning area to destroy the evidence at the crime scene and disrupt the investigation process of the case.”

“Therefore, in addition to the 20-day administrative detention, you also need to fully cooperate with the investigation of this case. The time is temporarily uncertain until your suspicions are cleared.

This set of official law enforcement speeches with very official characteristics instantly stunned the young man.

“No! What do you mean? Don’t let me go? Detain me for twenty days?”

“Isn’t it ten days just now? Why has it become twenty days again?”

“Can you increase your sentence when you become a police officer?”

“Is there any reason?”

“Is there any more king law?”

“That’s because you’re posing as a reporter!” Lin Nan chuckled and said, “Don’t you know that impersonating a reporter is illegal?

Fortunately, “you haven’t taken advantage of the illegal act of impersonating a reporter, otherwise, it would not have been as simple as adding ten days of detention.”

“If you have just made a profit from this illegal act, it is possible that you will be criminally liable.

“And, more than that!

“In addition to being detained for 20 days, you still need to clear your suspicions before you can go out.”

“The words just now, in simple terms, are that you have successfully become a major criminal suspect in this case, and you need to go to the branch with us for interrogation and investigation.”

“No. No way!” The young man’s face was full of disbelief, and he said in a panicked tone: “How did I become a suspect?”

“This, it has nothing to do with me here!”

“I’m just here to shoot a video, and I’m going to put it on the Internet, just to be hot.”

“How did you become a suspect?”

“I was wronged!”

“I’ve never killed anyone!”

“Sorry! This is just your side of the word.” Lin Nan said with a smile: “We need to understand the specific situation, and only after we have relevant evidence to prove the truth can we determine the truth.”

“please believe us.

We “will never wrong a good person, and we will never spare anyone who violates the law.”

These remarks moved the young man unnecessarily.

At this moment, he regarded Lin Nan as his only life-saving straw.

“Uncle Police, I was wronged, you must find out the truth as soon as possible!

“, “Uncle policeman, I’m relying on you, you must help me!

“Uncle Police

These few police uncles made the smile on Lin Nan’s face gradually stiff and dangerous.


Who is your uncle!


I’m older than me, how dare you call me uncle?

I don’t have a nephew like you.

And Captain Zhang Hai, who was watching from the sidelines, didn’t bother to watch that the dead young man continued to be fooled infinitely by Lin Nan. He waved his hand casually and said, “Okay! Go back to the branch and tell me if you have something!”

“If you can be strong, take him to the police car, and when Liu Ming drives over to pick up the body of the deceased, he will also be taken there by the way.

“Bring a piece back to the precinct.”

“Detain first and wait until we go back for interrogation.

Nengzhuang immediately said “Yes!”

After finishing speaking, the young man who was killed was taken away.

The look in his parting eyes.

Poor, weak, and helpless.


(of Zhao) faced this scene.

Lin Nan was not sad, but almost laughed out loud.

Captain Zhang Hai looked at the two figures who were far away, and couldn’t help shaking his head helplessly, and said, “Hum! Young people today really don’t know the importance.”

“Journalists dare to pretend to be fools, and the cordon is chaotic. It’s really ignorant and fearless!”

“There is no legal concept or common sense at all.”

“Detain him for 20 days this time, and let him have a good memory!”


“It really pisses me off!”

“Okay! Team Zhang, get angry and say goodbye!” Lin Nan smiled and persuaded: “I believe he will change after this education.”

“You’re not much better!” Captain Zhang Hai of the criminal investigation team squinted and said with a sneer: “He was going back and forth to die on the edge of the law, and you were repeatedly testing around the principle.

“Forget it! Too lazy to talk about you,”

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