Chapter 64 Clues, witnesses, the duo of old men who love fishing.

Facts have proved that Lin Nan’s aunt network is very powerful.

About twenty minutes passed.

Lin Nan received news that there are two old men from nearby communities who often fish by the lake. They may have seen the missing girl, Lu Tiantian.

After receiving the news, Lin Nan immediately took Xiong Zhuangshi and the mother of the missing girl Lu Tiantian, and the three went to the two old men for consultation.

Coincidentally, the two old men happened to be in Chunfeng Park at the moment.

Only they were near the gazebo on the other side of the lake.

When the three of them walked towards the lake, Xiong Zhuangshi also talked about the situation after he just called and contacted his colleagues in the Criminal Investigation Team of the West Lake District Bureau.

They will arrive in about 30 minutes. The other party hopes that Xiong Zhuangshi and Lin Nan, two criminal investigation colleagues, can provide temporary support and find relevant clues.

As for this matter, Xiong Zhuangshi, who is familiar with his colleagues in the Criminal Investigation Team of the West Lake District Bureau, also agreed immediately.

Chunfeng Park occupies a large area. The whole park is built around the artificial lake in the middle, surrounded by leisure squares, pavilions, wooden bridges and other buildings.

The lake is full of lotus flowers.

At this moment.

By the slanting light of the falling sunset, passing by the lakeside where the lotus flowers are in full bloom, the pavilion of the entire artificial lake is faintly quiet and peaceful.

Lin Nan and the other three just arrived near the pavilion.

I saw a hidden dark place by the lake, two old men were sitting on the small bench, holding fishing rods, and fishing leisurely.

With cigarettes in their mouths, they chatted with each other, and a large red bucket stood beside each of them.

“It should be the first two!” Lin Nan pointed and said, “Let’s go and ask!”

Xiong Zhuangshi took the lead, strode forward, three steps and two steps, and then came behind the two old men.

“Hello, two uncles, I’m a policeman from Beining Branch…” Xiong Zhuangshi greeted him in a loud voice.

When they heard someone speak, the two old men were startled and stood up suddenly.

Look back!

The strong bear-like body of Xiong Zhuang came into view.

Until they hear the word police.

The performance is even more amazing.

I haven’t waited for Xiong Zhuang to understand his intentions.

The two old men were quite unexpected.

Sayazi and run!

Not even fishing rods and buckets!

Don’t look back.

Don’t say, although these two old men look at least in their 60s, their legs and feet are really neat.


It’s about ten seconds.

The two old men ran at least 80 meters away.

Xiong Zhuangshi was stunned by this scene!

After waiting for the response.

“Hey! Wait! Uncle! Uncle! Don’t run!” Xiong Zhuangshi shouted while chasing wildly. “What are you running for?”


The two old men heard shouts.

Run faster!

Run away like a joy!

“You two should be Uncle Zhang and Uncle Li who often fish by the lake!” Lin Nan asked.

The two old men looked at each other, your words, my words, serious nonsense:

Uncle Li: “No!”

Uncle Zhang: “You’re looking for the wrong person!”

Uncle Li: “My surname is not Zhang!”

Uncle Zhang: “My surname is not Li either!”

Uncle Li: “We never fish!”

Uncle Zhang: “I was just helping people see things!”

Lin Nan’s face is full of black lines. He has already guessed why these two uncles ran away!

The emotional partner thought that he and Xiong Zhuang were here to catch them fishing.

There are fish in this artificial lake, but Spring Breeze Park stipulates that fishing is not allowed.

“Uncle Zhang, Uncle Li, I didn’t come to you because of fishing!” After Lin Nan figured out the reason, he took out the photo on his mobile phone and said in a serious tone, “I have a business!”

“The aunt’s daughter is missing! Someone said that her daughter appeared in Chunfeng Park on Wednesday.”

“So, I want to ask your second elder, have you seen it before!”

“Hey! This is the photo!”

With that said, Lin Nan handed over the phone.

As soon as the two old men heard the reason, they stopped skinning, and immediately took over the mobile phone and looked at it while recalling.

“This girl is called Lu Tiantian,” Lin Nan said. “He is around 165 and weighs 110. She likes to wear a white shirt with a cartoon head.”

Lu Tiantian’s mother waited anxiously, but didn’t dare to interrupt, her eyes were full of hope.

“I think about it! This little girl!” Uncle Zhang touched his chin. “I seem to have seen something similar.”

“But just seeing it from a distance, I can’t be sure.”

“You stay with me every day, why didn’t I see it?” Uncle Li frowned.

“Just three days ago, at 5 o’clock on Wednesday night.” Uncle Zhang argued, “We took the fishing rod… oh no… when we walked here.”

“I once saw this little girl, painting in the gazebo over there, next to a woman in a white dress.”

“Afterwards, when we approached, the two of them had already put away their drawing boards and left chatting and laughing!”

“And then, we ignored it and started fishing… oh! Wrong again! Start walking!”

“A woman in a white dress?” Lin Nan looked at the pavilion pointed by the two uncles, and muttered to himself, “Painting?”

“It shouldn’t have anything to do with her!”

“Hopefully not!”

“probably not!”

“I’m really stunned. Whenever I encounter a disappearance case, I think of her.”

At this time.

Colleagues from the Criminal Investigation Team of the West Lake District Bureau of Longming City also arrived here. *

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