Chapter 94 The Abandoned Factory Incineration Case Appears!

Not long after, Li Yanran ran in full of energy.

“Everyone, I’m back!

“Wait! Didn’t you go to be called by the Zheng Bureau to pick up the scolding?” Lin Nan asked question marks, “Why do you look like you are being praised?”

“That’s right! I was scolded for over an hour just now.” Li Yanran said as a matter of course: “Director Zheng scolded me well enough.

“But do you think I’m going to cry because of this?”


“You underestimate me, Li Yanran!”

“You, you! I see you! You are just heartless!” Lin Nan scolded loudly: “Do you know how much trouble you will cause if you act so impulsive once?”

“Why do you think there is a press conference today?”

“Isn’t it for the aftermath?”

“Otherwise, under normal circumstances, how could Lan Xiner’s case be actively disclosed to the news media?”

“Alas! What can I say to you?

“Let me tell you, Li Yanran, at least half of the reason why you are still wearing a police uniform is that Director Zheng, Captain Zhang, and even Brother Xiong are taking care of you and taking care of the aftermath.”

“Otherwise, you should understand the consequences.

“If you don’t get rid of your impulsive stinky habit, sooner or later, you will get into a bigger disaster!”

“I, I, can’t I admit my mistake?” Li Yanran lowered her head, her expression lowered, and said 007 aggrievedly.

“I will reflect on it.”

“Alright! Alright!” The sturdy peacemaker said with a smile, “Xiao Yanran is also impulsive, but now it seems that the result is not bad!”

“Let the past pass! Let’s look forward!

“Brother Xiong, you don’t need to persuade me!” Lin Nan said loudly with a serious face: “I have to scold her to wake her up today!”

“Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a waste of your efforts, Team Zhang, and Bureau Zheng!

“Li Yanran, let me tell you, from childhood to adulthood, at home, you have grandpa, grandma, father, mother, as well as a lot of your relatives, elders, cousins, cousins, and relatives who dote on you and let you .”

“When you arrive at the branch, there are a lot of colleagues, brothers and sisters, and even Zhang team, Zheng Bureau and other bosses, taking care of you.

“But this is not the reason for your willful actions!”

“Your one-time willful act, under the impulse, caused trouble to how many people.

Lin Nan scolded and scolded Li Yanran loudly.

This scene, the other colleagues in the first and second groups of the criminal investigation who are still in the office, are a little unbearable, and they have spoken out to discourage them, but Lin Nan has no one to persuade them, and they are determined to scold Li Yanran. the appearance (bcai).

“Cough! It’s okay! It’s okay! Xiaolin, just scold a few words!” Captain Zhang Hai of the criminal investigation team walked into the office with a few colleagues, and said while discouraging: “Xiao Yanran should have realized her mistake. now!”

“Am I right? Xiao Yanran!

Li Yanran nodded silently.

“If that’s the case, then forget it!” Lin Nan’s face softened a little and said, “If there is another issue that violates the principle, even if Bureau Zheng personally comes to persuade it, it will be of no use.”

Next, “Let’s work together to make Lan Xiner’s case report! There are more than 40 copies! It will take a long time for four people to do it!”

After saying that, Lin Nan turned around and went back to her desk, while Li Yanran silently went to the desk opposite Lin Nan, the desk that belonged to her.

Captain Zhang Hai of the criminal investigation team looked at the figures of the two leaving, touched his chin, and kept smacking and thinking.

Ah this…

Did I get caught?

Did this stinky boy Lin Nan see me just now?

I originally planned to scold Li Yanran, this heartless little girl tonight, but Lin Nan’s scolding made him feel a little uncomfortable.

There’s one more thing that’s weird.

Lin Nan is a little brat, he is not a very strict person.

The last time Liu Ming was beaten, it was this stinky boy’s deliberate hatred, which caused Liu Ming’s impulse to let Li Yanran take action, and he even warned him about it.

As a result, this evening changed her body so much that she began to scold Li Yanran for not following her principles.

But well!

Anything is possible.

It’s also possible that he really woke this kid up last time!

So, when he saw that Li Ma Ran almost made a mistake on a principled issue, he was so angry because of it?


What a headache!

That’s a bad thing about this guy being too smart.

I don’t even know what he’s thinking!

Forget it!

forget about it!

Anyway, it’s over!

Well, let it go like this!

Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team shook his head and walked out of the office with his hands behind his back, ready to report to Director Zheng about the return of the bones today.

at the same time.

After Lin Nan sat on the desk, he ignored Li Yanran’s little eye contact.

Let go of your thinking and start to study the previous system prompts.

[Detecting missing cases on pedestrian streets, 95%, get 399 justice points][The justice value has reached 500 points and is promoted to the primary justice star (two stars). Do you want to receive the primary justice star (two stars) spree?)

Lin Nan raised his eyebrows and thought, “Good guy, it turns out that the next level of the primary justice star is not the intermediate justice star, but the primary justice star (two stars).

Then will there be a primary justice star (three stars)?

This level-up system is really confusing, it’s like playing a ranking in the game.

Lin Nan thought for a moment, and then stopped struggling with this issue.

Directly choose to open the two-star package.


[Get micro-expression analysis (expert level)]

in an instant.

Lin Nan felt that there was a lot of knowledge related to micro-expression analysis in his mind, and he felt like an expert in micro-expression analysis who had studied for more than ten years.

Wei Wei carefully observes the opposite Li Yanran, and can analyze countless messy or useful information from her subtle expressions.

Lin Nan tried to apply micro-expression analysis to other people, but the effect was still the same. Micro-expression analysis was amazing and very useful to himself.

[Lin Nan; primary justice star (two stars)][Ability: Trace Inspection (Expert Level), Site Investigation (Expert Level), Criminal Psychology (Expert Level), Psychological Profile Drawing (Expert Level), Forensic Medicine (Expert Level), Micro-Expression Analysis (Expert Level) Thinking Memory Palace][Justice value: 687/787]

Taking a casual glance at the panel, Lin Nan stopped paying attention to the system.

Instead, continue to work on things about microexpression analysis.

At this point, it was as if he had acquired a new toy.

Using micro-expression analysis, we constantly analyze all kinds of useful and useless information.

At this moment.

Captain Zhang Hai, who had just left for a while, hurried into the office and said loudly:

“Song Mingming, with the second criminal investigation team.”

“Be strong and bring three criminal investigation teams.”

“Quickly rushed with me to the old abandoned factory on Xili North Street. I just received a report from someone saying that they saw the burned skeleton.”

“By the way, and Tan Xiaotong from the forensic team, you also go to the scene together.

“The rest of the criminal investigation team and the forensic team, Tan Xiaoxiao, are temporarily staying in the office.”

Always wait for scheduling.

Hearing the words, all the criminal policemen responded in unison with serious faces: “Yes!”

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