Chapter 95 Arrive at the factory, assign work, and investigate at night!

Outside the Bac Ninh branch.

Three police cars started and rushed to the scene.

The second team of criminal investigation has four people and one car, and the third team of criminal investigation has four people and one car. The captain of the criminal investigation team, Zhang Hai, drove a car alone, with forensic doctor Tan Xiao and a bunch of professional equipment for on-site inspection.

Neng Zhuangshi said while driving: “Xiao Lin, your play today is a little bit bad, and your performance is a bit too much!”

“Old Zhang is an old fox, and he must have come to terms with it now.

“Team Zhang, of course you can see that I’m just giving a step!” Lin Nan said lightly: “After all, who made him appear at such a good time!”

“If you don’t give steps, the dead girl must be scolded to death today, and maybe it will cause us to be scolded together!”

Song Ruyan in the back seat heard the conversation between the two, her eyes widened, and she exclaimed: “Acting? You, your previous performance was acting?”

“Of course! Xiao Linzi glanced at me, and I understood it in seconds!” Li Yanran said energetically: “I’m not bad at acting today!”

“Aah! Are you embarrassed too?” Lin Nan rolled his eyes and said, “It’s not that I told you to do things in the future, so don’t be so self-assured, okay?”

“With your little IQ, it’s easy to accidentally cross the line and play with yourself.

“Brother Xiong is a very typical example. On impulse, he was transferred to the civil department for so long.”

“I was noticed too many times.” Xiong Zhuangshi grinned: “That’s why I was transferred to the civil department to temper my temper.”

“I didn’t see your temper getting better!” Lin Nan complained: “Investigated 23 civil disputes in one year, and was complained 24 times.”

“I still don’t understand how you did it.

“Where did that extra complaint come from?”

“Hahaha… I can be strong and smile. “I can’t tell you this!”

“It’s a man’s secret.”

Forget it! “If you don’t say it, don’t say it!” Lin Nan said: “Damn girl, remember the lesson this time. Although I acted before, those words are true, you can have a little more!”

“Next time you have this kind of thought, at least ask me in advance, and no matter how bad it is, ask Brother Xiong.”

“At least he’s experienced.

“Always test on the edge, and he hasn’t been fired yet, which proves that he still has a hand in handling this kind of thing.”

Song Ruyan was stunned, and her mouth grew unknowingly.

After Lin Nan saw Song Ruyan’s expression through the rearview mirror of the car, he said lazily, “Ruyan, you don’t need to be so surprised.”

“Our group’s situation is different from the other groups.”

“None of them like to follow the rules very much and sometimes try to be on the edge.”

“For example, Brother Xiong was transferred to the civil department because of this, and I played a side ball twice before, and Team Zhang specially warned me.”

As for “Dead girl, let alone, she almost overplayed.”

“La! And you, your identity as an outsider actually belongs to the category of edge balls.”

Song Ruyan touched her chin and thought about it, and she felt that she was right.

However, if he asked someone for help and obtained the identity of an outsider, he really belongs to the category of edge ball.

That being said, this group is really indescribable!

“I have been an old criminal police officer for more than ten years, and I have encountered countless prisoners. Sometimes, I occasionally play side balls to solve cases faster and better.” Nengzhuang shook his head and said, “However, this kind of thing still needs to be done. One degree!”

“Having a good grasp of this degree is the key.”

“Otherwise, it is very likely that I will be punished and transferred to positions like I did before.

“Okay, okay!” Lin Nan sighed and said, “Brother Xiong, you should know what happened to the abandoned factory!

“Of course, in Beining District, how come I have never handled a case?” Neng Zhuang said complacently, “The abandoned factory on Xili North Street was originally a shoe maker.”

“Decades ago, it was once prosperous, but then with the changes of the times, it gradually declined. Slowly, the factory gradually closed down because of poor efficiency and unable to pay workers wages!”

“Originally there was a talk about demolishing and building buildings, but for unknown reasons, it was temporarily stranded. Until now, I haven’t heard any other news.”

“It has been in a state of abandonment, usually no one comes in and out, and I don’t know who reported the case.

…for flowers…

“It seems that this case is not very good!” Lin Nan said, touching his chin: “This kind of abandoned factory, usually not many people come in and out, it is basically difficult to find eyewitnesses, and ten of them are abandoned. For many years, let alone any surveillance.”

“What if it’s difficult to investigate?” Xiong Zhuangshi sighed: “It’s not the same thing that needs to be investigated. How many criminal investigation cases are there to investigate?”

“Okay, don’t speculate, wait until the scene to see the situation and then talk about it!”

Abandoned factory.

Zhang Hai, the captain of the criminal investigation team, immediately began to command the scene.

“Xiong Zhuangshi, Zheng Hu, Li Yanran, the three of you are responsible for blocking the scene.”


“Han Sen, Lin Nan, the two of you will investigate the situation on the spot to detect whether there are any traces left behind and other traces.

Song Mingming, “Song Ruyan, you two make a note for the reporter.

“Tan Xiaotong, quickly perform an autopsy on the body to find out the situation and see if some clues can be found on the spot.”

As soon as the words fell, the criminal policemen started their work one after another.

Neng Zhuangshi, Zheng Hu, and Li Yanran, who like to do more with their hands than their brains, raised the cordon one after another, keeping the reporters and onlookers who heard the news out, and maintaining the order at the scene.

Song Mingming, a beautiful team leader who is good at criminal psychology, came to the reporter with the new young Meng Xin Song Ruyan and consulted the relevant information in detail.

Forensic doctor Tan Xiaotong went straight to the corpse and started an autopsy using professional and rigorous testing methods.

Han Sen, who was good at on-site surveys, and Lin Nan, who was good at everything, each held a flashlight and started a very difficult night-time on-site survey.

Lin Nan took the flashlight and started around the corpse, using the light from the flashlight to illuminate the surroundings little by little, searching little by little for possible footprints and other leftover clues.

However, since the old factory has long been abandoned, and the surrounding area is overgrown with weeds, it is now in the dark and the visibility is not high. Even if there is a flashlight to illuminate it, the light is not very useful.

a time.

Lin Nan also had trouble finding useful clues. Eight.

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