Chapter 25 When you look into the abyss, the abyss is also watching you!

“Officer, don’t scare me!”

“How is that possible? I’m just stealing!”

“How can it be sentenced to ten years?”

Xiao Huangmao Liu Ming had a look of disbelief, and loudly fingerprinted: “Besides, you are just a policeman, not a judge or a lawyer. How could you know so much?”

Lin Nan drank tea to moisten his throat and replied kindly:

“Who said stealing won’t take a long time?”

“In the past three years, you have carried out 36 burglaries in Longyang City, and the total amount involved is about 110,000 yuan, which is a particularly huge amount.”

“As long as you steal more than 60,000 yuan, you will have at least a 10-year sentence.”

“And your amount involved has already exceeded 60,000.”


“These little legal knowledge are common sense!”

“You must remember it in the future!”

Xiao Huangmao Liu Ming was trembling all over, his mood fell into the abyss again, and he felt a deep despair.

ten years!

He didn’t know that stealing something would be sentenced to ten years.

Originally thought it would be a month, at most a year!

Anger rushed to his heart.

Blame him!

If he hadn’t put himself together.

I will definitely not explain it so cleanly, and I will not be sentenced for so long.

The little yellow-haired Liu Ming gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Nan, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

Unbearable, no need to endure.

“You…you…you TM, did you deliberately put Laozi together before? I drafted a horse, you bastard, you plot against me.” Liu Ming yelled angrily. “f*ck a batch…”

Lin Nan had expected Liu Ming’s behavior at this time, and he was not angry at all.

Treat those insults as a breeze, neither happy nor sad.

Pointing at Liu Ming casually, he said:

“Okay! The transcript is finished, you can press him back, and when the court gives the sentencing result, he can go home.”

When Xiao Huangmao Liu Ming heard the word home, he became even more irritable, and the scolding never stopped.

“Your grandma is a bear, insidious and despicable villain, you must not die…”

Li Yanran frowned and untied his handcuffs from the table, and said angrily: “Stop talking nonsense! Let’s go! It will be sentenced to more than ten years, isn’t it because of your own crime?”

“Go to prison, reform well!”

Xiao Huangmao Liu Ming: “Okay! Dog man and woman, you TM is also with him, I’m chachacha…”

This obscene remark made Li Yanran’s forehead bulge with anger, her silver teeth clenched and her fists clenched tightly, wishing she could punch in the past.

However, Li Yanran held back and couldn’t fight, which did not meet the rules.

at this time.

Lin Nan’s peach blossom eyes narrowed, like a sly fox, with a mocking smile at the corners of his mouth, and uttering words of punishment.

“Right! I forgot to tell you just now. It is also against the law to insult state law enforcement officers.”

“Congratulations, you have added a period of time to your sentence again, this time you can stay at home for a while.”

Xiao Huangmao Liu Ming was so angry that he lost his mind.

Coincidentally, at this moment, the handcuffs have just been opened, and the other hand has not been chained.

Liu Ming charged at Lin Nan with his teeth and claws, and roared, “Damn it! Damn it, I’ll fight you!”


Just two steps away!

A huge force came from behind.

Just hear a whistle.

Liu Ming was slapped hard on the wall.

“Humph! Courting death! How dare you resist in front of me?” Li Yanran snorted coldly.

After saying that, she stepped forward quickly, picked up the little yellow-haired Liu Ming who had been lying on the ground, moaning all the time, and put handcuffs on both of his hands.

Afterwards, Li Yanran carried Liu Ming and continued to go out.

While passing by, Lin Nan narrowed his eyes and gave the final blow.

“Hey! Now you have another crime of assaulting a police officer. I’m afraid that in the future, you will really have to sit through the bottom of the prison, so you should take the prison as your own.”

“I hope you can reform well in prison and become a new person in your lifetime.”

What is homicide?

This is murder!

It’s the kind of serial killing, non-stop, and seamless connection!

The little yellow-haired Liu Ming was so stimulated that his eyes turned red, his whole body trembled, and he spat out a few words.

“You…you…are you the devil…the devil?”

Before he could finish speaking, he had already lost consciousness.

Lin Nan watched Li Yanran twist her petite body unscientifically, and left with one hand carrying the little yellow-haired Liu Ming.


The door to the next room opened.

Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team came out.

It turned out that he was in the surveillance room on the side, watching the interrogation of Lin Nan and Li Yanran.

Captain Zhang Hai said with a serious face: “Xiao Lin, was what you just did on purpose? Why did you do it?”

Lin Nan replied calmly: “Captain, what are you talking about? What is intentional or not? I just give him some legal knowledge.”

“I didn’t expect him to be so excited.”

“It’s still not enough legal knowledge!”

Captain Zhang Hai waved his hand and said solemnly: “Don’t talk about these useless things, forget it this time, don’t play side balls in the future.”

“However, you must remember to always keep in mind the beliefs of the police and restrain your behavior.”

“When you look into the abyss, the abyss is watching you.”

After speaking, Captain Zhang Hai left with his hands behind his back.

Lin Nan stood silently and looked at the information on the phone.

[Auntie Song of Kanghua Community: Xiao Lin, are you asking about the old Zhao head of Building 7? His family has a lot of work. In the past two years, his granddaughter was gone, and he was left alone at home. There was a little gangster with yellow hair who came to harass him every three days…]

Time itself is the greatest weapon, like the matter of Zhao Laifu’s granddaughter.

Originally, with the passage of time, all resentment will slowly disappear and turn into memories.

But if someone comes to open the wound every three or five minutes, he still has a bad heart.

That will only build up resentment.

In the end, it turns into hatred and devours everything.

“Why am I doing this?”

“It may be because Liu Ming was the last straw that overwhelmed Zhao Laifu’s rationality. He pushed an honest man into the real abyss.”

The granddaughter’s death was the cause, and Liu Ming’s harassment and stimulation were the catalyst.

Twelve lives were the result of this series of tragedies. *

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