Chapter 26 I always feel that Captain Zhang Hai is like an old general in the ring!

The more you know, the more tangled you are sometimes.

Lin Nan is like this now. He knows too much, he knows too much, he is a little confused.

Behind Zhao Laifu’s case, there are countless hidden and social phenomena.

With the help of the aunts from all sides, Lin Nan pieced together the ins and outs of the whole incident.

Li Yougui’s son and two little boys in the same class framed Zhao Laifu’s granddaughter Zhao Ying’er for stealing.

After the parents of both sides arrived at the school, the parents of the three boys bullied the grandparents and grandchildren, and humiliated and satirized them in every possible way.

The little girl couldn’t figure it out for a while and fell off the building.

Zhao Laifu who lost everything.

He was entangled by the outcast little yellow-haired Liu Ming every three to five.

In the end, Zhao Laifu’s resentment broke out, raised his butcher’s knife, and took revenge on all the resentful targets.

Bear children, bear parents, school bullying, eating single family…

Behind these twelve lives, there are too many things hidden.

Among them, the enmity and hatred are right and wrong.

Who can figure it out?

Is there anything wrong with the three bear children and the three parents?


Right and wrong, bully the soft and fear the hard!

Is Xiao Huang Mao Liu Ming wrong?


Greedy stupid, full of malice.

Is Zhao Laifu wrong?

Also wrong!

Raise the butcher knife, stain your hands with blood, and break the law!

The only innocent among them.

Probably only the little girl Zhao Ying’er who fell off the building!

“Xiao Linzi, I have sent that Liu Ming to treatment! He is much stronger than the old man before, so he broke his rib and smashed his elbow.” Li Yanran jumped up and down full of energy: “That serial link The theft is also closed.”

“Let’s go! Let’s go to the cafeteria to eat. I heard that there is a pot of meat in the pot today, so let’s go and get it! If it’s too late, there will be no more.”

After being interrupted, Lin Nan nodded silently and glanced at Li Yanran.

I muttered silently in my heart:

I never imagined that I would still be so hypocritical.

Still too little experience.

I’m just the detective in charge of solving the case, why do I think so much!

I don’t want it anymore, I don’t want it anymore!

Waste of brain cells!


Longyang City Spring Breeze Park.

In the gazebo by the small lake.

A drawing board and a brush.

A beautiful woman in a white dress paints a lotus flower in the lake.

One tick and one touch, one point at a time, a lotus flower is lifelike.

The breeze blows, the white clothes flutter, the gazebo is beautiful, and the beautiful women paint.

This beautiful scene caught the attention of a girl wearing a Pikachu white shirt.

She jumped into the pavilion, looking at the beautiful woman in the dress who was painting, with a little bit of unintelligible longing and longing in her eyes.

“Miss, Miss, your lotus paintings are so beautiful, can you teach me?”

Beautiful woman in white dress looks back.

It turned out that the one who struck up a conversation was a little sister, and she was very cute and lovable.

Heart of beauty in everyone.

The tone of the beauty in the white dress instantly softened.

“Little sister, thank you for your compliment.”

“However, learning to draw is a very difficult and boring thing.”

The Pikachu girl said seriously: “It’s okay! I’m learning very fast, can you teach me?”

The beauty in the white dress thought for a while and decided to teach her to look.

“Okay! You can try it!”

The Pikachu girl said in surprise: “Wow! Miss, you are so kind!”

The beauty in the white dress began to teach her carefully.

The two chatted while studying.

“Miss, Miss, what’s your name!”

“My name is Leng Chulu!”

“Wow! Miss Sister, your name is so nice, can I call you Sister Leng?”

“Okay! How about you? Little sister, what’s your name?”

“My name is Lan Xiner!”

“Your name sounds nice too. I’ll call you Xin’er! Come on, the lotus leaf of this lotus should be like this.”

Leng Chulu smiled and demonstrated the painting method of lotus leaves with a brush, with graceful movements and dignified posture.

The longing and longing in Lan Xiner’s eyes became more and more intense, and she was almost ready to come out.

Time passed by, and 5 or 6 hours later, the sun began to slowly go down.

The two women gradually became familiar with each other.

“Xin Er, your painting talent is really good. In one afternoon, this lotus flower has already taken shape.”

“I’ve drawn anime characters before, but this is the first time I’ve drawn this realistic-style lotus flower.”

“By the way, you said that you are here to travel. Have you found a place to live?”

“Hey! I forgot, Sister Leng, can you let me live with you for a day?”

“Uh… well! Anyway, my bed is enough for two girls.”

“Thank you, Sister Leng! Hee hee hee…”

“It’s getting late, let’s go back first!”

“Okay! Sister Leng, let me get the drawing board for you.”

The beautiful woman in the white dress is smiling coldly.

So lucky.

I met a lovely little sister today.

In this crowd of people, it is really fate for the two of us to meet!

It was getting late and the sun was setting.

The last afterglow of the setting sun shone on these two beauties of similar height and body shape, revealing a bit of blush.

in a trance.

The two shadows seemed to overlap.


Beining Branch.

“It’s almost time to get off work!” Xiong Zhuangshi shouted: “I don’t know where to eat this time? It won’t be bleeding!”

“Hahaha… You idiot, don’t take it seriously!” Captain Zhang Hai walked in with a smile. “Just kidding! Do you really believe it? It’s made by AA!”

“This time, everyone will go to the forest barbecue restaurant for dinner, and I have already made a reservation.”

“Eating barbecue? Good guy! This is my specialty.” Xiong Zhuangshi’s eyes lit up. “Are you full?”

Zhang Hai: “Go away!”

After get off work, a group of more than ten colleagues changed into casual clothes, and walked to the barbecue shop in a lively manner, and walked into a private room with ease.

“This shop tastes very good.” Captain Zhang Hai introduced: “It is a shop opened by the son of a retired old policeman from our Beining branch.”

“We often come here to eat.”

During the conversation, various dishes were brought up.

Pork belly, sirloin, lamb chops, tender beef, chicken breast…

stab, stab…

Sisters Tan Xiaotong and Tan Xiaoxiao are in charge of the roasting, and the two sisters control the heat very well.

When the roast is slightly browned, roll the roast on the heated side.

In less than a moment, the rich barbecue smell came to the nostrils.

The group chatted while eating, and the atmosphere gradually became hot.

“Xiao Lin! You’re still young, you’ve been dealing with civil disputes before, and you still don’t know about the criminal investigation.” Captain Zhang Hai pointedly said: “Sometimes, when you see a lot of things, you just I can see it.”

“We are the people’s police, the protector of the people, and the people who carry the burden.”

“So, you must have enough mental preparation and tolerance.”

“Also, it’s not my fault, the public security environment in Longyang City is very good.”

“Large-scale serial vicious cases like the day before yesterday are extremely rare, and it can happen once in a few years.”

“Even if it’s an ordinary homicide, it’s not that common.”

“The most cases are accidental injuries and accidents.”

“This society is still very beautiful!”

“I see, Team Zhang, don’t worry!” Lin Nan nodded with a smile and said, “I’m fine, but it’s the first time I’ve encountered such a thing, so it’s unavoidable.”

However, for some unknown reason, Lin Nan always felt that Captain Zhang Hai seemed to have set up a great Flay just now.


Might be an illusion! *

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