Chapter 65 The old man who illegally fished after the routine, the other party also said thank you.

“Huh? Old Zhou, I didn’t expect you to lead the team this time?” Xiong Zhuangshi saw the leader of the police officers from the West Lake District Criminal Investigation Team, and immediately said with a smile, “It’s been a long time!”

After Xiong Zhuangshi said hello, he began to introduce each other to each other.

“Lin Nan, this is the leader of the investigation team of the West Lake District Criminal Investigation Team, Zhou Lihai.”

“Old Zhou, you must have heard of this one! This is Officer Lin Nan, a rising star of our Beining Branch Criminal Investigation Team.”

“Hello, Team Leader Zhou, it’s a pleasure to meet you!” Lin Nan said with a smile to the sturdy man in front of him.

“Officer Lin Nan?” Team Leader Zhou Lihai also said with a smile, “I just watched the video of your speech on TV during the day.”

“The words are very well said, and the case is also very well solved!”

“Thank you two colleagues for their support, leave the following matters to us!”

“Of course, if you are not busy, you can get to know the situation together.”

“I also hope you can give us more ideas for solving the case!”

“Then I would like to thank Team Leader Zhou. As you know, we are currently investigating the disappearance case that happened three years ago!” Lin Nan said with a smile: “So, I want to learn more, and I hope to learn from Team Leader Zhou. to other criminal investigation ideas.”

“Okay! If you are polite, you don’t need to say more!” Team leader Zhou Lihai said with a smile: “Let’s start the investigation immediately!”

“Song Wen, Song Wu, you two go to the group of people who are active near Chunfeng Park and ask if anyone has ever seen that girl!”

“Zhang Shuang, Zhang Quan, go to the management office of Chunhua Park to check the video captured by the surveillance cameras in the park to see if there are any clues.”

After saying this, Team Leader Zhou Lihai swept his eyes away and said in surprise:

“Huh? Isn’t fishing prohibited in this park?”

“This fishing rod, this bucket, what’s going on? Someone is fishing here in violation of the rules?”

“Zhang Shuang, Zhang Quan, when we check the surveillance later, by the way, let’s see who is fishing here?”


“The rules and regulations are repeatedly ordered, do not fish in this kind of place, how come there are always people who do it knowingly?”

“If something happens to you because of fishing, how can you be worthy of your family?”

“It’s really infuriating!”

Hearing this, the two uncles were a little untenable, and hurriedly gave Lin Nan a look of help.

“Here, Team Leader Zhou wait a moment.” Lin Nan coughed lightly and said, “These two fishing rods belong to this Uncle Zhang and this Uncle Li.”

“What?” Zhou Lihai immediately took a serious stance and looked at the two uncles sharply, but the words in his mouth seemed to be bitter.

“Is this fishing rod yours?”

“The two old people, I didn’t say that, depending on your age, you are not too young. If there is any accident, what will you do with your children?”

“Besides, the artificial lake in this park is specially stocked with ornamental fish, some of which are inedible. If something unexpected happens, isn’t it worth it!”

“Okay! There’s no need to say anything this time. These two fishing rods need to be handed over to the management office in Chunhua Park for temporary custody, and the two elderly people also need to spare time to attend a few ideological education classes.”

“After the class is over, the fishing rod will be returned as it is.”

at the same time.

When the two uncles heard the words, they cast a resentful look at Lin Nan.

As if to say: boy! If you don’t talk about martial arts, you betray us!

Lin Nan coughed again.

I told the experience of getting clues from the two fishing uncles before.

He also emphatically hinted at it.

This Uncle Zhang and Uncle Li contributed to this disappearance investigation.

The meaning inside and outside the words is very obvious!

“Is that so!” Team Leader Zhou Lihai was thoughtful, struggling for a long time, and said slowly, “Since this is the case, then forget it this time!”

“The two uncles put away the fishing rods and buckets, and don’t fish here in the future.”

“Fishing here is dangerous.”

“If you want to fish in the future, go to a regular fishing place, the kind that can ensure personal safety, and avoid accidents.”

“However, this disappearance case can have clues so quickly, and I would like to thank the two uncles for their help.”

“However, we still need two uncles to help with the transcript and face puzzle, so it won’t delay the two of you for too long.”

“That’s it? No problem! No problem!” When the two uncles heard it, they didn’t accept fishing rods, didn’t listen to the class, they only helped with the face puzzle, and immediately said happily: “A trivial matter! A trivial matter! As long as you don’t accept it My fishing rod, these are little things.”

“Song Wen, Song Wen, you don’t need to go to the neighborhood to inquire, just take the Uncle Zhang and Uncle Li to the branch to make face puzzles and transcripts.” Team leader Zhou Lihai nodded and said with a smile. “Yeah! It’s the same with this eldest sister. Let’s make a record together. Just leave it to us here.”

“Zhang Shuang, Zhang Quan, the task remains the same, or go to the management office to call for monitoring.”

“Focus on the surveillance near this pavilion between Wednesday afternoon and middle school noon.”

Several criminal police officers said in unison: “Yes!”

The two uncles happily put away their fishing rods, holding buckets and small benches, and followed the two criminal policemen named Song Wen and Song Wu to make notes and make face portraits.

Before leaving, he happily thanked Lin Nan.

The mother of the missing person, Lu Tiantian, also thanked Lin Nan and Xiong Zhuangshi, and left together to take notes.

After a moment.

After everyone left, Lin Nan and Team Leader Zhou Lihai looked at each other and smiled at the same time, saying nothing.

Just now, one of them played a red face and the other played a white face, and they played a set of combinations very tacitly.

The two uncles of Routine willingly made transcripts and face portraits, so that the two uncles who illegally fished were educated, and they also received thanks from each other by the way.

Xiong Zhuangshi looked at the two suspiciously, always feeling as if he had missed something. *

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