Chapter 97 Accidents occur frequently, someone hits the cordon and finds clues by surprise.

“Okay!” Forensic doctor Tan Xiaotong nodded and said, “But there is still a problem. This bucket is too big to fit in the police car. It needs to be filled with other cars.”

“Take the bucket too!” Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team asked with a frown.

“That’s right! There should be a lot of residual charred material in this barrel that needs to be tested.” Forensic doctor Tan Xiaotong nodded and said, “It’s better to keep it as it is and bring it back.”

“Okay! I’ll make a phone call to Liu Ming in the first group and ask him to drive a van with enough space.” Captain Zhang Hai of the criminal investigation team pondered for a moment, then waved his hand and said, “When the time comes, you and Liu Ming will be together. Let’s go back together.”

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone, called Liu Ming, the leader of the criminal investigation team, and explained what he had just said.

After getting a satisfactory answer, he put away the phone again.

At this time.

From the location of the cordon in the distance, there was a sudden burst of noise.

It immediately attracted the attention of Lin Nan et al.

They invariably walked to the location of the cordon, ready to find out the situation.

Far away, Lin Nan and the others saw a boy in his twenties or thirties, holding his mobile phone high, standing on the edge of the cordon, dancing, pointing, and acting abnormally.

Taking a few steps closer, Lin Nan and the others could vaguely hear the arrogant and domineering voice of the unknown man shouting:

“Get out of the way, get out of the way. I’m a news media reporter. I want to go in and interview the first scene. The public has the right to know the truth, and you have no right to stop me.”

And it is Nengzhuang who is confronting him within the cordon.

For the other party’s arrogant speech, Neng Zhuangshi did not easily get angry.

After all, he is also an old criminal policeman who has worked for more than ten years. What kind of weirdness has never been encountered before. Like this kind of weirdness, it’s just trivial, and it’s not worth his anger at all.

Therefore, Xiong Zhuangshi’s calm expression made one hand palm forward, and while making a warning gesture of prohibition, he solemnly warned: “Sir, please do not interfere with the investigation of the case, whether you are a reporter or not, you are not allowed to Enter the cordon.

“Please be careful with your words and deeds, and don’t forcefully impact the cordon!”

“Otherwise, according to the relevant regulations, you may be dealt with in accordance with the law.


These words not only did not make the other party settle down.

On the contrary, it made the other party’s arrogance more arrogant and his tone more domineering.

“What did you say? I’m a reporter. I have the right to interview news. If you dare to stop me, I’ll just break into the cordon. What can you do to me?”

“Do you still dare to hit me? Believe it or not, I expose you?”

Neng Zhuang raised his eyebrows, pouted his lips dismissively, and gave the other party a look of contempt, and he didn’t even bother to pay attention to the other party.

And this contemptuous look just ignited the anger in the other party’s heart.

The young man in his twenties and thirties suddenly let out a howl when his brain became hot. To everyone’s surprise, he bent down and got into the cordon, frantically running inside.

This time, it can be sturdy enough to be caught off guard.

He was so sturdy that he would never have imagined that someone would actually dare to ignore the warning and forcibly rush into the cordon.

After being met by this unfortunate bear, Xiong Zhuangshi, this kind of rare creature, in addition to cursing in his heart, can only helplessly turn his head and chase after him.

And at the same time.

The young man ran desperately and ran inside with his head down.

And the direction he was running was exactly where Lin Nan, Han Sen, and Captain Zhang Hai were.

At this moment.

After seeing this absurd scene.

Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team turned pale with anger. He ran angrily for two steps, facing the young man who ran towards him with his head bowed.

A flying kick in the air.

It flew upside down in an instant.


Before the young man could react to what was going on, Captain Zhang Hai took a few big steps forward.

Turn the young man over and press it on the ground, and press his knees against the opponent’s back.

With a flick of his right hand, the silver-white handcuffs appeared in his hand instantly.



With the slight sound of two handcuffs locking.

The young man was caught with his hands behind his back and the handcuffs were tightly locked, just like a fugitive was arrested.

As for Captain Zhang Hai’s series of actions, it took less than ten seconds to complete in one go. Lin Nan, who was watching this scene, couldn’t help but want to applaud him.

However, Lin Nan’s IQ is still online, he knows that this situation applauds Captain Zhang, and it may not bring him a smile, but a scolding.

Therefore, Lin Nan just silently applauded in his heart.

After finishing all this, Captain Zhang Hai said loudly with a grim expression: “If you can be strong, bring him back to me later!”

“Shocked the cordon, disrupted the handling of the case, seriously violated public security regulations, and the circumstances were serious.”

“Ten days of detention!

at the same time.

Neng Zhuangzhuang also caught up here, he saluted quickly, and solemnly said: “Yes!”

After speaking, he stretched out his hand when he could be strong, grabbed the little youth by the collar of his back clothes, picked him up at once, and angrily pushed him to leave.

And this moment.

The dazed young man also regained his senses.

In addition to his panic and panic, he could only keep shouting in a panicked tone: “You…you. How can you police beat people casually!”

“I, I, I’m a reporter!”

“I have interview rights!”

“I’m going to sue you!”

“I’m going to find a lawyer to sue you!”


On the other side, Lin Nan picked up the mobile phone that the young man threw out, checked it casually, and walked over to Captain Zhang Hai and said:

“Team Zhang! I found a clue. In this person’s mobile phone, there is a video from last night. The video content is also this abandoned factory, and there are several dark shadows in it.

Captain Zhang Hai’s eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he took over the video and began to view it.

And the young man who hadn’t gone far looked back and saw this scene, he immediately pulled his neck and shouted loudly:

“Give me back my phone!

“You have no right to seize my private property!”

“give me back!”

Then, seeing that it was useless, the young man started twitching his neck again, shouting at the onlookers outside the cordon, “Help! The police are hitting someone! Someone is coming!” The police are grabbing the phone!”

“Is there any reason!”

“Is there still a king’s law!”

With such a hand, the young man made Neng Zhuang who was holding him grit his teeth with anger.

Xiong Zhuangshi is also an old criminal policeman for more than ten years.

I’ve seen a lot of what kind of people.

I have also seen shameless!

But I have never seen such a shameless young man.

It can be said that he has refreshed his world view.

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